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Presentation transcript:

此课件由360大课堂http://www.360dkt.cn 收集整理! Unit 7 Cultural Relics

Forbidden City

Mausoleum of the first Qing Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors

The Eiffel Tower Paris

Abu Simbel--the Aswan Dam, Egypt

Do you know what do they belong to?

Cultural relics

What is a cultural relic ? --It is a part of --It has survived for a long time. --It is a part of something old that has remained when the rest of it has been destroyed. --It tells people about the past. What is a cultural relic ?

Can you give some examples of the cultural relics both at home and abroad? 文化遗产日 the Second Saturday of June

The famous cultural relics in China

The Great Wall A man who doesn’t go to is not a true man in the past: To protect our countries now : to be a place for people to visit

Nine dragons wall

the Potala Palace

Mogao Caves

The famous cultural relics in the world

The London Bridge

The Sydney Opera

The Water City of Venice

The Pyramids in Egypt

Sphinx of Egypt

The Great Pyramid of Giza (吉扎金字塔) It is located in Egypt now it became the grave after the king died.



Triumphal Arch(凯旋门) Where is it? What is its purpose? It is located in Paris , France It’ s the biggest arch in the world. It is grand and beautiful in the night light. 凯旋门是1806年拿破仑为纪念法国大军战胜奥俄联军而建的。随后的1830年革命,路易-菲利浦国王将其作为革命军和帝国的纪念馆。

TAJ MAHAL(泰姬陵) It is located in India. It is the grave a king built for his wife. It showed the deep love of the king and queen.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa(比萨斜塔) It is the famous Italy building. It got the name leaning tower because it leans to the earth. It actually used for telling people time.

Louvre Museum(卢浮宫) It is also called musee du louvre in France. It was built in the 13th century. It was a castle for the king of France. In 1793,it opened to the public and became a museum. 卢浮宫始建于13世纪,是当时法国路易王室的城堡,被充当为国库及艺术馆 。


Versailles Palace(凡尔赛宫) 1)It was first built for the king when they hunted in the countryside. 2) Now it is a museum.

London Tower (伦敦塔) It was built in the 1000s. The workers spent nearly 12years to finish it. It was once used as the castle,the prison, the museum. Now, it becomes the scenery for the people all over the world.

What did the Goddess hold in her hands. The Statue of Liberty (The symbol(象征) of the USA) What did the Goddess hold in her hands. 女神双唇紧闭,戴光芒四射的冠冕,身着罗马式宽松长袍,右手高擎象征自由的火炬,左手紧握一铜板刻着《美国独立宣言》发表的日期--公元1776年7月4日,脚上散落着已断裂的锁链,右脚跟抬起作行进状,整体为挣脱枷锁、挺身前行的反抗者形象

1.What are the similarities of these cultural relics? discussion 1.What are the similarities of these cultural relics? A long history World famous Made of stones Built by many people Symbols of their countries and cultures Tell us stories about ancient times

All these cultural relics are quite beautiful All these cultural relics are quite beautiful. But some of them were lost or ruined in history, such as Yuan Ming Yuan, The Great Wall, The Pyramid. what can cause them lost or ruined. 1. Maybe they were destroyed by natural disasters (wind and rain). 2.Maybe they were even stolen by invaders during wars.

In October, 1860, the Yuanmingyuan Park was destroyed by the Anglo-French Joint Forces Now many people hope to rebuild the Park. Do you think it necessary to rebuild the Park?

Useful expression: I think it is worthwhile because... I don’t think so because... Now our government has spent a lot of money on rebuilding it. Do you think it is worthwhile? 1.They have great value to us. 2.They tell us what our ancestors (祖先)were and what their life was like. 3.They tell us the history of our country, no one should forget the past.

此课件由360大课堂http://www.360dkt.cn 收集整理! Task: Imagine you work for the state office of cultural relics. It is your job to look into any reports of cultural relics that have been found in China. You are sent to a small town where you find the vase that was stolen from a palace.The man insists that it belongs to his family. What will you say to him? Ming Dynasty vase a rare