2、 Spaces of Data Centers 3、 Data Center Cabling


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Presentation transcript:

Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Data Centers ——ANSI/TIA-942

2、 Spaces of Data Centers 3、 Data Center Cabling Outline ★ 1、 Purpose of TIA-942 2、 Spaces of Data Centers 3、 Data Center Cabling 4、 Infrastructure Administration 5、 Facilities Specifications & Tiers 2

Replaces unstructured point-to-point cabling that uses different Purpose of TIA-942 Encourage early participation of telecom designers in data center design process Fill a void by providing standards for planning of data centers, computer rooms, server rooms, and similar spaces. The standard encompasses much more than just telecommunications infrastructure. Structured cabling system for data centers using standardized architecture and media Replaces unstructured point-to-point cabling that uses different cabling for different applications The TIA data center tier standard is: A tool to communicate design requirements A tool to evaluate existing data centers

Unstructured Cabling

Structured Cabling

2、 Spaces of Data Centers 3、 Data Center Cabling Outline 1、 Purpose of TIA-942 2、 Spaces of Data Centers 3、 Data Center Cabling 4、 Infrastructure Administration 5、 Facilities Specifications & Tiers ★ 6

Main Distribution Area (MDA)) Horizontal Distribution Area (HDA) Spaces Entrance Room (ER) Main Distribution Area (MDA)) Horizontal Distribution Area (HDA) Zone Distribution Area (ZDA) Equipment Distribution Area (EDA)

Data Center Topology 进入场所是指数据中心综合布线系统与园区布线系统及访问服务供应商布线系统之间接口的地方。这个空间可位于计算机房的内部或外部,如果在内部,可以与主分布区MDA 组合在一起。一个数据中心可能有多个进入场所,原因是冗余考虑或者避免超过最长电路(MDA-EDA)要求。 MDA 是数据中心综合布线系统的中心分布点,包括大量的主跳接及核心交换设备。 HDA 主要包括水平跳接,HDA 中典型地安装了与EDA 区域设备相连的LAN、SAN 和KVM 交换机。 在HDA - EDA 的水平布线中可以包含一个可选的连接点叫做区域分布区或ZDA 。ZDA 为频繁变动的EDA 终端提供了灵活性,较适于地板系统或不方便在系统机柜中安装快接式配线架的场合下使用。ZDA 以区域插座或集合点形式表现,在配置上不能有跳接和有源设备。 EDA 是分配给终端设备的空间,可以包括计算机和通信设备,交换机和刀片服务器或服务器和外围设备。水平布线在EDA 侧,通常是采用机柜/ 机架式安装的快接式跳接板进行端接。标准建议EDA 区至少两个出口,为一些应用(如无线接入点、IP 摄像机和自动控制系统等)考虑的线缆也要规划并在此端接好。 ZDA 一个区域的出口或集合点的所位于的空间。

Computer Room & Entrance Room Requirements Min clear height of 2.6m/8.5 ft Min door size 1m/3ft wide 2.13/7ft high Min dist floor loading 7.2 kPA, recommended 12 kPA 20 degrees C to 25 degrees C 40% to 55% relative humidity (reduces ESD) Any sprinkler systems must be pre-action system Common bonding network (CBN) –equipotential ground reference 净高 静电放电 共用连接网,等电位接地等

Perforated tiles at front of cabinets Equipment Cabinets Front rails of cabinets must be recessed to provide adequate room for patch cables and wire managers Arrange switches and patch panels to minimize patching between cabinets & racks Perforated tiles at front of cabinets One edge of cabinets placed at edge of tile 打孔的地板

2、 Spaces of Data Centers 3、 Data Center Cabling Outline 1、 Purpose of TIA-942 2、 Spaces of Data Centers 3、 Data Center Cabling 4、 Infrastructure Administration 5、 Facilities Specifications & Tiers ★ 11

Data Center Cabling Topology 进入场所是指数据中心综合布线系统与园区布线系统及访问服务供应商布线系统之间接口的地方。这个空间可位于计算机房的内部或外部,如果在内部,可以与主分布区MDA 组合在一起。一个数据中心可能有多个进入场所,原因是冗余考虑或者避免超过最长电路(MDA-EDA)要求。 MDA 是数据中心综合布线系统的中心分布点,包括大量的主跳接及核心交换设备。 HDA 主要包括水平跳接,HDA 中典型地安装了与EDA 区域设备相连的LAN、SAN 和KVM 交换机。 在HDA - EDA 的水平布线中可以包含一个可选的连接点叫做区域分布区或ZDA 。ZDA 为频繁变动的EDA 终端提供了灵活性,较适于地板系统或不方便在系统机柜中安装快接式配线架的场合下使用。ZDA 以区域插座或集合点形式表现,在配置上不能有跳接和有源设备。 EDA 是分配给终端设备的空间,可以包括计算机和通信设备,交换机和刀片服务器或服务器和外围设备。水平布线在EDA 侧,通常是采用机柜/ 机架式安装的快接式跳接板进行端接。标准建议EDA 区至少两个出口,为一些应用(如无线接入点、IP 摄像机和自动控制系统等)考虑的线缆也要规划并在此端接好。

