北美位置和政区. 北美位置和政区 美 国 芭比娃娃 Statue of Liberty 自由女神像.


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美 国


Statue of Liberty 自由女神像

Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 自由女神像,又称“自由照耀世界,是法国赠送给美国独立100周年礼物,位于美国纽约市自由岛上。 The statue of liberty which is also called Liberty Enlightening the World is a gift given to the United States by France in honored of 100 anniversary of American independence, standing on Liberty Island in New York .

Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 女神右手高举长达12米的火炬,左手捧着《独立宣言》,脚下是打碎的手铐、脚镣和锁链。她象征着自由、挣脱暴政的约束。 1984年,自由女神像被列为世界文化遗产 Statue of Liberty's right hand hold a torch,the torch up to 12 meters.The left hand hold "The Declaration of Independence". Under her feet were broken handcuffs, leg irons and chained. Statue of Liberty symbolizes freedom, break the constraints of tyranny In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was named as a World Heritage

芭比娃娃 Barbie Dolls

芭比娃娃 Barbie Dolls 芭比娃娃(Barbie)是20世纪最广为人知及最畅销的玩偶,于1959举办的美国国际玩具展览会上首次曝光,现在,“芭比”娃娃已经销往世界上150多个国家,总销售额已经达到10亿元。该产品被拍成一系列影视作品,还改编了一系列小游戏。 Barbie dolls is the most famous and best-selling doll in 20th century,which is first on display at American International Toy Fair in 1959. And now barbie dolls has been sold to more than 150 countries in the word ,whose total sales is up to one billion dollars .The product is made a series of movies and also adapted to a collection of small games.

芭比娃娃 Barbie Dolls

美国哥特式 American Gothic 无论我们见过与否,毫无疑问地,它是美国众多画作中唯一的一个成为文化标签的。其主要原因是,画中农民夫妻二人的表情深刻的体现了美国人民的民族精神----勇于探索,坚强不屈! Whether we see it or not, there is no doubt that it is the only one which has been cultural label in many American paintings.The major reason is that the peasant man and wife’expression strongly reflect the American national spirits ----dare to explore and stand buffer!

美国哥特式 American Gothic

野牛镍币 Buffalo Nickel

野牛镍币 Buffalo Nickel            1911年,由美国著名艺术家詹姆斯 弗雷泽(James Fraser)设计,1913-1938年间成产的一种硬币。 美国传统硬币上刻画的主要是历届总统。 但是野牛镍币,没有循规蹈矩,而是将在美国西进运动中遭破坏几近灭绝的两种形象----美国野牛以及土著印第安人的形象印为纪念。 It is designed by American famous artist James Fraser in 1911,which became a kind of coin between 1913 and 1938.The paintings on American traditional coin is mainly all previous president.But Buffalo Nickel didn’follow,it print two images which was close to extinguish in American Westward movement to commemorate.

山姆大叔 Uncle Sam

山姆大叔 Uncle Sam 这个艺术作品在1917年作为美国征兵的海报而被创作。在那时,美国需要更多的军队来帮助打第一次世界大战。 1961年,美国国会正式承认“山姆大叔”为美国的民族象征。后来山姆大叔被用来代指“美国”或“美国政府”,在新闻界广泛应用。 The artwork was created in 1917 as a recruiting poster for the U.S. Army. At the time, the US was in need of more troops to help fight World War I. It was officially admmited by American congress as American national symbol in1961.Later Uncle Sam was used to be on half of America or American gorvernment,it was widely used in press.