Prague Trip 布拉格之旅.


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Presentation transcript:

Prague Trip 布拉格之旅

Prague,capital and the largest city of the Czech Republic since 1992,Prague has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites! (联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录)


Charles Bridge 查理大桥

Charles Bridge The bridge is 516 meters long and nearly 10 meters wide, resting on 16 arches. It is protected by three bridge towers(桥头堡), two of them on the Lesser Quarter side and the third one on the Old Town side. The Old Town bridge tower(老城桥头堡) is often considered to be one of the most astonishing civil gothic-style buildings(民间哥特式建筑) in the world. The bridge is decorated by a continuous alley of 30 statues(雕像) , most of them are of baroque-style(巴洛克风格), originally erected(建造)around 1700 but now all replaced by replicas(复制品).

Old town Square 老城广场 Old town square also known as Prague square (布拉格广场) the most important and busy trade and social center in Prague known as the Prague champse-lysees avenue.(香榭里舍大道)

Prague Astronomical Clock 天文钟 It is a medieval (中世纪)astronomical clock first installed in 1410, making it the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world and the oldest one still working

main components(组成部分) of The Prague Astronomical Clock 1.the astronomical dial(天文转盘)representing the position of the Sun and Moon in the sky and displaying various astronomical details 2.clockworks(发条) hourly show of figures —notably(尤其) a figure of Death (represented by a skeleton(骨架)striking the time 3.a calendar dial (日历转盘) representing the months

skeleton (骨架) 1.

Jan Hus's memorial 胡斯雕像

Prague Castle 布拉格城堡 has been built since the seventh century the seat of the royal family, and today still the dwelling place of the Czech President

St Vitus Cathedral 圣维特大教堂

St Vitus Cathedral

Bohemia crystals 波西米亚水晶 Bohemian crysta are both of good quality and low price And the most popular ones are cheaper Bohemian glasses!

The kingdom of puppets “玩偶之国” the ubiquity of the little puppes 无处不在的木偶

Prague food


Prague Spring International Music Festival (布拉格之春-国际音乐节) the most famous festival in Prague 每年5月12日到6月3日,许多国际知名的乐团都会来此演出 一般音乐会的票价在900-1000克朗之间,到音乐厅门口买票即可

The MunicipalHall (布拉格市民会馆) serves as one of the main venues (场馆) in the annual Prague Spring Festival

Thank you!