Uncle Sam Do You Know?.


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Presentation transcript:

Uncle Sam Do You Know?

Who is Uncle Sam? "Uncle Sam," of course,stands for the United States. It is the nickname of the country. It is hard to believe that this nickname arose quite by accident and there was a man called "Uncle Sam.“ However, not many people have ever heard of such a man. Not even most young Americans.

Uncle Sam - American alias, a big tall, white hair, left a handful of white beard, wearing a dark blue jacket, his head adorned the stars of Top Hat's image

"Uncle Sam" is the American nickname "Uncle Sam" is the American nickname. It originated in 1812-1814 the United States and Britain during the war years, a historical legend. It is said that at the State of New York city of Troy (Troy) has bit older meat processors, named Samuel Wilson (Samuel Wilson)..

His hard-working, honest, competent, very prestige, people affectionately called him "Uncle Sam (Uncle Sam)" (Note: Sam's nickname for Samuel). The Uncle Sam is also a patriot, he took part in huhing American War of Independence

Uncle Sam because the first letter are US, and the United States (The United States) is the abbreviation for US, then people simply combined the two names, which means those "Uncle Sam" in the hands of the beef, into the "American" property. So the local people had "Uncle Sam" as a nickname of the United States and gradually spread to.

19 century 30's, American cartoonist, according to historical legend, given to "Uncle Sam" image, so there was a thin old man sporting a long beard of the image. He wore a high cap decorated stars, wearing a red, white and blue tri-color coat and striped pants (USA Stars and Stripes pattern).

Although white Beard , but the spirit of healthy, one parents Although white Beard , but the spirit of healthy, one parents. Since then, the image became a symbol of the United States. "Uncle Sam's" hard-working cheerful personality and patriotism, the people of the United States reflects the nature and spirit. Therefore, in 1961, the U.S. Congress officially recognized "Uncle Sam" for the United States and representatives of the national symbol.

"Uncle Sam"是美国人的绰号。它源自1812-1814年间美英战争时期的一个历史传说。相传在纽约州的特洛伊城(Troy)有位年长的肉类加工商,名叫山缪尔·威尔逊(Samuel Wilson)。他勤劳、诚实、能干,很有威信,人们亲切地叫他"山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)"(注:Sam为Samuel的昵称)。

这位山姆大叔也是一位爱国者,他与父兄曾参加过美国独立战争。 在1812年的美英战争中,他的工厂与政府签了一份为军队生产桶装牛肉的合同,美国政府每当收到他交来的经其亲自检验合格的牛肉,就将肉装入特制的木桶,并在桶上盖上US的记号。由于Uncle Sam的首字母是US,而美国(The United States)的缩写也是U.S.,于是人们便把这两个名称合二为一了,意即那些经"山姆大叔"之手的牛肉,成了"美国"的财产。于是当地的人们就把"山姆大叔"当成美国的绰号,并逐渐流传开来。


课文解读 Fourteen-year-old sam Wilson ran away from home to join his father and older brothers in the fight to liberate the American colonies from the British during the American Revolution. At age 23,he started a meatpacking business and earned a retutation for being honest and hard working.


During a later war in 1812,Wilson gained a position inspecting meat for us Army forces, working with a man who had signed a contract with the government to provide meat to the army. Barrels of meat supplied to the army were stamped “EA-US”, identifying the company and country of origin.

According to one story, when a government official visited the plant and asked about the letters, a creative employee told him ”us” was short for “uncle sam” Wilson. Soon soldiers were saying all Army supplies were from “uncle sam”.


After the war, a character called Uncle Sam began appearing in political cartoons,his form evolving from an earlier cartoon character called jonathan that was popular during the American Revolution. Uncle Sam soon replaced Brother Jonathan as American’s most popular symbol.

The most enduring portrait of uncle sam was created by artist james montgomery flagg in his famous army recruiting posts of world wars Ⅰand Ⅱ.That version –a tall man with white hair and a small white beard on his chin,a dark blue coat and a tall hat with stars on it –was a self-portrait of Flagg.


1.Liberate 解放,释放 set sb or sth free 1)They did their best to liberate slaves. 他们尽最大努力去解放奴隶。 2)You would better liberate youself from preconceived idears. 你最好解除成见。 At liberty 自由的,不受囚禁的 You are at liberty to leave.你想走就可以走

2、inspect v.(1)to examine carefully and critically, especially for flaws检查 (2)to review or examine officially检阅 eg:(1)He inspected the car before he bought it. 他买这辆车之前仔细检查了一下。 (2)The commander inspected the troops 司令检阅了部队。

3、contract n.合同,契约 v.(1)定约 (2)收缩 (3)to acquire or incur 得(病) eg:(1)The two parties finally signed the contract. 双方终于签订了合同。 (2)He contracted a fever. 他发烧了。 (3)Metal contracts as it cools. 金属遇冷收缩。

4、evolve ( evolution )名词 v.unfold; develop; be developed; naturally and gradually使进化;使发展 (1)The old professor evolved a new theory. 老教授发展一种新学说。 (2)The scientists think that man has evolved from the ape. 科学家认为人类是从猿进化而来的

5、recruit v.to supply with new members or employees,esp. for military service 招收,征募 n. a new member of an organization or a body新成员 (1)This police station is recruiting new police officers. 这个警察局正在征招新的警官。 (2)Our community have to recruit some new members. 我们的社团需要吸收新的成员。

Save sb ./ sth. From 拯救,使免于 Eg :Jesus christ came into the world to save us from our sins. 基督降世拯救我们摆脱罪恶。

Go against 与…相反,违背 Eg :He went against the advice of his colleagues and resigned. 他不顾同事的劝告辞了职。

Run away from 突然离开,逃离 eg:He run away from the venue after commiting. 犯罪后,他迅速逃离了现场。 More: get away with 做了(坏事)而逃脱责任
