前言:   高考试题中,阅读部分所占比例较大, 而学生在这个方面失分又相对较多。因此,我们怎样在平时的训练中培养学生的解题方法,提高学生的解题能力呢?下面就Gymnastics 一课作一探索:


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Presentation transcript:

前言:   高考试题中,阅读部分所占比例较大, 而学生在这个方面失分又相对较多。因此,我们怎样在平时的训练中培养学生的解题方法,提高学生的解题能力呢?下面就Gymnastics 一课作一探索:


导入: 李小鹏简介 (100—120 words) 1. 1981年7月27日生于湖南长沙。 2. 外貌英俊,体格健壮。 1.  1981年7月27日生于湖南长沙。 2.  外貌英俊,体格健壮。 3.  中国体操队领军人物。 4.  5岁开始训练,8岁入选湖南省队,15岁入选国家男子体操队,16岁首获世界冠军。 5.  擅长自由体操,鞍马,双杠,多次获得此三项世界冠军。 6.  梦想超越(surpass)偶像(idol)---曾获16枚世界大赛金牌的中国上世纪八十年代“体操王子”李宁,成就中国新一代“体操王子”。 7.  祝他成功!

A brief introduction to Li Xiaopeng One possible version: A brief introduction to Li Xiaopeng Li Xiaopeng, who has the good looks of a movie star and a body to die for, was born in Changsha on July 27th, 1981. He began his gymnastics training when he was only 5. At the age of 8 he was taken on by Hunan provincial team. He joined the national men’s gymnastics team in 1996 and only one year later he won his first world title. As the leading gymnast in the national team, he is good at the floor exercises, the horse and particularly double bars, winning many world titles in these three events. Still, he has the dream of surpassing his idol, Li Ning, the “prince of gymnastics” in the 1980s, who won a record 14 world titles. He is eager to take his place. Let’s wish him every success.

一级提问: (引出各种解题方法) According to the passage, which of the following statements about gymnastics is true? A. The high bar was one of the first pieces of gymnastics equipment. B. Gymnastics without equipment was developed earlier than gymnastics with equipment. C.  Chinese people had never performed gymnastics until modern gymnastics began. D. Gymnastics started in the nineteenth century in Europe.   细节转述题

2. How do you understand the word “keep-fit” in the first paragraph? A. suitable B. proper C. healthy D. necessary 词语理解题

3. In competitions, women ________ perform their exercises to music? A. always B. never C. sometimes D. hardly 细节转述题

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.   Boys don’t develop physically as early as girls. B.   To become a top gymnast, the earlier he or she begins the training, the better it will be. C.   It is not unusual for a girl to perform in competitions by the age of ten. D.   Not until boys have fully developed their bodies can they perform on the rings. 推理判断题

5. If you are a trainer who is choosing children for the gym team, which factors will you take into consideration? A.  Figure, eyesight, sense of music, disposition(气质). B.  Age, height, sense of agreement of movements, sense of balance. C.  Length of fingers, sense of music, experience, physical strength. D.  Age, weight, physical strength, dancing skills. 推理判断题

6. In competitions, women never perform on ________. the horse and the double bars the beam and the high-and-low bars C. the rings and the floor D. the double bars and the high bar 细节题

7. We can conclude that the two types of horse ________. A. are completely the same B. both have two handles C. both have four legs D. are for both men and women 细节题

8. What is this passage mainly about? A. The history of gymnastics. B. A general introduction to gymnastics C. The safety rules of gymnastics. D. Different pieces of gymnastics equipment. 中心思想题

二级提问: (运用上述解题方法) Which of the following statements about Feng Jing is NOT true? A.     The World Gymnastics Championships held in Ghent was Feng Jing’s first big international event. B.     Feng Jing beat a group of big names in a very close contest. C.     Feng Jing is the only Chinese gymnast who claimed the title in all-around. D.    Feng Jing’s winning the title was beyond his expectation. 细节题

2. We can conclude that Ivankov has at least got ______ gold medals in his competition history. A. one B. two C. three D. four 数字计算题

3.What does the underlined word mean? A. return B. admit C. refuse D. gain 词语理解题

4.Which word can best describe Feng Jing’s crowning the men’s all-around title? unexpected B. expected C. reasonable D. believable 推理判断题

B. His mistake on the pommel horse made him too nervous to catch up. 5.Which of the following statements about Ivankov was true? A.   His deadly mistake on the pommel horse made his team miss the chance to win the team title. B.   His mistake on the pommel horse made him too nervous to catch up. C.   He was disappointed by being bumped down by a young Chinese gymnast. D.   He gave an excellent performance on the high bar. 细节转述题

总结: 浅层理解题 深层理解题 阅读理解题目设置类型 细节题 细节转述题 数字题 图表题 划线词或词组题 排序题 中心思想 最佳标题 划线句子和段落 作者意图题 推断题