Brief Introduction to China’s National Inter-agency CITES Enforcement Coordination Group CITES MA of China 2016.9.28.


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Presentation transcript:

Brief Introduction to China’s National Inter-agency CITES Enforcement Coordination Group CITES MA of China 2016.9.28

TIMELINES China’s National Interagency CITES Enforcement Coordination Group (NICECG) was established in December 2011, consisting of 8 departments of 5 agencies including the Department of Wildlife Conservation, the Forest Police Bureau, and CITES MA under SFA, the Public Security Bureau of MPS, the Bureau of Fisheries of MOA, the Department of Customs Control and Inspection, and the Anti-smuggling Bureau of GACC, and the department of Market Regulation of SAIC the Headquarter of the China Coast Guard 2011 2012 2014 2015 The Department of Supervision on Animal and Plant Quarantine of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) the Department Of Market Supervision and Inspection of the State Post Bureau (SPB)

MEMBERSHIP The Ministry of Public Security (MPS) General Administration of Custom(GACC) State Administration for Industry & Commerce (SAIC) The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) (SFA) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) China Coast Guard (CMPB) 随着国家邮政局的加入,目前中国部门间CITES执法协调小组共有8个部位的11个司局组成。包括公安部治安局、农业部渔业渔政管理局、海关总署监管司和缉私局、国家工商总局市场司、国家质检总局动植司、国家林业局保护司和森林公安局、国家濒管办、中国海警局司令部和国家旅游局监督管理司。 State Forestry Administration (SFA) State Post Bureau (SPB) China’s National Inter-agency CITES Enforcement Coordination Group now have (NICECG) 11 departments member from 8 Ministries or Administrations

LOCAL By December 2013, provincial CITES enforcement coordination groups had been set up in all the 31 provinces (autonomous regions, and municipalities under the direct control of the central government) in China, which achieved complete coverage in CITES enforcement coordination mechanism.

COORDINATION Since its establishment, the NICECG managed to convene the two joint meetings, i.e., the Annual Joint Meeting on Priority Species in CITES Enforcement and the Annual Joint Meeting of the NICECG. The Eleventh Annual Workshop on Illegal Trade in Endangered Species On October 21-22, 2015, CITES MA of China organized the eleventh annual workshop on illegal trade of endangered species, and invited ministries and NGOs to attend. This workshop analyzed the current illegal wildlife trade situation, reviewed the progress and proposed further actions to strength law enforcement 我国的国内各部门CITES履约合作主要通过部门间履约执法协调小组机制。 1、2015年10月21至22日,国家濒管办在广西北河召开了“第十一届敏感物种履约执法联席会议”,分享执法形势,交流工作经验,查找困难挑战,完善应对之策。 2、部门间CITES执法工作协调小组(以下简称协调小组)第五次联席会议于12月10日在北京召开。公安部治安局、农业部渔业渔政管理局、海关总署监管司和缉私局、国家工商总局市场司、国家质检总局动植司、国家林业局保护司和森林公安局、国家濒管办和中国海警局司令部等协调小组成员单位出席了会议。最高检法律政策研究室、公安部边防局、司法部司法鉴定管理局、国家旅游局监督管理司、国家邮政局市场司以及云南、黑龙江、新疆、陕西和北京等省级协调小组代表列席了会议。 The Fifth Annual Meeting of NICECG Department of market supervision of State Post Bureau are participant in China’s National Inter-agency CITES Enforcement Coordination Group (NICECG)

COORDINATION Promote the amendments of Wildlife Protection Law With the objective to further crack down illegal trade in endangered species and fully fulfill obligations of China under CITES. Besides the regular law enforcement, training, public education, international operation, China particularly focus on the follow 4 aspect to cut off the whole chain of illegal trade Promote the amendments of Wildlife Protection Law Special law enforcement operation Management and self-discipline of the industry in the intermediate link Public awareness to target audiences 此外,各部门相继发布了一系列规章制度以进一步规范我国野生动植物合法贸易,打击非法贸易。农业部印发了《关于进一步加强海洋馆和水族馆等场馆水生野生动物特许利用管理的通知》,会同濒管办联合印发了《关于进一步加强红珊瑚等海洋珍稀濒危水生野生动物管理工作的通知》,加强对红珊瑚、砗磲、海龟、鲨鱼、蝠鲼等水生濒危物种基础情况调研和市场监管;国家工商总局印发了《关于进一步加强海洋野生动物保护工作的通知》,加大市场监管力度,强化对市场外和互联网贸易的监管,组织对广东、广西两省区进行督促检查;国家邮政局印发了《关于配合做好野生动植物保护工作的通知》,将野生动植物保护纳入邮件快件安全管理督导检查重点内容,配合林业、公安等部门做好野生动植物保护工作;海关监管和质检部门针对敏感物种和重点地区开展专项监管工作,加大对进出境人员、货物和行邮的查验力度,加强风险分析,开展重点查验,严防个人携带、货物夹带、邮件寄递象牙等野生动植物产品入境。

Promote the modification of Law During the revision process of China Wildlife Protection Law, the NICECG promoted the revision group taking into consideration of the need to combat wildlife crime. As a result, the following contents have been added to the new of Wildlife Protection Law adopted and promulgated on July 2th 2016 by the Standing Committee of National People's Congress which will come into force as of January 1st 2017. It is prohibited to produce and market any food made by the key national protected wildlife and its products or illegally traded wildlife and its products; It is prohibited to illegally purchase any key national protected wildlife and its product for edible purpose; It is prohibited to publish any advertisements for selling, purchasing or using wildlife or the restricted hunting tools; It is prohibited to publish any advertisements for illegally selling, purchasing or using the product of wildlife.

