Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part A Let’s talk XingTang primary school


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part A Let’s talk XingTang primary school Miss Shao

Play a game! Let’s read and clap together!

Game over! dancing swimming doing homework singing playing the piano playing ping-pong singing doing kung fu dancing Game over! playing computer listening to music playing the pipa

… What are your hobbies(爱好)? I like_____________. playing the piano singing swimming doing kung fu I like_____________. … playing the pipa listening to music

Let's guess What are their hobbies?

What are their hobbies(爱好)? They like __________. swimming

What is her hobby(爱好)? She likes __________. doing kung fu

What is his hobby(爱好)? story book He likes __________. reading stories

Zhang Peng likes ________. He is singing “Jasmine Flower”! Zhang Peng likes ________. singing

What does “Jasmine Flower” mean? B. 编花篮

teach He is singing “Jasmine Flower”! He likes ________. singing

Zhang Peng has a new pen pal(=friend)笔友.

Let’s try Who is Zhang Peng’s pen pal? Peter. Listen and answer Listen again and write T(true) or F(false) 1.( )Peter likes basketball. T 2.( )Peter isn't tall. F

Let's find(找一找答案句) Zhang Peng: Look! I have a new pen pal. He’s from New Zealand. Oliver: That’s good. What’s his name? Zhang Peng: His name is Peter. He likes playing basketball. Oliver: Oh, is he very tall? Zhang Peng: Yes, he is! T F

What are Peter’s hobbies? Let's fill it 填一填 What are Peter’s hobbies? He likes ______________and _____________. playing basketball reading stories story book

Watch and find Q1:Whom does he read to? A. the cows 看动画找一找 Q1:Whom does he read to? A. the cows B. his grandparents C. his friends

Find the answers 找一找答案

Q1:Whom does he read to? He reads to ... the cows. Why?


Because He lives ... on a farm.

He lives on a farm,so sometimes he reads to the cows! 因此 Maybe sometimes he reads to the____! That's interesting.

Q3.What are Peter’s hobbies? Listen and find 听音划一划 Q3.What are Peter’s hobbies? He likes_________________________.

He likes _________________________ Listen and find 听音划一划 听一听,划一划 He likes _________________________ ___________________________________. reading stories doing kung fu swimming singing and playing basketball

Read it one by one 逐句跟读 What are Peter’s hobbies? He likes reading stories. He lives on a farm, so sometimes he reads to the cows! That’s interesting. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. Really? Me too! He also likes singing. Oh,you like singing,too. Yes.I’m going to teach him the Chinese song ”Jasmine Flower”! Good idea! Read it one by one 逐句跟读 注意语音语调哦!

Read it by your partners What are Peter’s hobbies? He likes reading stories. He lives on a farm, so sometimes he reads to the cows! That’s interesting. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. Really? Me too! He also likes singing. Oh,you like singing,too. Yes.I’m going to teach him the Chinese song ”Jasmine Flower”! Good idea! Read it by your partners (两人读一读)

Let's act (演一演) 语言正确,声音响亮 有感情,表达流利 表演自然,配有动作 What are Peter’s hobbies? He likes _____________ . He lives on a farm, so sometimes he reads to the cows! That’s interesting. He likes _________and________. Really? Me too! He also likes _______. Oh, you like singing,too. Yes.I’m going to teach him the Chinese song ”Jasmine Flower”! Good idea! Let's act (演一演) 语言正确,声音响亮 有感情,表达流利 表演自然,配有动作

1.What are Oliver’s hobbies? Let's find 找一找 1.What are Oliver’s hobbies? 2.What is Zhang Peng’s hobby?

Let's find (找一找)

1.What are Oliver’s hobbies? He likes doing kung fu and swimming. 2.What is Zhang Peng’s hobby? He likes singing.

Let's talk about your best friend! 来说说你好朋友的爱好吧!

Talk about his or her hobbies. Talk it with your partners (两人说一说) Who is your best friend? Talk about his or her hobbies.

A: B: A: ... Talk in pairs My best friend is _____. (两人说一说) ... A: My best friend is _____. B: What are his/her hobbies? A: He/She likes __________ and ___________.

What is hobby?

It just works that way. 爱好的作用就是这么神奇!

Homework 1.Listen to the tape and read. 2.Talk about your hobbies 听录音朗读课文。 2.Talk about your hobbies with your friends. 跟你的好朋友说说你的爱好吧。

Thank you!

Q1:Where does Peter live? Watch and find 看动画找一找 Q1:Where does Peter live? He lives ... on a farm. Q2:Whom does he read to? He reads to ... the cows.

Q1:Where does Peter live? Read and find 看动画找一找 Q1:Where does Peter live? He lives ... on a farm. Q2:Whom does he read to? He reads to ... the cows.

Find the answers 找一找答案

What is her hobby(爱好)? She likes __________. dancing

What is her hobby? She likes __________. playing the pipa

Q3.What are Peter’s hobbies? He likes ___________,_______________, ___________and__________. reading stories donging kung fu swimming singing

What are Peter’s hobbies? He likes reading stories.He lives on a farm,so sometimes he reads to the cows! That’s interesting. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. Really?Me too! He also likes singing. Oh,you like singing,too. Yes.I’m going to teach him the Chingese song”Jasmine Flower”! Good idea!

Read it one by one 逐句跟读 What are Peter’s hobbies? He likes reading stories.He lives on a farm,so sometimes he reads to the cows! That’s interesting. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. Really?Me too! He also likes singing. Oh,you like singing,too. Yes.I’m going to teach him the Chingese song”Jasmine Flower”! Good idea!
