Market Forces Analysis 市场力分析 Potential Land Mines 潜在雷区 Potential Gold Mines 潜在金矿 Market Forces 市场力 Negative Trends 消极趋势 Positive Trends 积极趋势 Competition 竞争力 Demographics 人口因素 Economics 经济因素 Globalization 全球化 Human Resources 人力资源 Industry Structure 产业结构 Legal/Regulatory 法律/法规 Marketplace 市场 Physical Environment 物理环境 Political 政治因素 Society 社会因素 Supply Chain 供应链因素 Technology 技术 Other 其他
Competitive Analysis 竞争分析 Current Competitors 当前竞争对手 Competitive Strengths, Weaknesses and Positioning 竞争策略,劣势和定位 Possible Emerging Competitors 潜在竞争对手
Target Market Analysis 目标市场分析 Target Market Segment 目标市场 Customer Needs and Pain Points 客户需求和痛点 How/How Well/ Who is currently addressing these needs/pain points? 谁/怎样/在何种程度定位客户需求和痛点 What needs/pain points are not being addressed? How is your approach or positioning unique? 哪些未定义的需求或痛点?你是如何实现方式或独特定位? Next, Priori-tize: 优先考虑
SWOT Analysis SWOT 分析 Strengths 优势 Weaknesses 劣势 Opportunities 机遇 Threats 威胁
Your Prospect/Customer Persona 你的预期/客户表现
2. VALUE PROPOSITION价值主张 1. CORE BELIEF核心理念 The Diffusion of Innovation Acceleration Model – Accelerating eCommerce Success 扩散创新加速模式,加快电子商务的成功 2. VALUE PROPOSITION价值主张 1. CORE BELIEF核心理念 What is your value proposition? Is it compelling? What customer needs does it meet? What customer pain points does it address? 你的价值主张是什么? 令人信服吗? 满足了客户的什么需求? 它解决什么样的客户痛点? What do you want customers to believe? How is that different from competitors? 你想要客户相信什么? 这如何有别于竞争对手? Appeal to Core Beliefs 吸引核心信仰 2. Create Value 创造价值 4. ACTION行动 4. Provoke Action 促其行动 3. Provide Evidence 证明 3. PROOF证明 What evidence do you have that proves you can create value? What will you tell/show them? What experience will you give them? Before and after the sale? 有什么证据证明你创造了价值? 你能告诉他们什么? 你给他们什么样的体验?什么样的售前售后服务? What is the case for change? What is the case for acting now? What are the inhibitors to change? How can you overcome those inhibitors? 什么要变? 什么现在需要行动? 那些因素阻止改变? 如何克服这些阻碍? 6
eCommerce Action Plan 电子商务行动表 The following key actions must be taken to successfully launch your eCommerce Strategy: 以下的动作必须在电子商务策略中得到有力地实行 Action 行动 Deadline 期限 Owner 负责人 Comments 备注
工具箱: 加快您的移动业务影响力 分析 品牌建设 销售 移动商务 客户 支持 产品创新 运作创 新 服务创新 职能部门创新 无线,射频识 别,NFC, 相机 ,生物识别, 视频,音频, GPS, 现实增强 ,指南针,加 速计 商业模式创新 移动技术启动 客户痛点,商业 痛点,客户需求 ,商业目标 痛点触发
Accelerate your Mobile Business Impact 加快您的移动业务影响力 Pain Point Triggers 痛点触发 2. Mobile or Social Media Technology Enablers 移动/社交技术启动 3. Type of Innovation 4. What marketing objectives were achieved (branding, eCommerce, etc.? 需要达到的市场目标 (品牌,电子商务) 商业模式创新 , 产品创新 , 运作创新 , 服务创新 , 职能部门创新 Performance vehicles