Customizing your strategy map to your strategy


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Presentation transcript:

Customizing your strategy map to your strategy STRATEGY MAPS Kaplan/Norton 報告者:陳春琴

本章重點 策略的重要性 不同的策略對應不同的平衡計分卡的規劃 (內部流程構面及學習與成長構面) 案例說明

基本策略的重要性 Michael Porter: 作業活動都必需要符合策略,才能得到比較利益及維持利益。 找出基本的策略,再使用策略地圖及平衡計分卡,各項活動配合策略。

價值鍊-策略應用的原則 Customer willingness to pay Value captured by customers Figure 11-1creating value across the supply chain Customer willingness to pay Value captured by customers 相對強勢及抗衡力量 price Total value created Value captured by company Cost:amount paid to employees and supplier Value captured by suppliers Suppliers’ cost (or opportunity cost) Building strategies and strategy maps,321頁

麥克.波特之五力分析 策略巡禮:139頁

策略類型 低總成本策略(low total cost strategy) 強調營運管理 產品領導策略(product leadership strategy) 強調創新及速度 完整滿足消費者需要策略 (complete customer solutions) 強調以消費者為中心 高轉換成本策略(lock-in strategy) 強調成為產業標準

低總成本策略 指維持品質不變下追求最低總成本

Building strategies and strategy maps,324頁 Figure 11-2 Strategy Map Template: Low Total Cost Long-Term Shareholder Value Financial Perspective Productivity Strategy Revenue Growth Strategy Become Industry Cost Leader Maximize Use of Existing Assets Revenues from New Customers Increase Customers’ Account Share “Offer Products and Services That Are Consistent, Timely and Low-Cost” Customer Perspective Lowest-Cost (Highest-Profit) Supplier Perfect Quality Speedy Purchase Appropriate Selection Operational Management Customer Management Innovation Regulatory and Social Outstanding Supplier Relationships Produce Goods and Services: Cost, Quality and Time Provide Convenient Order-Handling Processes Avoid Environmental And Safety Incidents Process Innovation Internal Perspective Provide Ongoing Service Manage Capital Projects Efficient, Timely Distribution Provide Desired Variety of Products/ Services Contribute to Communities Manage Risk A Capable, Motivated and Technologically Enabled Workforce Learning and Growth Perspective Human Capital Information Capital Organization Capital Six Sigma/TQM Process Improvement Capabilities Create Electronic Supplier and Customer Relationships “Better, Faster Cheaper”; Process Improvement Facilitate Knowledge Sharing and Replicating Best Practice Building strategies and strategy maps,324頁

產品領導策略 首先問巿 取得大多數的巿場(高巿場佔有率) 無形中提高消費者轉換成本 初期供給少時,巿場不會出現降價競爭,產品價格較高,可 賺取較多的利潤 ~維持產品領先才是關鍵~


Building strategies and strategy maps,327頁 Figure 11-3 Strategy Map Template: Product Leadership Long-Term Shareholder Value Financial Perspective Productivity Strategy Revenue Growth Strategy Manage Total Life-Cycle Product Costs Revenues from New Customers Gross Margins: New Products “Products and Services That Expand Existing Performance Boundaries into Highly Desirable” Customer Perspective High-Performance Products: Smaller, Faster, Lighter, Cooler, More Accurate, More Storage, Brighter…… First to Market New Customer Segments Operational Management Customer Management Innovation Regulatory and Social Flexible Robust Processes Rapid Introduction of New Product Execute Customers about Complex New Products/Services Disciplined, High-Performance Product Development Minimize Product Liability and Environment Impact Internal Perspective Supply Capacity for Rapid Growth In-line Experimentation and Improvement Capture Customer Idea for New Products/Services Product Development Time: From Idea to Market Contribute to Communities “Find, Motivate, Grow and Retain the Best Talent” A Capable, Motivated and Technologically Enabled Workforce Learning and Growth Perspective Human Capital Information Capital Organization Capital Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Deep Functional Expertise Creative, Versatile Employees; Cross- functional Teamwork Virtual Product Prototyping and Simulation Creativity, Innovation Building strategies and strategy maps,327頁

