Unit 5 Music Warming up &Reading.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5 Music Warming up &Reading

Do you like singing karaoke with your friends?

music Can you name any music style? Rock ’n’ Roll摇滚乐 Orchestra管弦乐队;交响乐团 Country music乡村音乐 Jazz爵士乐 music Classical music古典音乐 Choral合唱的 Folk music民歌 Rap说唱

What kind of music is it blues countrymusic Popular music in the style of music from the southern and western US A type of slow sad jazz music developed among blacks in the Southern US blues orchestra A large group of people playing all kinds of musical instruments together Rock’n’roll A style of music that was popular in the 1950s, and has a strong loud beat classical music Music that people consider to be serious and has been popular for a long time

What kind of music is it choral rap A large group of people who sing together A type of popular music with a steady beat in which the words of a song are not sung, but spoken in time to music rap

① Rock’n’ Roll Orchestra Rap Country music Choral Folk music Jazz Classical music ① Country music Choral Folk music Jazz

② ① Rock’n’ Roll Orchestra Rap Country music Choral Folk music Jazz Classical music ② ① Country music Choral Folk music Jazz

③ ② ① Rock’n’ Roll Orchestra Rap Country music Choral Folk music Jazz Classical music ② ① Country music Choral Folk music Jazz

③ ② ④ ① Rock’n’ Roll Orchestra Rap Country music Choral Folk music Classical music ② ④ ① Country music Choral Folk music Jazz

⑤ ③ ② ④ ① Rock’n’ Roll Orchestra Rap Country music Choral Folk music Classical music ② ④ ① Country music Choral Folk music Jazz

⑤ ⑥ ③ ② ④ ① Rock’n’ Roll Orchestra Rap Country music Choral Folk music Classical music ② ④ ① Country music Choral Folk music Jazz

⑤ ⑥ ③ ⑦ ② ④ ① Rock’n’ Roll Orchestra Rap Country music Choral Classical music ⑦ ② ④ ① Country music Choral Folk music Jazz

⑧ ⑤ ⑥ ③ ⑦ ② ④ ① Rock’n’ Roll Orchestra Rap Country music Choral Classical music ⑦ ② ④ ① Country music Choral Folk music Jazz

Jay is a famous singer as well as a m_________ musician Do you know these stars? Jay is a famous singer as well as a m_________ musician

The Beatles is a famous b______. band 甲壳虫乐队 又称:披头士



The Backstreet Boys

The Beatles


famous band tour fans TV programme performance stars wrong was followed was recognized tried to hide was discussed painful Freddy and his band

Do you know the Monkees?

A big hit! The Monkees — the most popular band in the USA from 1966 to 1968!

THE BAND THAT WASN’T The Monkees 门基合唱组

Skimming Para. 1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 A. The Monkees started in a different way. B. Many people want to be famous as singers or musicians. C. How the Monkees became popular and how they developed as a real band. D. This is how most bands start.

Careful reading Para 1 How many questions do the author ask? What are they? Four questions. ①Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or musician? ②Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? ③Do you sing karaoke and pretend (that) you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Li Huan? ④How do people form a band? a concert

Careful reading para. 2 Why do most musicians meet and form a band? How do people form a band?

Why do most musicians meet and form a band? Because they like to write and play music.

2. How do people form a band? They may start as ... a group of high-school students, for whom practising their music in someone’s house is the first step to fame. they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid in cash. high-school students Sometimes, they may... play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some money for themselves or to pay for their instruments. Later ... they may give performances in pubs or clubs

para 3 √ √ Careful reading How did The Monkees show they were different? √ The band began as a TV show. The musicians just played music. The other three members of the band were actors instead of musicians. As the organizers planned, the four musicians could act as well as sing. What else √ No

TV organizers an advertisement one musician three actors a TV show play jokes on each other as well as play music (based loosely on the “Beatles”)

Careful reading para 4 How did The Monkees perform (表演) in the first year? And what’s the reaction (反映) from the people? They had to rely on other musicians to help them. During the broadcasts, they pretended to sing. They would play and sing songs written by other musicians. Their performances were humorous enough to be copied by other groups. 2. Their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them.

para 4 History The Early Monkees 1966 (started) begin as After a year (1967) The Later Monkees 1970 mid-1980s In 1996 a TV show Became serious about .. Play their own instruments And write own songs like a real band broke up reunited produce a new record as ….