Horizontal and Backbone Cabling Recognized Cables: 􀂋 a) 100-ohm twisted-pair cable (ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2), category 6 recommended (ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2-1) 􀂋 b) multimode optical fiber cable, either 62.5/125 micron or 50/125 micron (ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.3), 50/125 micron 850 nm laser optimized multimode fiber is recommended (ANSI/TIA-568-3-1) 􀂋 c) single-mode optical fiber cable (ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.3) 􀂋 d) 75-ohm (734 and 735 type) coaxial cable (Telcordia Technologies GR-139-CORE)

Maximum backbone cable lengths depend on applications to be supported Backbone Cabling Maximum backbone cable lengths depend on applications to be supported Optional cabling between HDAs allowed Star topology with no intermediate cross-connects Various topologies permit redundancy and flexibility to support various data center sizes 各种拓扑结构的许可冗余和灵活性,以支持不同的数据中心的规模,

Horizontal cabling distances The maximum horizontal distance is 90 m independent of media type. The maximum channel distance including equipment cords is 100 m. The maximum cabling distance in a data center not containing a horizontal distribution area is: 300 m for an optical fiber channel including equipment cords. 100 m for copper cabling including equipment cords. 不考虑媒介的类型

Better appearance than overhead cabling. Raised Floor Better appearance than overhead cabling. Allows higher power densities, better control of cooling, and more flexibility in location of cooling equipment Most stand-alone computer systems are designed for cabling from below Coordinate under floor cabling with mechanical & electrical engineers Recommend wire basket cable trays in hot aisles for telecom cabling 外观比较好,大型数据中心 高密度的数据中心,更好的控制冷却设备等 ,与冷却设备配合的的灵活性更强。大型的独立的计算设备一般设计为从底下布线从地下布置电缆更好,

Example of Wire Basket Cable Trays For Cabling Under Raised Floor

Less expensive than raised floor systems Overhead Cable Trays Less expensive than raised floor systems Cable trays can be attached to the top of racks and cabinets (if they are uniform in height) Cable trays suspended from the ceiling provides more flexibility for supporting cabinets/racks of various heights and for adding and removing cabinets/racks Coordinate location with lighting, ducts, overhead conduits, overhead power distribution Cable trays can be installed with several layers

Overhead Cable Tray Example 3 Layer cable tray system: Bottom layer – signal Middle layer – power Top layer – fiber 信号参考网格

2、 Spaces of Data Centers 3、 Data Center Cabling Outline 1、 Purpose of TIA-942 2、 Spaces of Data Centers 3、 Data Center Cabling 4、 Infrastructure Administration 5、 Facilities Specifications & Tiers ★ 20

Infrastructure Administration Informative annex with TIA-606-A standards compliant labeling scheme for all components. Labeling scheme extended for use in data centers Cabinets and racks labeled by location using tile grid or row/position identifiers All cabinets, racks, patch panels, cables, and patch cords should be labeled

Labeling Example Patch Panel for 24 Cat 6 from 1st Panel in Cab AJ05 to 2nd Panel in Cab AQ03 接插线面板的例子

2、 Spaces of Data Centers 3、 Data Center Cabling Outline 1、 Purpose of TIA-942 2、 Spaces of Data Centers 3、 Data Center Cabling 4、 Infrastructure Administration 5、 Facilities Specifications & Tiers ★ 23

Facilities Specifications Annex includes detailed architectural, security, electrical, mechanical, and telecommunications recommendations for each Tier Recommended specifications by tier are a uniform way to rate aspects of a data center design and are a starting point for initiating design requirements with qualified architects and engineers 给出了详细的统一的数据中心的等级评估和建筑师和电力工程师的最初的参考。

Tier 1 – basic data center No redundancy Tier 2 – redundant components Data Center Tiers Tier 1 – basic data center No redundancy Tier 2 – redundant components Single distribution path with redundant components Tier 3 – concurrently maintainable Multiple distribution paths with only one active Tier 4 – fault tolerant Multiple active distribution paths

Data Center Tiers Higher tiers correspond to higher availability, but also have higher construction costs Data Center can have different tier ratings for different portions of its infrastructure (architectural, security, mechanical, electrical, telecommunications) The overall rating for the data center is equal to the lowest tier rating Capacity of systems may need to be upgraded to maintain tier rating as data center load increases Human error and operating procedures have a major impact on availability
