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如何查找论文 文献库—闫老师 专业学会/权威机构主办杂志(英文为主) 出版商出版的杂志(英文为主) 杂志网站(英文为主) PubMed 在线免费英文生物医学文献库(题录和文摘)http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ 维谱、CNKI、万方 在线付费中文生物医学文献库(题录、文摘及全文,包括各杂志稿约、引文检索等) BIOSIS 在线付费英文生物学文献库(题录、文摘) SciFinder 在线付费化学英文文献及信息库(结构式、引文) Science Citation Index 在线付费英文全科学文献及引引文库(题录、文摘) 专业学会/权威机构主办杂志(英文为主) 出版商出版的杂志(英文为主) 杂志网站(英文为主)

查阅在线期刊论文 Nature出版集团期刊数十种 Cell出版社期刊十余种 New Engl J Med(新英格兰医学杂志) Science(杂志) Lancet(柳叶刀)出版集团多种杂志 Proc Nat Acad Sci USA美国科学院院报 美国实验生物学会联合会(FSAEB)加盟学会出版刊数十种 JAMA(美国医学会杂志)等 AMA(美国医学会)主办的十余种综合与专科杂志 Brit Med J(英国医学杂志)出版集团几十种杂志 AHA(美国心脏协会)五种心血管系世界顶级杂志 Am Cancer Soc(美国癌症学会) Am Diabetes Assoc(美国糖尿病协会)……

Nature http://www.nature.com/index.html

Science http://www.sciencemag.org/

Cell http://www.cell.com/


从Cell主页,点击各英文刊名,可链接以下九种分支杂志: (一)+免疫(Immunity)1995年创刊 (二)+神经元(Neuron)1988年创刊 (三)+分子细胞(Molecular Cell)1997年创刊 (四)+结构(Structure)1994年创刊 (五)+现代生物学(Current Biology)1994年创刊 (六)+发育细胞(Developmental Cell)2001年创刊 (七)+癌细胞(Cancer Cell)2002年创刊 (八)+化学与生物(Chemistry & Biology )1995年创 (九)+细胞代谢(Cell Metabolism)2004年11月创刊

The New England Journal of Medicine, NEJM http://content.nejm.org/

Journal of Clinical Investigation,JCI http://www.jci.org/

Lancet http://www.thelancet.com/journals


Proc National Academy of Sciences of USA, PNAS http://www.pnas.org/

FASEB Journal http://www.fasebj.org

Brit Medical Journal,BMJ http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/

Journal of American Medical Association,JAMA http://jama.ama-assn.org/

PubMed Central(http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/) 科学出版物国际网络(International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications,INASP)(http://www.inasp.info/health/links/contents.shtml) INASP是WHO、澳大利亚、英国、美国、挪威、丹麦、瑞典等十余个机构资助,在英国注册的一个慈善机构。为发展中和转型国家卫生专业人员、医学图书馆选取网站的优秀互联网通路,共精选站点600余个。 Highwire免费杂志目录(http://highwire.stanford.edu/lists/freeart.dtl) PubMed Central(http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/)

科学出版物国际网络 在其综合卫生资源(General Health Resources)大类下的19个类目中,展示: 词典与专业词汇 全文电子图书fulltext E-Books 全文电子杂志Fulltext E-journals 影像集Image Collections 医学教育与临床技能Medical Education and Clinical Skills 五类内容,为发展中国家专业人员提供的信息资源导航作用极大。


INASP信息 (一)Medical Education and Clinical Skills 打开网页,它推荐15个非常重要的网站网址,如:eMedicine,GFMER、Medicalstudent.com等等,在本书以后章节都会着力分析、论述。