They gave so good __________ that their fans supported then fiercely. The Monkees is made of a band of four _________, who _____________each other as well as played music. They gave so good __________ that their fans supported then fiercely. A year _____ they became more serious about their work, The Monkees ____________________ and played their own music. The band ________ in about 1970, but _________in the mid-1980s. musicians played jokes on performances or so produced their own records broke up reunited

Read the passage THE BAND THAT WASN’T and match the following: 1.They produced a new record in 1996 A. but reunited in the mid-1980s B. was a big hit 2.Most musician get together and C. to celebrate their time as a band. 3.The first TV show D. from a band because they like to write and play music. 4.However, the band broke up about 1970,

True or false 1.The writer believes that most of us have dreamed of being a famous musician or singer. 2.Bands in American are all formed by high school students. 3.It was" The Beatles" that started in a different way. 4.It was hard for the TV organizers to look for good rock musicians. T Some bands in American are F The Monkees F T

Fill in the blank dreamed of form earn extra instruments different Most of us have ________ _______ being famous sometimes in our lives. Most musicians often meet and ______ a band. Sometimes they play in the street to ____________ so that they can _______ some ______ money to pay for their_____________. There was once a band started in a ________ way. The musicians of whom the band was formed ______ _____ _____ each other as well as played music, most of which were ______ loosely ____ “The Beatles”. They______ ____ other musicians to help them. But after a year___ ____, they became serious about their work. Though it _____ ____ in 1970, it __________ in the mid-1980s and it is still popular today. dreamed of form passers-by earn extra instruments different played jokes on based relied on on or so broke up reunited

Stick to music and stay with what is true in your heart. Music is fun, and is for your spirit!

Para 1 Four questions. ①Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or musician? ②Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? ③Do you sing karaoke and pretend (that) you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Li Huan? ④To be honest,… ⑤How do people form a band?

2. How do people form a band? They may start as ... a group of high-school students, for whom practising their music in someone’s house is the first step to fame. they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid in cash. Sometimes, they may... play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments. Later ... Of course...

Language Points of Reading

1. musician 音乐家 music → musical → musician 音乐n. 音乐的adj. 音乐家n. a musical instrument

2. dream of / about (doing) sth 梦见, 梦想… 我梦想成为百万富翁。 (1) I dream of becoming a millionaire. (2) When she was young, she dreamt about being a doctor in the future. (3)I never dreamed that such a thing could happen. dream或dream of与not, little,never连用为“想不到”

dream dreamed dreamed 或者dreamt dreamt dream v. & n dream a good dream

3. Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like… 佯装;假装; ① pretend sth. 她假装生病。 She pretended sickness. ②pretend to do sth. 她假装没有看见我。 She pretended not to see me.

③pretend to be doing sth.(正在做) When his mother came in, __________________________. 他假装正在看书 ④pretend to have done sth.(做过) Peter _____________________________. 假装去过美国 ⑤pretend that + clause 他假装无辜。 He _________________________ he pretended to be reading pretended to have been to America. pretended that he was innocent.

to be honest ( with sb ) 老实说 4. To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. to be honest ( with sb ) 老实说 be honest about sth be honest in doing sth I shall be honest ____ you. He is honest __ doing business. The eyewitness is honest _____ his evidence. with in about

请把包裹(parcel)贴上标签(label)。 Please attach a label to the parcel. 5. attach … to (doing)认为有(重要性,意义);附上;连接 请把包裹(parcel)贴上标签(label)。 Please attach a label to the parcel. 他们把一张照片附在了信中。 They attached a photo to the letter. 他很重视运动会。 He attaches great importance to the sports meeting. 常见搭配:attach significance/value/weight to sth意思和attach importance to相近

他认为认真学习非常重要。 He attaches great importance to studying hard. 大家都认为通过这次考试很重要。 All of us attach great importance to passing the exam.

6. form 1) vt. 形成, 组成, 养成 在体育老师的帮助下我们组成了一支篮球队。 With the help of our PE teacher, we form a basketball team. 结果, 他养成了早上早起的习惯。 As a result, he forms the habit of getting up early.

One musician and three actors form the band. The band is formed of one musician and three actors. =The band is made up of one musician and three actors.

