國立成功大學經濟學系(碩士班)總體經濟學一0四學年度第一學期 授課教師:王富美 Correspondence to: fmwang@mail.ncku.edu.tw 選修條件:無 學分數:必修3學分 上課時間:週一8:10-11:00 am 上課地點:社科院大樓8F Office Hours:週三9:00~10:30, 社科院大樓研究室8-11 校內分機56322
教學大綱 教學目標: 期使課程能使同學對於總體經濟理論與政策具充分的認識。
上課內容 教科書Romer, David Advanced Macroeconomics, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill www.mcgraw-hill.com.tw代理(2012). 參考書1. Sargent, Thomas J., Macroeconomic Theory, Academic Pess, latest edition. 2. Dornbusch, R., S. Fischer and R. Startz, Macroeconomics, latest edition, McGraw-Hill. 3. Blanchard, Olivier Jean and Stanley Fischer "Lectures on Macroeconomics", The MIT Press, Cambridge.
課程要求:課程既包涵課堂講授部分,亦包涵課前及課後自行研習部分,講授重精深,自習求瞭解。 考核(評量方式): 作業、課堂參與、報告等30%, 期中考35%; 期末考35%
9/14 RomerCh1 The Solow Growth Model 每週上課大綱/章節: 9/14 RomerCh1 The Solow Growth Model 9/21 RomerCh1 The Solow Growth Model 9/28 Teacher’s day 10/5 Romer Ch2 Infinite-Horizon and Overlapping-Generations Models 10/12 Romer Ch2 Infinite-Horizon and Overlapping-Generations Models
10/19 Romer Ch2 Infinite-Horizon and Overlapping-Generations Models 10/26Romer Ch3 endogenous Growth 11/2 Romer Ch 4 Cross-country income differences 11/9Romer Ch5 Real-business-cycle theory 11/16期中考
11/23Romer Ch5 Real-Business-Cycle Theory 12/7 Romer Ch6 Nominal Rigidity 12/14 Romer Ch6 Nominal Rigidity Presentation Presenters 30mins Commentators, 10min 11/30 Romer Ch5 Real-business-cycle theory
12/21 Romer Ch6 Nominal Rigidity Presentation 12/28 Romer Ch6 Nominal Rigidity &Presentation 1/04Chapter 7&Presentation 1/11期末考
p.656 Brander, J. A. and Taylor, M. S. 1998 The simple economics of Easter Island:A Ricardo-Malthus Model of Renewable Resource Use. American Economic Review 88: 119-138. (for Chapter 1) P649 Abel, L. H. and Zeckhauser, R. J., A. B. Mankiw, N. G., Summers, 1989. Assessing Dynamic Efficiency: Theory and Evidence. Review of Economic Studies 56: 1-20. (for Chapter 2) p.671 Kremer, M. 1993. Population Growth and Technological Change: One Million B. C. to 1990. Quarterly Journal of Economics 108:681-716. (for Chapter 3) p.671 Kydland, F. E., & Prescott, E. C. (1982). Time to build and aggregate fluctuations. Econometrica, 50 (6), 1345-1370. (for Chapter 4)