Chapter 1. Introduction 姜 阵 剑


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 1. Introduction 姜 阵 剑 Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching For Logistics & Supply Chain Management Chapter 1. Introduction 姜 阵 剑 Business School, SDJU

Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching Why 所谓“双语教学”是旨在培养和造就双语并用人才的一种教育模式。 2001年9月2日教育部2001年教高4号文件《关于加强高等学校本科教学工作提高教学质量的若干意见》规定: “八、积极推动使用英语等外语进行教学 按照“教育面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的要求,为适应经济全球化和科技革命的挑战,本科教育要创造条件使用英语等外语进行公共课和专业课教学。 Business School, SDJU

Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching Why 国家重点建设的大学3年内“双语教学”的课程比例要达到10%。如果中小学英语“一条龙”计划推进顺利,国家重点建设大学应逐渐转向不设公共英语课,学生入学后直接接受双语教学的方式。改变传统英语教学的应试教育模式和加强实用性英语教学。 对于其他层次的大学,在加强听力、课堂交流等教学的同时,也要开展“双语教学”工作。“双语教学”应是今后专业英语教学的主要发展方向。 Business School, SDJU

Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching Why 2002-11-19教育部高教司司长张尧学论大学英语改革: 外语是提升国际竞争力的重要手段 2001年12月中国加入WTO,社会对懂英语,特别是具有较强英语交流能力的人才需求更加迫切,培养高质量的具有国际竞争能力的人才,从而提升我国国际竞争力的任务变得更加重要。事实上,印度、爱尔兰、以色列等国近年来在软件方面的崛起,与他们的国民英语水平高具有很大关系。 Business School, SDJU

Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching Why 开放的环境是一个竞争的环境。市场经济就是在法制(规则)和诚信(道德)约束下的竞争的经济。而外语,特别是英语不仅仅是人们交流和沟通的工具,更重要的它还是竞争的“武器”。重点仍应该放在加强学生的听、说与交流能力上,强调英语的实用性。 坚决冲出“哑巴英语”的教学误区。 [新华网 2002-09-22] 调查显示外语能力成为决定个人收入的最重要条件 Business School, SDJU

Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching How You are encouraged to Listening carefully; Preview; Read after class; Do the homework. Practice makes perfect!!!! No short cut or miracle New Concept English Business School, SDJU

Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching Assessment Your grades will be given according to your Attendance; Homework; Participation in the class activities; Final exam. Business School, SDJU

Teaching Program教学大纲 -32 sessions The goal of this course is to fit in with the needs of the social development and for the students to study : the basic concepts, terms, principal theories and methods grasp the expressions and the characteristics of scientific English and to improve your reading and translation abilities of scientific English as well. Business School, SDJU

Chapter One The Introduction of Logistics The term ‘logistics’ (物流、后勤) originally came from the moving, lodging and supplying of troops. Military commanders have always been aware of the importance of good logistics (后勤) to the success of their campaigns. Many military failures have arisen from failure to maintain a logistic line of communication. Business School, SDJU

Chapter One The Introduction of Logistics logistics is described as the art of achieving the ‘six rights’: they are the getting the right things; in the right quantity; to the right place; at the right time; in the right condition and at the right price. —business definition — Professor Donald J. Bowersox, Business School, SDJU

1. Definitions and Functions In his works, he also applied the following terms to illustrate part or all of the activities of Logistics: —Business Logistics(企业物流) — Physical Distribution of Materials (实物配送) — Logistics Management(物流管理) — Material Management(物料管理) — Physical Supply(实物供应) — Logistics of Distribution(流通物流) — Total Distribution(总体配送) Business School, SDJU

Business School, SDJU

复旦物流 Business School, SDJU

Logistics Network Supply Sources: plants vendors ports Regional Warehouses: stocking points Field Customers’ demand centers sinks Production/ purchase costs Inventory & warehousing Transportation Business School, SDJU

公司之间业务流程连接的类型 Business School, SDJU 用户/最终客户 3级至n级客户 初级供应商 3级至n级供应商 核心公司供应链的成员 受管理的流程连接 受监控的流程连接 不受管理的流程连接 非成员流程连接 非核心公司供应链的成员 n 用户/最终客户 3级至n级客户 1 2 初级供应商 3级至n级供应商 3 核心公司 1级用户 2级用户 3级至用户/最终客户 2级供应商 1级供应商 3级至初级供应商 Vi betragter nu blot logistikprocessen alene igen. Nu er det ikke sådan at alle skal samrabejde med alle, og slet nødvendigvis på et højt integrationsniveau. Derfor fandt vi at virksomhederne arbejdede med forskellige samarbejdsniveauer for hver af de enkelte procesled. Man bruger mindre ressourcer ved Monitored proces-links Det her net kan tegnes for hver af virksomhedens processer Business School, SDJU Source: Douglas M. Lambert, Martha C. Cooper and Janus D. Pagh, "Supply Chain Management: Implementation Issues and Research Opportunities,” The International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 9, No. 2 (1998), p.7.

