Have you ever been to Yunnan?


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Presentation transcript:

Have you ever been to Yunnan? Do you want to go to Yunnan for travel? zhangying

◆ the Kingdom of Animals

The Green Peafowl

The Golden Monkey

◆ the Kingdom of Plants

Kunming is capital of yunnan province

Spring city a magnetic and active city

滇池(Dianchi Lake) Dian Lake (Chinese: ; pinyin: Diān Chí) or Kunming Lake. Its nickname is “Sparkling Pearl Embedded in a Highland高原明珠," and it was the model for the Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace in Beijing

Lijiang ◆Beautiful scenery and brilliant culture ◆Lijiang has become one of the most favourite destinations in China. Famous scenic spots: ◆ Lijiang Old Town ◆ Yulong Snow Mountain ◆ Lugu Lake ◆ Tiger-leaping Gorge

Lijiang Old Town ◆Lijiang Old Town became World Cultural Heritage in 1997

Yulong Snow Mountain ◆The altitude of Yulong Snow Mountain is 5596 meters

Lugu Lake ◆Lugu Lake is on the border between Yunnan and Sichuan province ◆200 kilometers from the center of Lijiang city.


The Three Pagodas崇圣寺三塔

Xi shuang ban na Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed “Aerial Garden(空中花园)” for its luxuriant(繁茂的) and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants.

xishuangbanna The Water-Sprinkling Festival

the Torch Festival 火把节

the stone forest

The rice terraced mountains of Yuanyang 元阳梯田

Shangri-La Shangri-La 香格里拉 Shangri-La is a fictional place described in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon消失的地平线 by British author James Hilton. Hilton describes Shangri-La as a mystical, harmonious valley, gently guided from a lamasery喇嘛庙, enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains. Shangri-La is often used in a similar context to “Garden of Eden”伊甸园, to represent a paradise hidden from modern man. It is sometimes used as an analogy for a lifelong quest or something elusive that is much sought. For a man who spends his life obsessively looking for a cure to a disease, such a cure could be said to be that man‘s “Shangri-La”. It also might used to represent perfection that issought by man in the form of love, happiness, or Utopian乌托邦的 ideals. It may be used in this context alongside other mythical and famous examples of somewhat similarmetaphors such as The Holy Grail,ElDorado and The Fountain of Youth.

Rape sea 花海 (Kowloon)Waterfall九龙瀑布 罗平Luo is the major tourist attractions in Yunnan Province, Kowloon magnificent magnificent waterfalls, gentle and quiet and more beautiful by the river, steep deep Lubuge the Three Gorges area, people dreaming, nostalgia(雄奇壮美的九龙瀑布群、柔美清幽的多依河风光、险峻幽深的鲁布革三峡景区,让人魂牵梦萦、留恋忘返). In particular, the annual spring bloom in the yard of the karst peak clusters Luo Pingba 20 acres in the rape, it is sufficient to show the naturalness of the world‘s largest garden unique charm(尤其是每年春季,盛开在罗平坝子里的喀斯特峰丛中的20万亩油菜花,更是充分展现了世界最大的自然天成花园的独特魅力). Every spring, open rape, Luo territory golden boundless depth of which, one flower, people great joy, nostalgia(每年春季,油菜花开,罗平境内金黄无边,深入其中,花人合一,让人如痴如醉,留恋忘返) (Kowloon)Waterfall九龙瀑布 Rape sea 花海

The naturalness of the world‘s largest garden 世界最大自然天成花园(吉尼斯记录)

bridge noodles过桥米线

Welcome to Yunnan Province!

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