Period 1 I.话题背景导读 【阅读训练】


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Presentation transcript:

Period 1 I.话题背景导读 【阅读训练】 French and English 2.这个国家有大量的煤,石油,天然气,并且这些可以完全可以作为能源来利用开发。 II. 重点单词 I 1 baggage 2 chat 3 scenery 4 surround 5 measure 6 aboard 7 border 8 minister 9Canadian, Canadian, Canada 10 surround, surrounding, surroundings 11 continent continental 12 settle, settler, settlement III. 重点短语 1.rather than surrounded by/with 3.settle down 4.manage to do 5.catch sight of 6.have a gift for III.走进课文 1.Skimming 1) a trip, Canada 2)the cross-Canada train 3) para(s)1 B para(s)2 C para(s)3-5 A 4)Vancouver, Toronto Vancouver, Calgary , Thunder Bay

How much do you know about Canada? Maple Country —— Canada

Warming Up Canada is the second largest country in the world. 加拿大的面积是9984670平方公里,居世界第二位,其中陆地面积9093507平方公里,淡水覆盖面积891163平方公里。


9.98million km2 5,500km

the national flag of Canada the national anthem of Canada

Capital city ----- Ottawa

How much do you know about Canada? Maple Country —— Canada

Warming Up Canada is the second largest country in the world. 加拿大的面积是9984670平方公里,居世界第二位,其中陆地面积9093507平方公里,淡水覆盖面积891163平方公里。


9.98million km2 5,500km

the national flag of Canada the national anthem of Canada

Capital city ----- Ottawa

Ottawa is the capital of Canada Ottawa is the capital of Canada. A population of 1,200,000 makes Ottawa the fourth-largest urban area in Canada.

National animal

Official languages: English and French languages the TV and radio in French; French restaurants; teaching in schools be done in French. the French-speaking province ----Quebec

fresh water one third of the world’s supply of fresh water the five great lakes one third of the world’s supply of fresh water

the Arctic Ocean Greenland The Beaufort Sea Alaska The Pacific Ocean position the Arctic Ocean Greenland The Beaufort Sea Alaska The Pacific Ocean The Atlantic Ocean the United States

B. Beaver Grizzly bear C. D. Polar bear Penguin 3. What is the national animal of Canada? B. Beaver Grizzly bear C. D. Polar bear Penguin

4. What is the Canadian leader called? President Prime Minister Governor King

5. How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada and what are they? 4 3 5 6 Lake Superior Huron Erie Ontario Michigan

6. Which is the national flag of Canada? A. B. C. Q D.