(二)Highwire免费杂志目录 http://highwire.stanford.edu/lists/freeart.dtl 点击INASP的全文电子杂志(Fulltext E-Journals),显示22个网址,其中提供学术性较强免费杂志覆盖面较宽者是Highwire和PubMed。 Highwire是斯坦福大学提供的电子免费(或有条件免费)目录,其中生物医学著名杂志较多,但外科、五官科、妇产科、放射学杂志向全球用户提供免费利用者很少,该目录更新较快,但有些学会或商业出版社自行决定是否免费,并不必定交Highwire处理,如Cell出版社刊物,Anesthesiology杂志等免费并不出现于本目录。

(三)PubMed Central(http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/) 是美国卫生研究院下属国立医学图书馆提供的数字化免费期刊资源,可与Highwire互补。

INASP与NCBI免费图书 国际权威医学著作极少免费上网。有些医学院自用教材或版次稍旧名著可在网上找到,INASP提供了可贵的可链接网站http://www.freebooks4doctors.com/fb/special.htm提供600多种各学科免费图书。 从NCBI(美国生物技术信息中心)http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ 首页点击Books,显示美国医学图书馆免费上网图书目录,其中基础医学图书较多,临床医学较少,学术可信度高,书种在不断增加。




Book List Alternative Medicine and Rehabilitation: A Guide for Practitioners Wainapel, Stanley F.; Fast, Avital, editors New York: Demos Medical Publishing, Inc. ; c2003 Annual Reviews Collection [Internet] Twelve articles reproduced from the Annual Reviews Series. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI ; 2002 Nov Antiretroviral Resistance in Clinical Practice Geretti, Anna Maria, editor London: Mediscript Ltd.; c2006 Approved Lists of Bacterial Names Skerman, V.B.D.; McGowan, Vicki; Sneath, P.H.A., editors Washington (DC): American Society for Microbiology; c1989 Basic Neurochemistry: Molecular, Cellular, and Medical Aspects Siegel, George J.; Agranoff, Bernard W.; Albers, R. Wayne; Fisher, Stephen K.; Uhler, Michael D., editors Philadelphia: Lippincott,Williams & Wilkins ; c1999

Biochemistry Berg, Jeremy M.; Tymoczko, John L.; and Stryer, Lubert. New York: W. H. Freeman and Co. ; c2002 Blood Groups and Red Cell Antigens [Internet] Dean, Laura Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI ; 2005 Cancer Medicine Kufe, Donald W.; Pollock, Raphael E.; Weichselbaum, Ralph R.; Bast, Robert C., Jr.; Gansler, Ted S.; Holland, James F.; Frei III, Emil, editors. Hamilton (Canada): BC Decker Inc. ; c2003 Cardiology Explained Ashley, Euan A.; Niebauer, Josef London: Remedica; c2004 C. elegans II Riddle, Donald L.; Blumenthal, Thomas; Meyer, Barbara J.; Priess, James R., editors. Plainview (NY): Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ; c1997

The Cell - A Molecular Approach Cooper, Geoffrey M. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates, Inc. ; c2000 Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. 2nd edition Patrias, Karen, author; Wendling, Dan, editor Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI; 2007 Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults Bethesda (MD): National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) ; 1998 Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations Walker, H.K.; Hall, W.D.; Hurst, J.W., editors Stoneham (MA): Butterworth Publishers; c1990 Coffee Break Bethesda (MD):National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI; 2003 Oct Collective Expert Evaluation Reports INSERM Collective Expertise Centre Paris: Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) ; c2000-2004

Developmental Biology Gilbert, Scott F. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates, Inc. ; c2000 Disease and Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa Jamison, Dean T.; Feachem, Richard G.; Makgoba, Malegapuru W.; Bos, Eduard R.; Baingana, Florence K.; Hofman, Karen J.; Rogo, Khama O., editors Washington (DC): The World Bank; c2006 Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries Dean T. Jamison, Joel G. Breman, Anthony R. Measham, George Alleyne, Mariam Claeson, David B. Evans, Prabhat Jha, Anne Mills, Philip Musgrove, editors Washington (DC): IBRD/The World Bank and Oxford University Press ; 2006 Dynamics of Cancer Frank, Steven A. Princeton (NJ): Princeton University Press; c2007 Ecology, Epidemiology, and Evolution of Parasitism in Daphnia [Internet]. Ebert, Dieter Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI ; 2005 Endocrinology: An Integrated Approach Nussey, S.S. and Whitehead, S.A. London: Taylor & Francis ; c2001

