Unit 2 Food and health.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 Food and health

Talk about food and drinks. Tips: 可使用:1.I like eating/drinking…. 2.He/She likes eating/drinking…. 3.I have …for breakfast/lunch/dinner. 4.He/She has…for breakfast/lunch/dinner.

a little some a lot of Learning tips: 与不可数名词连用,表示一点儿,少许。

Talk about food and drinks. Tips: 可使用:1.I like eating/drinking…. 2.He/She likes eating/drinking…. 3.I have …for breakfast/lunch/dinner. 4.He/She has…for breakfast/lunch/dinner.

new a few some few a lot of Learning tips: a few与可数名词连用,表示几个。

Talk about food and drinks. Tips: 可使用:1.I like eating/drinking…. 2.He/She likes eating/drinking…. 3.I have …for breakfast/lunch/dinner. 4.He/She has…for breakfast/lunch/dinner.

Story Time A healthy diet

I can tick Watch and tick out ( ✓) Mike’s diet. water □ meat (肉)□ cakes □ apples □ sweets □ fish □ ice cream □ bread □ milk □ chicken □ eggs □ rice □ tomato □ noodles □ fruit □ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com ✓ ✓

eat meat chicken fish pork / : / beef 10

watch and tick out( ✓) YangLing’s diet. noodles □ beef □ fruit □ egg □ meat □ vegetables □ melons □ chicken □ juice □ rice □ milk □ sweet food □ tomato □ bread □ orange □ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ( 蔬 菜 ) 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com ✓ ✓


I can imitate Tips:Read after the cartoon and try to describe their diets.请注意你的语音语调哦!

Mike likes eating sweets, cakes and ice cream.

He does not like drinking water. He only drinks a little water everyday.

Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast.

For lunch and dinner, he has a lot of rice, some fish and some meat. He has a few eggs every week.

Does Mike have a healthy diet?

Yang Ling often has a lot noodles for breakfast. She sometimes eats an egg, too.

For lunch and dinner , She eats some meat and some vegetables. She only eats a little rice.

Yang Ling likes sweet food too, but she eats a little at a time. She eats some fruit every day.

Does Yang Ling have a healthy diet?

Do you have a healthy diet?

I can read and write Well done! Please read the story again by yourselves and finish P28“Read and write”

bread milk a lot of rice some fish some meat sweets cakes ice cream noodles an egg meat vegetables rice sweet food fruit

I can talk1 some suggestions(建议) QI: Does Mike have a healthy diet? Q2:Does Yang Ling have a healthy diet? Tips: 1 小组内每人给一个建议,可使用He/She should/shouldn’t…。 2 组员如果在表达上有困难,大家可以帮他组织语言,或纠正语法错误。 3 组长以关键词的形式把建议整理下来,并汇报。

I can talk2 . To keep healthy, we should have a healthy diet. Tips: 1.用I like/ don’t like….I have a little/a few, some ,a lot of …你的饮食习惯 2.其他人帮助判断你的饮食习惯是否健康,为什么?

Design your own healthy diet. a few a little some a lot of Tips: 大家小组讨论后,把食物和相应的量词贴到食物金字塔上,然后找一名小组成员汇报。汇报时可参照以下句型:To keep healthy,we should…

A healthy diet Have three meals on time Eat neither too little or too much Avoid too much oil Less junk food Corn, meat, vegetables and fruits everyday

A healthy diet. A happy life(生活). A bright future(未来).

2. Do a survey on your parents' eating habits. Homework 1. Recite the text 2. Do a survey on your parents' eating habits.

I wish all of you are healthy and happy!

we have to keep a balanced diet and maintain regular eating habits. So we have to keep a balanced diet and maintain regular eating habits. diet and health are inseparable.

I can play 打地鼠 看到单词和汉字,大声地用英文读出来。看到老鼠,鼓掌并大声说hit the mouse,就能帮老师赶走老鼠哦!

Yang Ling likes sweets. 面条 fish I like carrots. juice 看到图片,单词或句子,大声说出英文 bananas 面条 Yang Ling likes sweets. fish 汉堡包 I like carrots. juice She has some rice. tomato

I can retell Mike Yang Ling Tips:看图片,用自己的语言尝试复述课文。 a lot of noodles ice cream some vegetables a lot of rice Mike Yang Ling some meat some bread cakes milk sweets an egg some fruit some meat a few eggs some fish a little rice a little water a little sweet food Tips:看图片,用自己的语言尝试复述课文。 可使用:1.He/She likes eating/drinking…. 2.He/She has/eats…for breakfast/lunch/dinner.