德国介绍 Germany.


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Presentation transcript:

德国介绍 Germany

Germany 德国 German 德国人,德语,德国的,Germans

Cultural Differences between China & Germany Part1. 中德文化差异 Cultural Differences between China & Germany

人际关系 Simple vs Complex Social Relationships 人脉,关系

生活方式Independent vs Dependent Lifestyle

Modes of Transportation 交通工具 Modes of Transportation 1970 1970 2011 2011

老人的生活Elderly Lives

周末的街景On Weekends

孩子How to Treat the Young

美丽的标准Standards for Beauty

准时Punctuality Parties, appointment,meeting,buses,trains


排队 wait in lines

淋浴Shower Time They don’t sleep at noon.

意见 express opinions

聚会At Parties

餐厅分贝 Noise in Restaurants

领导: Status of the Leader

Part 2. the education system of Germany Kindergarten Primary school Middle school University/technical school(职校)

What German kids learn in kindergarten? Parks, Police office, fire, ambulance call,buses,supermarkets…

What is special about primary schools and middle schools? Free education, Reused textbooks, half-day study,

Universities or Technical Schools(职校) ? 33% 65% Why?

Part 3. life in Germany Bread/toast, sausage香肠, pettitoes猪蹄

What do Germans eat?: German salted pettitoes 德国咸猪手 hamburger汉堡;bread/toast; sausage香肠;

Various kinds of bread

Meals of germans breakfast:orange juice, coffee,milk, bread/toast, ham(火腿),sausage, cheese, Lunch: sausage, bread,drinks,salad, Supper: sausage, bread,drinks,salad,fruits Side dishes:4-5 PM,coffee,cakes,biscuits Do not waste food!

What do Germans drink? Beer, mineral water and wine. On average, a German drinks 112 liters(升) of beer a year, and 132 liters of mineral water a year!

慕尼黑啤酒节Oktoberfest http://www.reiseberichte.bplaced.net/muenchen-deutschland-oktoberfest-2007-05.jpg

Mineral water矿泉水 Bubbles(气泡)in the water More expensive than milk A little special~

Wine 葡萄酒

Part 4. other facts about Germany

4.1 facts and figures 1.【size】357 030sq.km=3 Fujian 2.【population】82million=2 Fujian 7 million of the population are foreigners 3.【capital】柏林(Berlin), population:3.38million,

national flag national emblem

联邦总理premier/chancellor Angela Merkel(默克尔)is also a scientist with a doctor degree in physics

Germany Austria Switzerland … The official language of Germany is German, which is the mother tongue of 100 million people. 82million??? Germany Austria Switzerland …

Currency 货币 Currency: Euro。 1 euro=9.2538RMB。 An average German earns 30 000 euros a year

economy The largest economy in the European Union and the 4th in the world. Germany is the second largest exporter in the world,just after China. What does “Made in Germany” mean? Made in China?

Made in Germany? What German brands do you know? Mercedes-Benz奔驰., BMW宝马, Siemens西门子, Volkswagen大众, Audi奥迪,Porsche保时捷. NIVEA妮维雅, Adidas阿迪达斯, 麦德龙METRO,彪马puma, 敦豪快运DHL

sports Germans take part in various sports. Schumacher 舒马赫

culture 伦琴roentgen   马克思 恩格斯 歌德 巴赫 开普勒 爱因斯坦 贝多芬

Philosophers and composers 生产哲学家和作曲家 歌德Goethe,康德Kant,黑格尔Hegal,马克思Marx,恩格斯Engels,尼采, 音乐家巴赫Bach,贝多芬Beethoven 门德尔松Mendelssohn 科学家:爱恩斯坦,赫兹,伦琴…

诺贝尔三大科技类奖总排名(469人,分属于26个国家) 1.美国--204人 2.英国--69人 3.德国--63人 4.法国--27人 …..China---0人 In the early 20th century, about one third of all Nobel Prizes were won by German scientists.

Brandenburger 勃兰登堡门

The alps area阿尔卑斯地区

Berlin wall(1961-1989)

The Rhine莱茵河

The Danube多瑙河

四季分明的德國 Winter Sommer Herbst Früling Herbst http://www.tui-deutschland.de/mam/destinationen/oesterreich/winter_adventure+_tirol.jpg http://www.epochtimes.de/pics/2006/03/22/xxl/2006-03-22-xxl--Sommer_Bornholm.jpg Herbst Früling Herbst http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1a/Frühling_blühender_Löwenzahn.jpg

Part 5. about Oberhausen city 奥博豪森市 ★

Paul, the Octopus 章鱼保罗 The Oberhausen sea life aquarium(水族馆) 92%, the 2010 world cup

That’s all! Thank you!