Academic Year TFC EFL Data Collection Outline 学年美丽中国英语测试数据收集概述


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Presentation transcript:

2015-2016 Academic Year TFC EFL Data Collection Outline 2015-2016 学年美丽中国英语测试数据收集概述 Yuan Yuan September, 2015

TFC EFL Glossary 美丽中国英语教学专用词汇 BOY: Beginning of Year Data 年初诊断测试数据 G: Grade 年级 S: Semester 学期 AA: Academic Achievement 学业成绩

Purpose 目的 Data is the most explicit information to gauge student progress and our impact 数据是我们评估学生学习情况以及项目老师影响力的最有力证据 TFC has standardized tests for English subject. Therefore the data will be the more valid compared with other subjects. 美丽中国有英语科目的内部标准化测试。因此英语测试的数据会具有较高效度。 NTEAL EFL and NTEAL Impact and Learning (IL) try to use English as the piloting subject and explore the most effective data collecting method and use it across other subjects. 全国教师领导力英语中心和影响力评估中心率先使用英语科目实验,以探索最有效的数据收集方法。希望研究方法可以推广到其它科目。

EFL Regular Data 综合英语数据

Basic Information (use template) 基础信息 EFL Regular Data Collecting Timeline and Content 综合英语数据收集时间和项目 Semester One 第一学期 BOY (AA) 诊断性测试 Basic Information (use template) 基础信息 Final (AA) 期末测试 Semester Two 第二学期

What tests shall I use? 我具体应该用什么测试? If you are an EFL Regular Fellow, please use TFC standardized tests (except G8 and G9). 如果你是综合英语教师,请使用美丽中国内部测试 (八年级和九年级除外)。 If you are a G8 or G9 EFL Regular Fellow, please use your local school tests. 如果你是八年级或者九年级综合英语老师,请使用你学校的测试。 具体信息参照下页表格 Note: It is optional to administer TFC Midterms. And TFC does not require midterm data. 注意:你可以自主选择是否使用美丽中国的期中试卷对学生进行期中测试。美丽中国不要求提交期中数据。

EFL Regular BOY Collecting Method 综合英语初始数据收集方法 Grade Level 年级 Instrument 工具 G3 TFC G3 Unit 1 Test G4 TFC G3 S2 Final G5 TFC G4 S2 Final G6 TFC G5 S2 Final G7 TFC G7 Unit 1 Test G8 Local G8 Unit 1 Test G9 Local G9 Unit 1 Test EFL Regular Fellows are required to administer BOY tests the first month of their teaching according to the table. If their students were taught by TFC Fellows previously, they should try to contact those Fellows and obtain the data. Also if you are second year Fellows with the data already, you don’t need to administer the tests again. 综合英语项目老师应该根据表格要求在开学的第一个月内对学生进行测试。如果学生之前有被美丽中国项目老师教过,那项目老师应该立刻和去年的项目老师取得联系获取相应的数据。同时,如果你是第二年的EFL项目老师,已经有这些数据了,你不用重复这些测试。

Content of EFL Regular AA Data Collection AA 数据收集的具体内容 Passing Rate (100 point system) 及格率 (百分制) Average Score (100 point system) 平均分(百分制) *Excellent Rate (100 point system) 优秀率(百分制) **Rank in School 校内排名 ** You submit the “Rank in School” only if you use non-TFC tests and those tests are used by your local counterpart teachers as well. 当你使用当地考试,且这些考试也同样被你的当地老师同时使用的情况下,你需要上交“校内排名”。 * Excellence: =>90 (100 Point System) 优秀:等于大于90分(百分制)

Basic Information Collection 基础信息采集 Fellow Name 项目老师姓名 School Name 学校名称Name of Ban 所教班级名 Subject 科目 Grade 年级 Ban 班级 Priority Ban 重点班 Number of ban in this Grade 该年级班级总数 Student number in this Ban 班级人数 Classes per week for this Ban 该班该科目每周课时数 Student Number with Previous Exposure to English 先前学过英语的学生人数 Note: The template to collect the information above will be sent out by Impact and Learning (IL) Department to each region. 注意:收集该数据的模板会由数据部门统一发到各地区。

NTEAL Impact and Learning Department MD/Regional Data Point Person EFL Regular Data Submission 数据送交流程 NTEAL Impact and Learning Department NTEAL评估与影响力 MD/Regional Data Point Person 地区数据负责人 EFL PM EFL 项目经理 EFL Fellow EFL 项目老师