完整滿足消費者需要策略 深入了解消費者 贏得消費者信賴 為消費者量身訂製各項解決方案


Productivity Strategy Revenue Growth Strategy Figure 11-4 Strategy Map Template: Complete Customer Solutions Long-Term Shareholder Value Financial Perspective Productivity Strategy Revenue Growth Strategy Reduce Cist to Serve Maximize Use of Existing Assets Revenues from New Customers Increase Account Share with Customers “Provide the Best Total Solution to Our Customers” Customer Perspective Quality of Solutions Provided to Customers Number of Products/Services Per Customer Customer Retention Customer Lifetime Profitability Operational Management Customer Management Innovation Regulatory and Social Deliver Broad Product/ Service Line Customize Product/Service Offering Create Customized Solutions Deliver Results for Customers Identify New Opportunities to serve customers Gain Regulatory Approval for New Offerings Internal Perspective Create Network of Suppliers for Extended Product/ Service Capabilities Develop Knowledge about Customers Build Strong Customer Relationships Anticipate Future Customer Needs Contribute to Communities A Capable, Motivated and Technologically Enabled Workforce Learning and Growth Perspective Human Capital Information Capital Organization Capital Employees Who Create Success For Customers Customer Databases Transfer Knowledge From Leading-Edge Clients Broad Set of Skills Useful for Customers CRM and Data Mining Capabilities Customer- Focused Building strategies and strategy maps,331頁

高轉換成本策略 不是每個產業都適合使用高轉換成本策略 當消費者發生其重要的資源投資在特定的廠商的產品時,才有可能使用高轉換成本策略 資訊產業 成為產業的專屬標準或規格(如微軟) 具有支配賣方及買方交易 能力(如ebay)

高轉換成本策略 維持策略有效的方法: 1.取得法規保護(或障礙) 2.嚴秘的保守複雜的配方(核心結構)不外泄 3.專屬產品持續升級 增強策略施行成效的方法 同時銷售具有相容性且有價值的產品予消費者 或向現有供應商購買額外的服務

10倍速力量的六種力量 企 業 現存競爭者的影響力、活力、能力 協力業者的影響力、活力、能力 客戶的影響力、活力、能力 圖表二:包含一個10倍速力量的六種力量 現存競爭者的影響力、活力、能力 協力業者的影響力、活力、能力 客戶的影響力、活力、能力 企 業 A公司的產品與B公司的產品搭配使用時可以發揮更好的功能 供應商的影響力、活力、能力 潛在競爭者的影響力、活力、能力 以其它方式經營企業的可能性(替代方式經營) 10倍數時代:46頁

高轉換成本策略 標準:*容易使用及接近*被廣泛使用*持續擴充或增加功能



Building strategies and strategy maps,337頁 Figure 11-5 Lock-in Strategy Map Template Long-Term Shareholder Value Financial Perspective Productivity Strategy Revenue Growth Strategy Lower-Cost of Entry- Level Product Revenues from New Customers Revenues from Secondary Product/Services Revenues from Third-Party Access To Customers End-User Customer Complementors Offer Board Selection and Convenient Access Provide a Widely Used Standard Provide Innovation on a stable Platform Provide Convenient Distribution Channel Provide Large Customer Base Offer Easy-to- Use Platform and Standard Customer Perspective Manage Operations Manage Complementors Manage Customer Relationships Manage Social and Regulatory Processes Innovate Attract/Retain New Complementors Create Awareness Increase Breadth/ Application of Standard Reliable Access and Ease of Use for C&C Develop and Enhance Proprietary Standard Defend Proprietary Position Reduce New Customers’ Search Costs Complementors’ Investment in Proprietary Product Internal Perspective Improve Functionality While Maintaining Backward Compatibility Provide Capacity for Proprietary Product/Service Expand Use of Standard in Communities Influence Switching Costs of Existing and Potential Customers Lower Potential Customers’ Switching Costs Provide Services and Benefits to Complementors Human Capital Information Capital Organization Capital Learning and Growth Perspective Develop skills That Enhance the Proprietary Product and Standard Expand Knowledge of Customers’ Behavior Provide convenient Platform for Customers and Complementors Deliver Benefits to Customers and Complementors Building strategies and strategy maps,337頁

