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Presentation transcript:


The location of Thailand

The kingdom of Thailand Thailand`s full name is the kingdom of Thailand(泰王国). Thailand has more than 800 years of history and culture. Thailand was known for centuries as Siam (暹罗)and is the only country in Southeast Asia that was never colonized. It has been a constitutional monarchy(君主立宪制) ever since 1932.

The culture of Thailand

FOOD The food of Thailand is also a good scenery ,they look tasty ,taste more unforgetable especially seafood

shemale: Shemale is a characteristic in Thailand`s performance from taking female hormones(雌性激素)and the development of the male. Because of the special social environment and the causes, shemale become for people to enjoy the fun of object.

Tourist attraction Of Thailand Thailand is also a beautiful nation own a lot of charming sceneries. Visitors linger on the beautiful scene, forgetting to return. The beautiful seaside, the verdant tree, the blue sky, the colorful bottom of sea are all charming . Tourist attraction Of Thailand

The island of Phuket (普吉岛) The capital of Phuket Town is located in the southeast of the island, is a major port and commercial center. Phuket Island is Thailand‘s largest island. With its charming scenery and rich tourism resources, known as the “Pearl of the Dammam sea(安达曼海)". Phuket Island is also very rich in natural resources. The main mineral is also rich in tin, rubber, seafood and fruits. The island of industrial and commercial, tourism is developed

Buddhism Thais believe in Buddhism, Buddhism is the State religion .Every man in Thailand need to be a monk for three months even a whole life. Or other people will laugh at him. 在泰国,每一个男子在自已的一生中必须出家当一次和尚,年龄和时间不限,出家最短的时间也要在三天,经过三个月入寺修行的男子,才能取得成人的资格。在泰国当和尚,犹如中国的文凭学历,未取得“和尚”资格,就等于你没拿到学历证书,那就意味着你在社会上没地位,不成熟,缺修养,没水平,在社会上会遭到人们的鄙视,不仅对象难找,公职也不易谋得,你就无法出人头地。如果哪一个泰国男子年轻时未曾入寺修行,有过当“和尚”的光荣经历,将会给子孙后代带来很大的耻辱。

Friends of Thailand Thailand is also called “the white elephant kingdom” . They think that the white elephant is the Buddha‘s incarnation(化身). The white elephant regards the national treasure of Thailand.

The performance of the elephants

Finally To sum it up, Thailand is a lovely beautiful country and people's customs is simple ,which is suitable for us to use spare time to understand a foreign culture and enrich our experiences. Each place has the special feature in the world, we appreciate its difference , but each place is also same in the world, the same sunlight and the same smile .

Thank you