十字架 The Cross.


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Presentation transcript:

十字架 The Cross

創Gen 3:1-15 耶和華  神所造的,惟有蛇比田野一切的活物更狡猾。蛇對女人說:「神豈是真說不許你們吃園中所有樹上的果子嗎?」  (2)  女人對蛇說:「園中樹上的果子,我們可以吃,  (3)  惟有園當中那棵樹上的果子,神曾說:『你們不可吃,也不可摸,免得你們死。』」  (4)  蛇對女人說:「你們不一定死;  (5)  因為神知道,你們吃的日子眼睛就明亮了,你們便如神能知道善惡。」  (6)  於是女人見那棵樹的果子好作食物,也悅人的眼目,且是可喜愛的,能使人有智慧,就摘下果子來吃了,又給他丈夫,他丈夫也吃了。 

(7)  他們二人的眼睛就明亮了,才知道自己是赤身露體,便拿無花果樹的葉子為自己編做裙子。  (8)  天起了涼風,耶和華  神在園中行走。那人和他妻子聽見神的聲音,就藏在園裡的樹木中,躲避耶和華  神的面。  (9)  耶和華  神呼喚那人,對他說:「你在那裡?」  (10)  他說:「我在園中聽見你的聲音,我就害怕;因為我赤身露體,我便藏了。」  (11)  耶和華說:「誰告訴你赤身露體呢?莫非你吃了我吩咐你不可吃的那樹上的果子嗎?」  (12)  那人說:「你所賜給我、與我同居的女人,他把那樹上的果子給我,我就吃了。」 

(13)  耶和華  神對女人說:「你做的是什麼事呢?」女人說:「那蛇引誘我,我就吃了。」  (14)  耶和華  神對蛇說:你既做了這事,就必受咒詛,比一切的牲畜野獸更甚。你必用肚子行走,終身吃土。  (15)  我又要叫你和女人彼此為仇;你的後裔和女人的後裔也彼此為仇。女人的後裔要傷你的頭;你要傷他的腳跟。

民Num 21:4-5  他們從何珥山起行,往紅海那條路走,要繞過以東地。百姓因這路難行,心中甚是煩躁, (5)  就怨讟神和摩西說:「你們為什麼把我們從埃及領出來、使我們死在曠野呢?這裡沒有糧,沒有水,我們的心厭惡這淡薄的食物。」 (6)  於是耶和華使火蛇進入百姓中間,蛇就咬他們。以色列人中死了許多。 (7)  百姓到摩西那裡,說:「我們怨讟耶和華和你,有罪了。求你禱告耶和華,叫這些蛇離開我們。」於是摩西為百姓禱告。

(8)  耶和華對摩西說:「你製造一條火蛇,掛在杆子上;凡被咬的,一望這蛇,就必得活。」  (9)  摩西便製造一條銅蛇,掛在杆子上;凡被蛇咬的,一望這銅蛇就活了。

賽Isa 53:4-6  他誠然擔當我們的憂患,背負我們的痛苦;我們卻以為他受責罰,被神擊打苦待了。  (5)  哪知他為我們的過犯受害,為我們的罪孽壓傷。因他受的刑罰,我們得平安;因他受的鞭傷,我們得醫治。  (6)  我們都如羊走迷;各人偏行己路;耶和華使我們眾人的罪孽都歸在他身上。

序言 Introduction: 在這一段的經文裡,記述了人類始祖犯罪的經過,“蛇”這個狡猾的活物,在這段經文裡一共出現了6次,在這裡“蛇”是邪惡的標幟,而十字架正是邪惡受到審判的標幟;在這裡神咒詛這個標幟和咒詛這個標幟所代表的邪惡! This passage of scripture describes the course of how human ancestors sinned. “Serpent” was a cunning creature. It appeared in this passage a total of 6 times. Here the “serpent” symbolizes evil, while the cross symbolizes the evil got judged. God is cursing this evil symbol and all the evil this symbol represents!