一個建構完善的策略地圖,必需呈現出組織內部流程及無形資產的關係, 總結 一個建構完善的策略地圖,必需呈現出組織內部流程及無形資產的關係, 也才能創造及維持競爭優勢。 Michael Porter: 作業活動都必需要符合策略,才能得到比率利益及維持利益。

個案介紹(一): TAPS TATA AUTO PLASTIC SYSTEMS(TAPS) 資源來源:義大利及法國公司 主要消費者:FORD.GE.ROVER 主要產品:汽車塑膠零組件及裝飾品 (門墊.遮雨板.緩衝墊..等) 消費者描述:需求量大.要求一定品質.訂貨 及時配達及每年下降生產成本 營運策略:低成本策略


TAPS施行平衡計分卡 施行成果 提供更多元的測量指標去控制成本 提供月例行性監測及改善 發展一個橋樑以減少建立競爭力時所需的 知識技能的落差

Building strategies and strategy maps,348頁

個案介紹(二): MDS 公司型態:跨國公司(健康及生命科技公司) 為紐約及多倫多掛牌上巿的公司 產品類別:預防、診療及處置疾病 企業規模:全球23個國家,超過10,000個員工 營業額:2002年財報.年收入18億加幣 組織分工:1.MDS同位素:核醫影像及癌症治療 2.MDS診斷:檢驗資訊.預防診斷及治療疾病 3.MDS藥物發明及發展:藥物試驗及上巿 執行策略:1.複年成長率(COMPOUNDED ANNUAL GROWTH RATE(CAGR)15%在未來的5年 2.成為更好的公司(更迅速聚焦策略的公司)



MDS的成長及追求卓越策略 我們所執行的每件事 就是我們核心價值的基礎 施行成果(2001年8月執行BSC) 達成2003年20億加幣營餘之目標 BSC清楚描述一個共同的策略。10000位員工透過BSC與策略連結

Building strategies and strategy maps,353頁

個案介紹(三): BOISE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 營業額:35億 公司類別:配銷商 營運方式:多個事業單位各自獨立營運 主要產品:辦公室及辦公應用科技產品、辦 公傢俱、紙類產品等 消費者描述:要求低價 執行策略:組織合併重整(透過一個新的CRM)

BOISE的組織合併重整策略 (ONE BOISE) 策略期待:1.透過合併整合事業單位並影響核心配送 網以使顧客更輕易接觸所有產品及服務 2.降低營運成本(透過流程改善及減少顧客 一再與不同事業單位接觸) 策略目標:區別高價值及有限價值的顧客 為每一項產品訂價 增加顧客的價值(一對一的行銷手法依顧客 的需求為其量身訂作其所需的服務)


BOISE的組織合併重整策略 (ONE BOISE)

Building strategies and strategy maps,357頁

個案介紹(四): THOMSON FINANCIAL(TF) 營業額:15億美元(9200名員工,遍布25個國家) 公司產品:資訊整合及解決方案服務 主要消費者:投資銀行、基金管理公司等 消費者描述:需要及時得到財務資訊 巿場環境:資訊科技應用(internet)、法規及 經濟情況改變(縮減支出)。 執行策略:親近顧客(依顧客工作流程訂製及整 合企業必要資訊)


TF--ONE TF策略 CFO(DAVID TURNER) BEFORE 分權組織結構 流程各自獨立 各自遵行策略 使用不相同的測量方式 AFTER 集權組織結構 依遵清楚策略發展人員及規劃流程 定期檢視及分享經驗

Building strategies and strategy maps,363頁