2) n. 表格, 形式, 形态 (1)冰,雪和蒸汽都是水的不同形式. Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water. (2)请用以上单词填下面的表格. Please fill in the following form with the words above. in the form of 以…的形式

(1)他每月赚钱不多。结果,他不得不过简朴的生活。 He earns a little money every month. 7. earn vt. 赚得, 使得到 (1)他每月赚钱不多。结果,他不得不过简朴的生活。 He earns a little money every month. As a result, he has to live a simple life. (2)His braveness earned him a good reputation. (3)He earned his living by writing plays. earn money= make money 挣钱 earn one’s living = make a living 谋生 他的英勇使他获得好的名声,荣誉。

Can I pay you in cash for my meal? 8. pay (sb) in cash 给现金;现金支付 我可以用现金付饭钱吗? Can I pay you in cash for my meal? 您是用现金还是用信用卡支付? How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card?

9. play jokes/a joke on … 开玩笑, 戏弄某人 她喜欢拿朋友开玩笑。 She likes to play jokes on her friends. 没人喜欢被别人戏弄。 No one like to be played jokes on by others. 同义词组 make fun of… laugh at… play tricks/ a trick on…

10. rely on v. 依赖, 依靠, 信任 你可以信任他。 你不能信任天气预报。 你可以信赖我,我会帮助你的。 You can rely on him. 你不能信任天气预报。 You can't rely on the weather report. 你可以信赖我,我会帮助你的。 You may rely on me to help you.

11. be/get familiar with vi.变得对...熟悉 别跟旅店的职员(staff)混得太熟。 Do not get too familiar with the hotel staff. 这个小男孩逐渐和我熟悉起来了。 The little boy is getting familiar with me.

他和我家人的关系密切。 他通晓三种语言。 你的名字我很熟悉。 He is familiar with my family. 人: 与…亲密,与…熟悉 物:通晓… 为…所熟悉 人+ be/get familiar with+ 物+be/get familiar to +人 他和我家人的关系密切。 He is familiar with my family. 他通晓三种语言。 He is familiar with three languages. 你的名字我很熟悉。 Your name is very familiar to me.

12. or so 大约 (= some , about, around ) Eg. (1) The boy is ten years or so. (2) He will be back in a month or so. (3) There are ___________________2000 students in our school. There are 2000 students _______ in our school. some / about/ around or so 1) or so “大约;……左右” ,通常位于数量词后。2) about 为“大约”之意,但它们放在数词之前。在一般情况下可以互换

13. break up ① 破裂, 拆散, 打碎 他们的友谊已经破裂了。 Their friendship has broken up. ② 驱散 警察用暴力驱散了人群。 The police broke up the crowd by violence. ③ 停止, 结束,散会 午夜以后,晚会散了。 After midnight, the party broke up.

The thief broke in/into the palace last night. 闯进 The electricity was broken off by the flood. 中断, 停止, 断开 The car breaks down suddenly. 坏掉, 发生故障 The war broke up in 1943. 爆发

Translation 这是我梦想中的家。我们什么时间能搬来? 2. 最重要的是,你现在应该对我实话实说。 3.他喜欢开别人的玩笑,但是不喜欢别人开他的玩笑。 4. 警察驱散了人群。 5. 有那么多的工作要处理,经理很焦急。

Translation This is the home I dream of. When can we move in? 这是我梦想中的家。我们什么时间能搬来? 2. 最重要的是,你现在应该对我实话实说。 3. 他喜欢开别人的玩笑,但是不喜欢别人开他的玩笑。 4. 警察驱散了人群。 This is the home I dream of. When can we move in? Above all, you should be honest with me right now. He likes playing jokes on others, but dislikes being played jokes on. The police broke up the crowd.

Find the attributive clauses in the passage of reading.

1 Many times in America, bands are formed by high school students who practise their music in someone’s home. 2 However, there was one band that started in a different way. 3 The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as played music. 4 The TV organizers had looked for four musicians who were lively and who could make good music.

5 …but they could only find one that was good enough. 6 Each week the group that was called “ the Monkees” would play a song or two written by other musicians. 7 However, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, “ the Mokees” started to play their own instruments and write their own songs like a real band. 8 They produced a new record in 1996, which was a celebration of their time as a real band.

Introduction The Monkees is made of a band of four _________, who _____________each other as well as played music. They gave so good __________ that their fans supported them fiercely. A year _____ they became more serious about their work, The Monkees ____________________ and played their own music. The band ________ in about 1970, but _________in the mid-1980s. musicians played jokes on performances or so produced their own records broke up reunited