How great His faithfulness! How deep His love! How rich His mercy!


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Presentation transcript:

How great His faithfulness! How deep His love! How rich His mercy! How vast His grace! How great His faithfulness! How deep His love! How rich His mercy! How high His thoughts! How sure His wisdom! And all of these, He gives to me. 祂的恩典何等浩瀚,祂的信實何等廣大 祂的愛何等深,祂的憐憫何等豐厚 祂的意念何等高,祂的智慧何等精密 祂將這一切都賜給我 All of These 這一切(1)

So I will praise Him with every breath, For He has rescued me from certain death. And now this life I live, I live in Him. O let His glory shine while mine grows dim. 我一生要讚美祂,因祂救我脫離死亡 我如今活著是活在祂裡面 願祂的榮耀彰顯, 願我衰微 All of These 這一切(2)

How just His ways! How good His discipline! (I was so lost with nowhere to turn,) How pure His truth! How kind His goodness! (I never would have found my way without His hand.) How calm His peace! How long His patience! (He reached down for me. I’ll never understand how all of these.) 祂的道何等公義,祂的管教何等美善 (我曾迷失方向,無處可投靠) 祂的真理何等純全,祂的恩惠何等仁慈 (若非祂手領我,我絕無法尋著正路) 祂的平安何等穩妥,祂的忍耐何等長久 (祂施援手救拔我, 這一切我永遠無法明瞭) All of These 這一切(3)

And all of these, He gives to me. So I will praise Him with every breath, for He has rescued me from certain death. And now this life I live, I live in Him. O let His glory shine while mine grows dim. 而祂將這一切都賜給我 我一生要讚美祂,因祂救我脫離死亡 我如今活著是活在祂裡面 願祂的榮耀彰顯, 願我衰微 All of These 這一切(4)

How vast His grace! How broad His power! How great His faithfulness! How grand His majesty! How deep His love! How true His reign! How rich His mercy! How bright His glory! How high His thoughts! How strong His might! How sure His wisdom! How clear His triumph! 祂的恩典何等浩瀚,祂的能力何等高超 祂的信實何等廣大,祂的威嚴何等尊貴 祂的愛何等深, 祂的王權何等真實 祂的憐憫何等豐厚, 祂的榮耀何等輝煌 祂的意念何等高,祂的權勢何等堅強 祂的智慧何等精密,祂的勝利何等明確 All of These 這一切(5)

And all of these, He gives to me. So I will praise Him with every breath, for He has rescued me from certain death. And now this life I live, I live in Him. O let His glory shine while mine grows dim. Amen! Amen! 祂將這一切都賜給我 我一生要讚美祂,因祂救我脫離死亡 我如今活著是活在祂裡面 願祂的榮耀彰顯, 願我衰微 All of These 這一切(6)