Essentials of Glycobiology Varki, Ajit; Cummings, Richard; Esko, Jeffrey; Freeze, Hudson; Hart, Gerald; Marth, Jamey, editors. Plainview (NY): Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ; c1999 Eurekah Bioscience Collection Chapters taken from the Eurekah Bioscience database. Eurekah.com and Landes Bioscience ; c2003 Fabry disease: Perspectives from 5 years of FOS Mehta, Atul; Beck, Michael; Sunder-Plassmann, Gere, editors Oxford (UK): Oxford PharmaGenesis Ltd. ; c2006 GeneReviews Pagon, Roberta A., Editor-in-chief; Cassidy, Suzanne B.; Bird, Thomas C.; Dinulos, Mary Beth; Feldman, Gerald L.; Smith, Richard J.H.; Dolan, Cynthia R.; Associate editors. Seattle (WA): University of Washington ; c1993-2007 Genes and Disease Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI ; The Genetic Landscape of Diabetes [Internet] Dean, Laura; McEntyre, J.R. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI ; 2004 Jun

Genetics for Surgeons Morrison, Patrick J.; Spence, Roy A.J., authors Hatchwell, Eli, series editor London: Remedica; c2005 Genomes Brown, T.A. New York and London: Garland Science ; c2002 Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors Alan D. Lopez, Colin D. Mathers, Majid Ezzati, Dean T. Jamison, Christopher J. L. Murray, editors Washington (DC): IBRD/The World Bank and Oxford University Press ; 2006 Guide to Peripheral and Cerebrovascular Intervention Bhatt, Deepak L., editor London: Remedica; c2004 Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma Bethesda (MD): National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) ; 1997 Health Services/Technology Assessment Text (HSTAT) Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2003 Oct Health, United States, 2004 Atlanta (GA): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ; 2004

Health, United States, 2005 Atlanta (GA): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ; 2005 Health, United States, 2006 Atlanta (GA): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; c2006 Helicobacter pylori Mobley, Harry L.T.; Mendz, George L.; Hazell, Stuart L., editors Washington (DC): ASM Press ; c2001 Historical Works: Medicine in the Americas History of Medicine Division Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2004 Mar The Human ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Transporter Superfamily Dean, Michael. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI ; 2002 Nov Human Molecular Genetics 2 Strachan, Tom and Read, Andrew P. New York and London: Garland Science ; c1999 Imitators of Epilepsy Kaplan, Peter W.; Fisher, Robert S., editors New York: Demos Medical Publishing ; c2005

Immunobiology Janeway, Charles A.; Travers, Paul; Walport, Mark; Shlomchik, Mark New York and London: Garland Science ; c2001 Immunology and Evolution of Infectious Disease Frank, Steven A. Princeton (NJ): Princeton University Press; c2002 Inflammatory Atherosclerosis: Characteristics of the Injurious Agent Frink, Richard J. Sacramento: Heart Research Foundation of Sacramento ; c2002 International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria LaPage, S.P.; Sneath, P.H.A.; Lessel, E.F.; Skerman, V.B.D.; Seeliger, H.P.R.; Clark, W.A., editors Washington (DC): American Society for Microbiology ; c1992 The Intolerable Burden of Malaria: II. What's New, What's Needed Breman, Joel G.; Alilio, Martin S.; Mills, A., editors Cleveland (OH): The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene ; c2004 An Introduction to Epilepsy Bromfield, Edward B.; Cavazos, José E.; Sirven, Joseph I., editors Bethesda (MD): American Epilepsy Society ; c2006 Introduction to Genetic Analysis Griffiths, Anthony J.F.; Miller, Jeffrey H.; Suzuki, David T.; Lewontin, Richard C.; Gelbart, William M. New York: W. H. Freeman & Co. ; c1999

