Defibrillator 除颤仪 第25组 组员:刘超 薛倩 王海委.


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Presentation transcript:

Defibrillator 除颤仪 第25组 组员:刘超 薛倩 王海委

Invention of the defibrillator

Development of defibrillator

Working principle Defibrillator works with a strong pulse through the heart to correct the arrhythmia(心律失常 ), ways to make restoration of sinus rhythm, known as electric shock defibrillation or cardioversion. Pacing and defibrillation is the use of external source of current to treat arrhythmia, both of which are in modern methods of treatment of arrhythmia.

? What is the arrhythmia 心律失常指心律起源部位、心搏频率与节律以及冲动传导等任一项异常。正常心律起源于窦房结,频率60次~100次/min(成人),比较规则。

Function When a serious tachyarrhythmia occurs when the patient, such as atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, supraventricular or ventricular tachycardia, often resulting in varying degrees of blood disorders. Especially when it occurs in patients with ventricular fibrillation, no overall due to ventricular contractility and ejection of the heart and blood circulation stopped, if not timely rescue, often causing patient deaths due to cerebral hypoxia for a long time. If a defibrillator, control the current through the heart of a certain energy, elimination of certain cardiac rhythm disorders, can get the rhythm back to normal, so that these are rescue and treatment of patients with heart disease.

电除颤是抢救心脏性猝死的唯一有效的疗法。 At present 电除颤是抢救心脏性猝死的唯一有效的疗法。

Classification (1) press the r-wave synchronized to(与R波同步与否) 1.non-synchronous defibrillation.(非同步电除颤)Defibrillation the defibrillator and patient's own r-wave does not synchronize when used in ventricular fibrillation and flutter (because at this point there is no amplitude r waves high enough, the slope is large enough).

2. synchronized defibrillation 2.synchronized defibrillation.(同步电除颤) Defibrillation the defibrillator with a patient's own r-wave synchronized. Is generally controlled by electronic circuits, control distribution of current pulse with the r-wave, shock pulse happens to fall on the r-wave decline, so that the shock pulse does not fall on the irritable, so as to avoid ventricular fibrillation. Can be used for other than ventricular fibrillation and flutter all quick sexual arrhythmia, such as supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and flutter, etc.

(2) the plate to places(按电极位置) 1.internal defibrillator(体内除颤器 ). The defibrillator electrode is placed on the chest in the direct contact of cardiac defibrillation. Early defibrillation is mainly used for open-chest heart surgery cardiac shock directly, this defibrillator in the body structure is simple. Modern internal defibrillator implantable, and early defibrillation in the body are not the same, it other than automatic defibrillation, can automatically carry out ECG monitoring, judgment, choice of treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.

2. External Defibrillator (体外除颤器 ) 2.External Defibrillator (体外除颤器 ). The defibrillator electrode is placed in the chest, indirect contact cardiac defibrillation. Defibrillator in current clinical use are mostly belong to this type.

usage 假如心室发放的兴奋很迅速并且没有规律,就叫心室颤动(简称室颤)。

concrete steps 1.开除颤仪 2.涂导电糊 导电糊均匀涂在电极板上 3.确认电复律方式为非同步方式,*能量选择正确:成人:1)单向波:360J。2)双向波:方形去极波—150~200J,直线波—120J,如果不能确定者选200J;儿童:首次2 J/kg,后续电击4J/kg 4.按充电电钮,除颤仪自动充电至显示所选的能量水平

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The end