Deepen Cooperation , Tackle Challenges , Promote Sustainable Development of Renewable Energy Shu Yinbiao Chairman, State Grid Corporation of China Vice President, IEC 12th November 2017
I. State Grid Corporation of China II. Energy Transition in China III. Practice of State Grid IV. Suggestions
I. State Grid Corporation of China II. Energy Transition in China III. Practice of State Grid IV. Suggestions
Investment, construction, and operation of power grid Provide service for over 1.1 billion people Largest utility in the world
I. State Grid Corporation of China II. Energy Transition in China III. Practice of State Grid IV. Suggestions
Wind and solar installed capacity of total in China By the end of 2016, the installed capacity for Wind power: About 150 GW / Annual growth rate: 46% Solar power: About 80 GW/ Annual growth rate: 62% Wind and solar installed capacity of total in China
Proportion of non-fossil energy consumption in primary energy consumption
I. State Grid Corporation of China II. Energy Transition in China III. Practice of State Grid IV. Suggestions
Development of UHV Transmission Grid World largest scale of renewable energy integration by State Grid’s power grid 18 UHV projects in operation, 6 UHV projects under construction By 2030, 2200 TWh electricity will deliver through UHV transmission lines Enable large scale power transmission from renewable energy bases in West China to load centers in East China Reduce local coal combustion by 660 million tons 确立“建设大电网、形成大市场、支撑大开发”的发展思路,建成投运了具有国际先进水平的11项特高压交直流工程,累计送电6800亿千瓦时,成为连接中国西部北部新能源基地与东中部负荷中心的能源输送大通道。2010年以来,累计建成新能源并网及送出线路4.3万公里,接入风电和太阳能发电项目5459个,总装机容量超过1.7亿千瓦。
Installed 430 Million Smart Meters 466.5 MW Wind Power 100 MW PV power 16 MW Energy Storage Wind/PV/Storage and Transmission Demonstration Project Smart Community/Building/Home Installed 430 Million Smart Meters
Implementing Electricity Replacement Largest Internet of Vehicles Integrating 165,000 charging poles Serving over 1 million EVs 2016年以来,累计实施替代项目4万余个,替代电量1428亿千瓦时,超过北京市全年用电量。建成世界上最大的高速公路快充网络,建设充电站2000余座、充电桩4.4万个,覆盖16个省、121个城市。建成了全球最大的智慧车联网平台,累计接入充电桩15.1万个,服务100万辆电动汽车出行。 Proportion of Electricity in the Final Energy Consumption Around the World Monitoring Center for Internet of Vehicles
I. State Grid Corporation of China II. Energy Transition in China III. Practice of State Grid IV. Suggestions
1.Facilitate infrastructure connectivity by UHV technology 2.International cooperation under “Belt and Road” Initiative 3. All sectors involvement
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