Kouyu Data 口语数据

Basic Information (use template) 基础信息 Data Collecting Timeline and Content 数据收集时间和项目 Semester One 第一学期 BOY (AA) 诊断性测试 Basic Information (use template) 基础信息 Semester One 第二学期 Final (AA) 期末测试 Semester Two 第二学期 TFC doesn’t collect Kouyu midterm data. But Kouyu Fellows are highly encouraged to administer TFC midterms if you meet your students MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK. 美丽中国不收集口语期中考试数据。但是强烈鼓励每周一个课时以上的口语项目老师进行期中测试。

What tests shall I use? 我具体应该用什么测试? If you are an EFL Kouyu Fellow, please only use TFC Kouyu standardized tests. 如果你是口语教师,请全部使用美丽中国内部口语测试 具体信息参照下页表格

Second Year Kouyu Fellows Kouyu BOY Collecting Method  口语初始数据收集方法 Second Year Kouyu Fellows Grade Level 年级 Instrument 工具 Rising G2 TFC G1 S2 Final Rising G3 TFC G2 S2 Final Rising G4 TFC G3 S2 Final Rising G5 TFC G4 S2 Final Rising G6 TFC G5 S2 Final G7 General TFC BOY Rising G8 TFC G7 S2 Final The majority of Second Year Kouyu Fellows administered the TFC S2 final exams of your grade level in the end of last semester. This means you have already had the diagnostic data for this semester. Thus you don’t need to repeat the tests. Otherwise you are required to administer them before teaching new content to your students this semester. 大多数第二年的口语老师在上学期期末用TFC第二学期口语期末考试对学生进行了评测。这意味着你同时取得了本学期开学需要收集的诊断性测试。如果你是这种情况,不需要再次进行诊断性测试。否则你需要按要求用TFC测试对学生进行诊断性测试。

Content of EFL Kouyu AA Data Collection AA 数据收集的具体内容 Passing Rate (100 point system) 及格率 (百分制) Average Score (100 point system) 平均分(百分制) *Excellent Rate (100 point system) 优秀率(百分制) * Excellence: =>90 (100 Point System) 优秀:等于大于90分(百分制)

First Year Kouyu Fellows Kouyu BOY Collecting Method  口语初始数据收集方法 First Year Kouyu Fellows Grade Level 年级 Instrument 工具 G1 General TFC BOY G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9

General TFC BOY 美丽中国统一口语诊断测试 Background Information 背景: Among four domains (listening, speaking, reading and writing) of English language acquisition, speaking is the most challenging one in terms of conducting effective assessment. 在英语学习的四个范畴中(听,说,读,写),“说”在评测方面是最具挑战性的。 Rational of the Assessment 测试逻辑: In Teach for China context, most of our students have no previous English exposure or no sufficient English listening and speaking practice. In addition, most of our class sizes are over 50 students. Therefore we need a practical and effective approach to assess a large number of students’ oral proficiency. In this test, only students’ listening competence is tested. Because if students score low in listening comprehension, we can infer their speaking ability accordingly. 美丽中国服务的学校中,大多数的学生之前都没有学习过英语,或者没有得到过足够的听说训练。此外,我们多数班级都是超过50人。因此,我们需要一个实用和有效的方法快速得知学生的口语水平。在这个测试中,我们只测试学生的听力水平。因为我们可以通过学生的听力水平推断学生的口语水平。

General TFC BOY 美丽中国统一口语诊断测试 Elements of the Assessment测试构成: Alphabet 字母 Basic words from PEP Textbooks 人教版教材中的基础词汇 Simple sentences from PEP Textbooks 人教版教材中的基础句型 Please refer to the detail on the document called Kouyu Diagnostic Plan. It is on Wikispace.

Basic Information Collection 基础信息采集 Fellow Name 项目老师姓名 School Name 学校名称Name of Ban 所教班级名 Subject 科目 Grade 年级 Ban 班级 Priority Ban 重点班 Number of ban in this Grade 该年级班级总数 Student number in this Ban 班级人数 Classes per week for this Ban 该班该科目每周课时数 Student Number with Previous Exposure to English 先前学过英语的学生人数 Note: The template to collect the information above will be sent out by Impact and Learning (IL) Department to each region. 注意:收集该数据的模板会由数据部门统一发到各地区。

NTEAL Impact and Learning Department MD/Regional Data Point Person EFL Kouyu Data Submission 数据送交流程 NTEAL Impact and Learning Department NTEAL 数据与评估 MD/Regional Data Point Person 地区数据负责人 EFL PM EFL 项目经理 EFL Fellow EFL 项目老师