供应链示意图 增 值 物 流 信 息 流、 资 金 流 企业 采购加工装配批发配送 经销商 网 点 最终客户 供应商 的 增 值 物 流 信 息 流、 资 金 流 Business School, SDJU

供应链SCM/物流Logistics 供应商 顾客 采购 生产经营 分销 物流, 信息流 返回物流, 信息流 企业 物流服务市场 Business School, SDJU

1. Definitions and Functions The Institute of Logistics and Transportation’s definition (UK): design and development, acquisition, manufacture, storage, movement, distribution, maintenance and disposition (部署 )of goods; acquisition or provision of services. Business School, SDJU

1. Definitions and Functions Logistics is a method of managing organizations so that the organizational aims are achieved in the most efficient and effective way. There are four principal aspects to managing in this logistic way (of logistics management) . Outcome/result (结果): Sequence(顺序): Timing(时机,适时) Location(地点) Business School, SDJU

2. The Ways of Logistics Work Logistics is about the sequence of operations that result in the placing of finished goods or services in the hands of an end-user. Business School, SDJU

2. The Ways of Logistics Work Procurement analysis evaluation calculation development joint responsibility identifying establishing Business School, SDJU

2. The Ways of Logistics Work The main role of the procurement function (or purchasing function) in an organization is to act as the prime interface (界面,接口)with the external market place. Relationships are developed with suppliers, following a process of evaluation to determine their fitness to provide required goods and services. Business School, SDJU

2. The Ways of Logistics Work Markets and Suppliers Analyzing Supply market analysis obtaining information about potential suppliers, the nature of products, prices and economic forecasts(预测). market intelligence system Business School, SDJU

2. The Ways of Logistics Work Markets and Suppliers Analyzing Supplier appraisal Single sourcing Multiple sourcing Local, national or global market supply; Framework agreements (框架协议) Partnerships and alliances (合伙和联盟 ). Business School, SDJU

2. The Ways of Logistics Work Markets and Suppliers Analyzing The main function of procurement is to assess the risks, costs and benefits of different strategic sourcing arrangements as the basis of effective commercial arrangements. The trade-off(平衡 ,折中) between size and frequency strategic partnerships are becoming common, particularly for large infrastructure projects(基础设施建设的项目 ). Business School, SDJU

2. The Ways of Logistics Work Planning An understanding of all the elements of any particular logistics and all their possible interactions and consequences is vital to proper logistic planning. ideal solution, arrive at the optimum solution (解决方案 ) key logistic drivers(驱动因素,如成本) 总体最优,而不是各要素都最优! Business School, SDJU

2. The Ways of Logistics Work Planning Computerised systems : requisitioning请求, ordering分类, tendering, and placing orders, deliveries, stock control and payments. Electronic data interchange (EDI) and e-business enable direct electronic links with suppliers. A purchasing plan may include: a schedule of required goods and services with estimated quantities and required delivery dates (linked to supply lead times订货至交货的时间). Business School, SDJU

2. The Ways of Logistics Work Contracts and Managing Suppliers The contractual arrangements must be structured to match the particular requirement. Spot orders One-off purchase order Blanket order against framework agreement Call-off order against framework agreement Fixed-price contract Contract with rates Business School, SDJU

2. The Ways of Logistics Work Contracts and Managing Suppliers The follow progressing of an order is to ensure that suppliers meet their contractual obligations in respect of order quantity, delivery date and delivery point. Expediting(加快,促进,加速) is achieved by the buying organization communicating with the supplier to check on delivery intentions(交货意图) and to identify any possible problems. Purchasing is responsible for ensuring compliance with contractual requirements. Business School, SDJU

2. The Ways of Logistics Work Transportation Transportation is another element that pervades (遍及)the entire logistics, rather than being a separate element of it. Transportation provides flexibility and exists not only as a link between the different elements of the logistics. The long distance heavier transportation enables the sort of distributed manufacture (分散/布式制造 )that is common in the car industry. Business School, SDJU

2. The Ways of Logistics Work Storage The term storage is used to cover the temporary ‘storage’ of people, as well as goods. Storage gives flexibility, Carrying stock at the point of sale leads to rapid satisfaction of customer demand. ‘Hub and spoke’(轴与辐条模式,中心辐射型) a range of journey options Business School, SDJU

2. The Ways of Logistics Work Storage cross-docking:交叉配送,交叉停泊 -- 库存管理的一种方法或物流的一种运作方式,运用交叉停泊区或配送中心,将从供应商送往客户的货物在行程的途中进行再分配,使每一辆货车在整个运程中保持满载。 货物直接地从收货区送往发货区,不作任何的过渡储存。 3种翻译:交叉收货, 直接换装或者越库配送: Business School, SDJU

3. Discussion It is very unlikely that any logistics will be a perfect mix of all its various components. There will almost always be some element of ‘trade-off’ necessary to create an optimum, rather than an ideal, combination. Business School, SDJU

Importance of Logistics The first evolution has taken place in the form of the global logistics management, Moving a wide variety of products around the world 24 hours a day, 365 days a year require logistics management techniques significantly different from those developed for domestic markets. Closely linkage of all players(参与者) in the global supply chains requires the logistics management underpinned (支撑)by the international EDI system. Business School, SDJU

Importance of Logistics The total logistics concept It has extended the concept beyond one firm to all firms involved in the whole supply chain. outsourcing (外购,业务外包) third party logistics(第三方物流): Business School, SDJU

Importance of Logistics 第三方物流(Third party logistics)是指生产经营企业为集中精力搞好主业,把原来属于自己处理的物流活动,以合同方式委托给专业物流服务企业,同时通过信息系统与物流服务企业保持密切联系,以达到对物流全程的管理和控制的一种物流运作与管理方式,也被称为合同制物流(Contract logistics)。 Business School, SDJU

Q & A !

Exercises 教材 P 9 Translation 2 , 4 Business School, SDJU

Ministry of Education issued a document (No Ministry of Education issued a document (No. 4 ,2001)“Some Ideas on Strengthening Undergraduate Teaching and Improving Teaching Qualities of Colleges and Universities”汉语言专业有关课程进行汉英双语教学的个案研究 that some subjects in China's colleges be taught bilingually, i.e. some courses be bilingual teaching,the earlier, the better实现“扩大规模”到“提高质量”的转型 On the Transformation from "expand enrolment“ to "improve quality" Business School, SDJU