Today I want us to explore the Flipped Classroom.


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Presentation transcript:

Today I want us to explore the Flipped Classroom.


1952 I want to show you two images. Now this looks just like the classroom I had when I started school. The teacher is at the front of the room. Students sit at their desks..reading, or repeating what the teacher says. Who had a school like that?

60+ years 让我们去60年到未来。 So let’s go 60 years into the future.

2016 你可以看到,教学方法并没有太大的改变。 尽管60年来,关于学习的研究已经改变。 I don’t understand! I can’t keep up! I already know this! This is this year. You can see that teaching methods have not changed much. Even though in 60 years, research about learning has changed. 你可以看到,教学方法并没有太大的改变。 尽管60年来,关于学习的研究已经改变。

Do you FILL THE BUCKET? 填鸭式教学 Teacher centered.

Fill the bucket 内容 知识 大家学习一样的方法和一样的内容 学生过度依赖 student dependence 以老师为重心 student dependence teacher focus 内容 content knowledge everyone learns the same content and the same way 知识

Or do you LIGHT THE FIRE? 启发式教学 Student centered.

Light the fire 内容 独立学习 以学生为重心 学以致用 依学生的需求, 调整学习的内容 和方式 content student independence student focus content and learning style are adjusted to the student’s needs applying knowledge 依学生的需求, 调整学习的内容 和方式 学以致用

How will you “light the fire” in your Chinese classroom? How will you light the fire in your classroom? How will you encourage curiosity? How will you engage students in their learning? How will you?

What PEDAGOGY underpins your use of technology? 1-1 Laptops Whiteboards What PEDAGOGY underpins your use of technology? I’d like us to re-think the use of technology in our language classrooms. What beliefs about learning Apps iPads

Watch - Summarize - Question

The Flipped Classroom Video (Chinese)

Traditionally Chinese is taught like this… In the classroom The teacher introduces new content At home Review and apply role of teacher

flip 颠覆传统的课堂

At home View new content Summarize Prepare questions In Class Review content Apply new knowledge

Promotes Higher-order thinking 布鲁姆分类学 Bloom’s Taxonomy 创造 评估 分析 应用 了解 记忆

Promotes Higher-order thinking 布鲁姆分类学 Bloom’s Taxonomy At home 创造 功课 评估 分析 应用 了解 In class 记忆 上课

flip 颠覆传统的课堂

Promotes Higher-order thinking 布鲁姆分类学 Bloom’s Taxonomy 创造 In class A P L Y 上课 评估 分析 应用 了解 At home 记忆 功课


Students watch videos at home. Step 1. 学生在家里看老师指定的影片

看 总结 问题 Watch Step 2. Questions Summarize Students come to class already exposed to the new content. Step 2. Watch They are able to rewind the content over and over. Summarize Questions 看 总结 问题

Step 3. 学生上课时, 能运用所学习的新知识, Students apply the new content during class time. 学生上课时, 能运用所学习的新知识, Frees up class time

Review Summarize Questions Apply Connect Introduction New Content A Regular Lesson A Flipped Lesson Connect Introduction New Content Review Practice Review Summarize Questions Apply

How often? Some teachers flip the classroom 1-2 times a week. Some teachers build up a library of videos that become their digital textbook. Some teachers flip the classroom 1-2 times a week. We are going to jump right in...and try the flipped classroom for ourselves. I am going to show you a short video - 2 mins. You are going to be, let’s say a 10th grade high school student. Some teachers flip the classroom at the beginning of unit.

WHY? This is where we get into the pedagogy.. What do we believe

The Flipped Classroom IS Stop Rewind Re-watch stop, rewind, watch - mastery learning deep learning

The Flipped Classroom IS Engagement Responsibility stop, rewind, watch - mastery learning deep learning

The Flipped Classroom IS Differentiation /Personalization stop, rewind, watch - mastery learning deep learning

Differentiation Beginners Intermediate Advanced

The Flipped Classroom IS stop, rewind, watch - mastery learning deep learning More time speaking Chinese

Apply new content in different contexts Flipping gives you more time

More Class Time for… stop, rewind, watch - mastery learning deep learning

Project-based Learning Flipping gives you more time