The KIR Gene Cluster Carrington, Mary; Norman, Paul. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI ; 2003 Mapping Protein/DNA Interactions by Cross-Linking INSERM Paris: Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) ; c2001 Mechanosensitivity in Cells and Tissues Kamkin, Andre; Kiseleva, Irina, editors Moscow: Academia Publishing House Ltd.; c2005 Medical Microbiology Baron, Samuel, editor. Galveston (TX): University of Texas Medical Branch ; c1996 Metagenomics: Sequences from the Environment Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI; 2006 Modern Genetic Analysis Griffiths, Anthony J.F.; Gelbart, William M.; Miller, Jeffrey H.; Lewontin, Richard C. New York: W. H. Freeman & Co. ; c1999 Molecular Biology of the Cell Alberts, Bruce; Johnson, Alexander; Lewis, Julian; Raff, Martin; Roberts, Keith; Walter, Peter New York and London: Garland Science ; c2002

Molecular Cell Biology Lodish, Harvey; Berk, Arnold; Zipursky, S. Lawrence; Matsudaira, Paul; Baltimore, David; Darnell, James E. New York: W. H. Freeman & Co. ; c1999 Molecular Imaging and Contrast Agent Database Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI ; 2004-2005 The NCBI C++ Toolkit [Internet] Vakatov, Denis; Siyan, Karanjit; Ostell, James, editors. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI ; 2004 April The NCBI Handbook McEntyre, J.; Ostell, J., editors Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI ; 2002-2005 NCBI Help Manual Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI ; 2005 NCBI Short Courses Airozo, Diana; Al-Ubaydli, Mohammad; Sayers, Eric; Wheeler, David Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI ; 2004 Neuroscience Purves, Dale; Augustine, George J.; Fitzpatrick, David; Katz, Lawrence C.; LaMantia, Anthony-Samuel; McNamara, James O.; Williams, S. Mark. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates, Inc. ; c2001

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The Sixth Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure Bethesda (MD): National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) ; 1997 Chapter 6, Smallpox and Vaccinia Plotkin, Stanley A.; Orenstein, Walter A., editors. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company ; c1999 Spinal Cord Medicine: Principles and Practice Lin, Vernon W., editor New York: Demos Medical Publishing, Inc. ; c2003 A Stereotaxic Atlas of the Brain of the Zebra Finch Nixdorf-Bergweiler, Barbara E.; Bischof, Hans-Joachim Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI; c2007 Surgical Treatment - Evidence-Based and Problem-Oriented Holzheimer, Rene G.; Mannick, John A., editors. Munich: Zuckschwerdt Publishers ; c2001 Webvision: The Organization of the Retina and Visual System Kolb, Helga; Fernandez, Eduardo; Nelson, Ralph, editors Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), NCBI; 2007 WormBook: The Online Review of C. elegans Biology The C. elegans Research

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世界卫生组织(WHO)九种连续出版物、专题报告、指南、多种数据库 美国卫生研究院(NIH)各种研究所、中心、图书馆出版杂志、多项研究报告(发表于国际顶级杂志)、指南(Consensus Statements)、多种数据库、Medlineplus数百个主题信息资源等等 美国疾病防控中心(CDC)三种杂志、HugeNet、预防指南、多种数据库、知识库 美国食品药品管理局(FDA)多项文件、新闻、专题报告、数据库、知识库 各国医学院、研究所、专业学协会杂志、指南、标准、教育资源、数据库、知识库 中国及其它各国卫生部、公共管理部门、药管局等指南、标准、指导文件、数据库 国际知名出版社不断更新的多种生物医学专业核心权威著作与期刊……