Promote the modification of Law It is prohibited that any trading sites including the online trade platform and commodity trading market provide services for illegal selling, purchasing or using of wildlife and its product as well as restricted hunting tools. To organize and carry out international cooperation and communication of the wildlife protection and relevant law enforcement operation. To establish a inter-agency coordination mechanism to prevent and combat the smuggle and illegal trade of wildlife and its product,and conduct operations to prevent and combat wildlife crime. To develop and publish the metheds and criteria for evaluation of the value of wildlife and its products.

Special Law Enforcement Operation A series of national enforcement have been taken to crack down on illegal wildlife trade, such as: Operation to Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade on Internet, Operation Celestial Web, Operation Sword, Operation Defender, Operation Thunder, Etc….. Operation Cobra I, II, and III, a trans-continental, multi-national operation to combat illegal wildlife trade running three years from 2013 to 2015, drew widespread attention in China and abroad and received repeated commendations from CITES Secretary General.

Special Law Enforcement Operation Guarder Operation Time: operation in 2014 Organizer : Custom Goal: 161 criminal or administrative case, 10 serous  case, captured 245 criminals, seized Smuggling endanger species and its product including ivory, saiga horn, pangolins and Ariocarpus fissuratus 海关缉私部门将打击濒危物种走私作为五大战役之一,继续开展“守卫者行动”,以重大案件为抓手,挂牌督办10起重特大走私濒危物种案件,查办了象牙、穿山甲、赛加羚羊角和龟甲牡丹等一批大案要案,不断加大对外逃主犯的劝返、追捕力度,全年查处濒危物种走私案件161起,抓获犯罪嫌疑人245名,有力震慑了违法犯罪分子;

Special Law Enforcement Operation Thunder Operation Time: September 30th to November 30th 2015 Organizer : State Forestry Administration Executor: More than 250000 person-time from Forestry police at all levels Goal: punished more than 39000 criminals and 78criminal gangs, seized more than 130000 head of wild animals 各部门根据濒危物种非法贸易特征,尽职尽责,不断强化执法监管,组织开展专项执法行动。森林公安机关在全国范围内组织开展了“雷霆行动”,严厉打击破坏森林和野生动植物资源违法犯罪活动,成功侦办猎杀大熊猫、“521”走私象牙等大案要案;

Special Law Enforcement Operation GC Operation Place: adjacent waters of Hang Yan Island Organizer : Coast Guard Goal: seized 5 ship and captured 103 criminals, seized tons of Giant Clam 海警部门合理调配警力,严格落实海上堵截措施,在黄岩岛海域实施了代号“GC”的专项执法行动,查获涉嫌非法采挖砗磲贝船舶5艘,抓获涉案人员103人;

Special Law Enforcement Operation Cobra III Time: May 4th to 27th, 2015 Executor: 64 countries from Asian, Africa, Europe and America Goal: More than 182 criminals (China) and more than 123 case (China) 公安、海关、森林公安、海警、质检等执法机关联合农业、林业和工商等主管部门,以协调小组为平台,与亚洲、非洲、欧洲和美洲的64个国家及部分国际组织开展了跨洲跨国联合执法“眼镜蛇三号行动”,采取有力措施,派员参与国际协调,沟通顺畅,反应迅速,查获了一批非法贸易濒危物种案件,惩处了一批违法犯罪分子,涌现了一批先进单位与个人,取得了突出成果,获得社会各界广泛肯定,在国际上产生良好影响。

Management and Self-discipline of the intermediate link Express Traditional Medicine 国家邮政局和中药协会推动17家寄递企业和15家中药生产企业分别对社会作出公开承诺,拒绝寄递或者使用非法野生动植物制品,不给非法贸易提供空间; 17 Chinese express companies signed proposal refusing to deliver illegal wildlife and its products on 3 March,2015, Beijing. On October 15, 2015, 15 Key Traditional Chinese Medicine manufacture signed proposal refusing to use the illegal wildlife and its products in TCM.

Management and Self-discipline of the intermediate link Internet enterprises 9 biggest Chinese Internet Enterprises signed proposal refusing to public any information of trade and advertisement of illegal wildlife and its products in their Network platform on October 10, 2014, Beijing.

Management and Self-discipline of the intermediate link Tourist industry 30 representative from the biggest Chinese tourist companies signed proposal refusing to illegal trade of wildlife and its products on 3 March,2016, Beijing.

Public Awareness to susceptive group On January 6th, 2014, 6.1 tons of Confiscated Elephant ivory was destroyed in public in Guangdong Province by SFA and GOCC On May 29th, 2015, 662 kg of Confiscated Elephant ivory was destroyed in public in Beijing by SFA and GOCC

Public Awareness to susceptive group With the aid of three telecom companies, reminder messages have been sent to all Chinese citizens travelling abroad upon arrival, so as to dissuade them from illegal hunting, purchasing or carrying wildlife and their products. 三家移动通讯运营商继续向出境公民发送提示短信,劝诫不要参与非法贸易濒危物种活动,增强我国出境商旅人员保护意识

Public Awareness to susceptive group To make publicity to Chinese Citizens the law and regulation of protection of wildlife. Officers from CITES MA of China go abroad to Kenya in 2014. Officers from SFA and Custom go abroad to Ethiopia on May 14th ,2015. to South Africa and Mozambique in April 2016.

propaganda of “world wildlife day”

The CITES Management of China Thank You ! Meng Xianlin The CITES Management of China Tel: 86-10-84239003 Email: