Sham Chung Application No. Plan Area District Y/DPA/NE-SC/1 Plan Area Sham Chung District Sha Tin, Tai Po & North District Date of Application Received 23/7/08 Location Various Lots in D.D. 190 and D.D. 203 and adjoining Government Land, Sham Chung, New Territories Proposal Rezoning from “Agriculture”, “Village Type Development”, “Green Belt” and “Conservation Area” to “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Ecological Enhancement and Eco-tourism Development”, “Village “Conservation Area”
Geographical Condition Eastern part of Ma On Shan Southern part of Tolo Harbour Northern part of Sai Kung Peninsula , near Kei Ling Ha Hoi Near to the Sai Kung Country Park Surrounded by the hills(Shek Nga Tau, Shek Uk Shan and Wa Mei Shan) Have an important swamp in Hong Kong There are Feng Shui woodland, along the Mangroves ,wide stream Nearly half of the area is owned by the government
A village of Hakka, Lee family came from Sha Tau Kok in Qing Dynasty, mainly are farmers In 1985, Sham Chung Harbour was awarded the Sites of Special Scientific Interest In early 2000, a developer wanted to convert it to a golf course, but the idea was banned by the government Background
About 30 kinds of dragonfly, over 70 kinds of butterfly, about 50 kinds of fish, 120 kinds of birds had been seen in Sham Chung Many rare type of insects and fish can be found High ecological value and important historical value Have a big piece of grassland, attract many people for camping in recent year
Pros recreational areas available tourist spot → promote tourism more job opportunities better transportation network revenue (for the company—Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd.) tax revenue (for the government e.g. Profits Tax )
Cons Golf course -- the vehicles used in the golf course may cause air pollution they emit some greenhouse gases --less trees for absorbing carbon dioxide (∵less photosynthesis) building a golf course need to cut off all the trees nearby
--Destroy the ecosystem ∴ trees are cut down → destory the habitats of birds Affect the livelihood of the residents most people will go the golf course there rather than the grange there
Our Standpoint Sham Chung should develop into a golf course: can fulfill the purpose of sustainable development we should take the environment and resident’s livelihood into account Some suggestions are given
Suggestion To reduce the discontent of local people By employing local workers other than workers outside the area → more job opportunities By providing discounts to local → lower the discontent of local people I → increase the total revenue To maintain sustainability
Make restriction on the development Encourage the land developer to build a center about environmental protection
「深涌」的雙輸局面 地產商竟然在全港最重要的12幅生態保育地之一的深涌繼續搞高爾夫球場。誰破壞了深涌?這地產商是新鴻基地產。當地原居民表示十分無奈,新鴻基地產先把大片農地買了,藉口會把農地租給村民搞農莊和營地,原來新鴻基地產後將深涌濕地先填成高爾夫球場,並計劃將來發展成為消閒中心,供附近烏溪沙白石地區由新鴻基地產將來所建屋苑的業主和租戶使用。消閒中心相信會發展為度假區和鄉村會所,將來甚至成為地產項目。據傳媒報道,在去年(2004)破壞生態後,新鴻基地產支吾以對,只說發展高爾夫球場是村民的事,並說一切仍在研究階段。
約八年前,新鴻基地產借地予「幼聯」搞農場,把紅樹破壞,更落除草劑和堆積了大堆垃圾,濕地填平轉變成旱耕,有人不懂近海濕地生態,當然種不了東西,而農場亦荒廢至今。深涌河另一邊又種草,搞高爾夫球場,落殺蟲劑及農藥,更嚴重地破壞生態環境。有興趣打球者說那裏太小了,而且交通不便,並非消閒中心理想地點。政府土木工程署今年初,竟然想斥資改建碼頭,方便更多人去破壞深涌生態。 據漁護署資料顯示,由於受人類「干擾」,深涌的香港鬥魚數量巳大幅下降,深涌評分只有1.45。去年,政府在回答立法會議員楊森提問時表示,考慮把深涌具重要生態價值的部分劃為「自然保育區」或「海岸保護區」,以保護現存的生境。據立法會資料顯示,旅遊事務署在2003年曾收到發展商提交的深涌發展計劃,深涌現時並未包括在任何規劃法定大綱圖內,但有人已偷步發展。 時至今日,政府態度噯昧,考慮很久仍未能積極保育這濕地,形成了雙輸局面。
環團反對新地深涌建酒店 (星島日報報道)由新地持有的西貢深涌發展項目,計畫興建生態旅遊度假村,公眾諮詢期內共收到二十多份意見書,當中佔九成持反對意見,反對聲中包括不少環保團體。 政府早於○四年年底曾推出「新自然保育政策」,在香港選出十二個具有高保育價值的地點,當中包括鳳園及深涌等,繼早前鳳園發展商長實申請興建洋房後,由新地持有的西貢深涌,於八月向城規會申請生態旅遊度假村,將於下月進行公開審議。 項目在公眾諮詢期間共收到二十一份意見,當中反對意見佔多數,達十九份,支持意見僅得兩份。提交意見者包括居民、議員及環保團體。 當中長春社指,深涌項目發展會破壞該區生態,並會導致「先破壞,後發展」的局面,加上深涌是○四年所公布的十二個保育區中較為有特色的一個,深涌所提供的新鮮水源可供不少魚類、鳥類進行繁殖以及棲息,長春社認為,若發展商在該區興建酒店將會設立壞先例。 此外,嘉道理農場亦提交意見,認為若城規會批准深涌興建酒店,同樣會立下一個不良先例,將與○四年所公布的自然保育政策背道而馳,嘉道理農場亦質疑深涌的環境如何透過酒店發展而有改善。
由新地發展的深涌項目,於八月份向城規會申請興建一至三層樓高的生態旅遊度假村,將提供約一百三十個客房。地盤總樓面約二十一萬二千方呎,並以地積比率零點二四倍發展,當中抱括會所、泳池和水療等設施。 此外,城規會就早前所公布的北角圖則修訂,再收到二十二份意見書。該圖則修訂包括進一步收緊高限,受影響的發展項目,計有房屋協會持有的丹拿道二至四號,以及由新世界及協成行共同持有的皇龍道五、七、九及十一號等。 由房協持有的丹拿道項目,城規會進一步修改高度限制,由一百四十米收緊至一百三十米,房協就有關修改提反對意見,但規劃署不予支持;另外,皇龍道五、七、九及十一號亦同樣被強制收緊高限,高度限制由一百四十米進一步收緊至一百三十米,發展商對修改提出反對,但經規劃署細心考慮後維持原判。最終結果將於本周五審議後公布。 另外,信和持有的寶興中心覆檢放寬高限,後經城規會考慮到寶興中心高度上還有下調空間,故不接納高限放寬的要求。
Group List: Queenie Chang* Zoe Chung Winnie Ho Edith Liu April Tsang