CDC http://www.cdc.gov/ FDA http://www.fda.org NIH http://www.nih.gov 分支机构、数据库(尤其是临床试验数据库) WHO http://www.who.int WHO的统计信息系统数据库 CDC http://www.cdc.gov/ 预防指南(Prevention Guideline) FDA http://www.fda.org 药物注册及上市、标准指南 FASEB http://www.faseb.org 成员学会及其出版物

点击首页Institutes(http://www.nih.gov/icd/),即进入NIH下属机构28个网页。 临床试验数据库(http://clinicaltrials.gov/)向用户提供由美国政府与私人资助在自愿者身体进行的临床试验信息。这种信息定期更新。检索途径有: 专题检索Focused Search____在Disease or condition框内如输入苯丙酮尿症(phenylalanine hydrolase deficiency),就能检出2项试验。点击试验项目下划线,即显示治疗用药药名、第几期试验、试验设计、试验目的、试验启动日期、招收受试者条件和排除条件、和其它相关信息,此外还提供相关链接点。 浏览(按病名、资助机构等等)如:Browse by Condition(按病名字顺),也可得到同样结果。截止05年5月本数据库约含13000个,由NIH、其它联邦政府机构和私营企业资助的试验项目。这些项目在美国国内和100多其它国家进行。

Medlineplus (http://www. nlm. nih

从WHOSIS主页点击“Statistics by Topics”,就进入WHOSIS按主题提供的统计信息页面,可深入到艾滋病、传染病、非传染病、热带病、疫苗可预防病、动物传播病、生殖卫生、 儿童与青少年健康与发育、精神卫生(含自杀与精神作用物质滥用)、烟草、盲聋、化学制品安全、药物信息、综合主题等等多方面信息。


CDC Wonder(http://wonder. cdc CDC Wonder(http://wonder.cdc.gov/)是CDC的综合数据库,提供利用CDC各下属机构各种报告和公共卫生数据的链接点。预防指南(prevention guidelines(archive))是其中最重要成品之一,反映美国对各个重大疾病防控问题最高水平的总结。1998年以前的指南可由指南主题目录点击展开。1998年以后指南应点击CDC recommends 检索。还有许多其他重要文件从Wonder 主页链接。举“性传播疾病”和“肝移植”指南为例,两个文件都全面总结了美国专家对该主题的成果与认识,由于CDC网页内容丰富复杂,有些很有价值的信息与文件 .



道伦图解医学辞典(Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary) W.A.Newman Dorland主编,W.B.Sanders公司出版,2003年第30版,2190页。含11.8万余词条,有12.2万余术语定义,1100余幅彩图,增订的附录和图表,尽管不是百科全书,它提供的词条规范准确,各国编写不同文种的医学辞典,必以它为参考。MeSH采用新词条,也常参考本书。该书纯英文,国内有不同英汉翻译版本。

Stedman医学辞典(Stedman’s Medical Dictionary) T.L.Stedman主编,Lippincott Williams&Wilkins公司出版,2000年,27版。 是另一国际知名英文医学辞典,可与Dorland’s互相补充,国内也有英汉翻译本。

Onelook(http://www.onelook.com/) 可综合检索993种辞典620余万词条(汇总文理各科),许多新版医学辞典也被索及,内容兼顾基础临床各学科。

在线医学辞典(Online Medical Dictionary,OMD) http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/omd/ 广受国际推崇,反映新词汇较多。

美国国立医学图书馆医学百科全书http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/encyclopedia.htm 以4000余篇关于疾病、检验、症状、损伤、手术论文内容为基础,尤重临床医学词汇。对某些专指性很强的术语,虽无定义解答,但可提供相关参考资料,显示出该工具的百科全书特性。

医学主题词MeSH数据库(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) 点击PubMed,再点击MeSH Database是找出某一医学术语规范命名与定义的最佳工具

图谱、影像资源 GFMER多器官医学影像选集 (http://www.gfmer.ch/selected_images_v2/index.php) Findlaw影像(http://medpics.findlaw.com/findlawindex.php) 。