摩西第一次遇見神的時候,神吩咐他把手中的杖丟下,變成了可 怕的蛇,神再次吩咐他拿住蛇的尾巴,這蛇就變成了一根行神跡的杖。 The first time Moses encountered God, God asked him to put the staff in his hand down, and it turned into a horrible snake. When God once again asked him to hold the tail of the snake, it became the staff that performed miracles.

蛇與杖預表了邪惡和釘十架的基督;這是創世紀3章15節經文第一次預言的應驗。 Serpent and staff represented respectively the evil Satan and Christ on the cross. Gen. 3:15 was the first testimony of this prophecy. (我又要叫你和女人彼此為仇,你的後裔和女人的後裔也彼此為仇,女人的後裔要傷你的頭,你要傷祂的腳跟。 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He will bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.

主耶穌告訴尼哥底母:摩西在曠野怎樣舉蛇,人子也必照樣被舉起來。叫一切信祂的人都得永生。(約John 3:14,15) Jesus told Nicodemus: But even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

火蛇與銅蛇預表罪惡與公義的審判。銅塊經過許多的錘打,照樣基督經過許多的鞭打,無罪的神子成了罪身,承擔了全世人的罪孽(林後5:21) Fiery serpent and serpent of bronze prefigure the judgment over evil and righteousness. The Bronze went through lots of hammering; likewise Christ bore much beating. (2 Cor. 5:21) He did not commit the acts of sin—but became sin ---for us. He became the symbol of the acts.

祂沒有死在鞭打之下,祂也沒有死在半路中,因為祂必須要被舉起,祂也必須要被列在罪犯之中,因為經上一切指著基督的預言,都要應驗。 He did not die to the stripes, nor did He pass away along the journey, for He was destined to be lifted up, and He must be enlisted with the criminals, in order that all prophecies pointed to Christ shall be fulfilled.

基督在客西馬尼園裡三次禱告,極其傷痛,禱告到汗珠如大血點!(解決了我們因著不順服神而造成的負面結果) Christ prayed 3 times in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was in great agony and He prayed so earnestly that his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground. (Luke 22:44) -- (Resolved all consequences due to our disobedience to The Lord.)

基督在彼拉多面前所受到的鞭打,體無完膚的鱗傷,解決了我們身上一切的疾病。 The stripes Christ received before Pilate, cuts and bruises all over his body, healed all our diseases.

羅馬兵丁用紫袍,荊棘冠冕,唾沫戲弄基督,解決了我們因著咒詛而帶下的一切災病和禍患。 The purple robe, the thorn crown, and the scorn with spit from the Roman soldiers cast out all calamities and troubles caused by curses.

基督在背十架行走的途中,頭,鼻,嘴因跌撞而再受傷─解決了我們因著口舌和意念所犯下的一切罪污。 On the way Christ walked with the cross on his back, his head, nose and mouth kept being injured due to his staggering falls. And these cleansed all iniquities we have with our mouth and minds.

基督雙手,雙腳被大釘釘在十字架上,祂的肋旁被槍刺入,流出身上和身內的血水,解決了我們靈,魂,體全身所犯的一切罪孽。 The hands and feet of Christ being nailed by huge nails to the cross, his sides was pierced by a spear, taking care of all transgressions from all over our spirit, soul and body

先知以賽亞早就預言到七百多年後基督要來擔當我們的憂患,痛苦,罪孽,過犯…2000年前基督在十架上承擔了你我所有的罪,滿足了神公義審判的條件。因此你我可以免去末日神對罪人憤怒的大審判。(白色大寶座的審判) Prophet Isaiah prophesied long before that Christ were to bear our griefs, sorrows, iniquities and transgressions 700 years later...Christ took over all the sins of you and me on the cross 2000 year ago, which satisfied the prerequisite of righteous judgment, so that both you and me can be spared of the wrathful judgment from The Lord over the world (the judgment of the great white throne.)

近十架 Near the Cross (Hym 78) 1. 求主使我近十架 Jesus, keep me near the cross 近十架 Near the Cross (Hym 78)   1. 求主使我近十架 Jesus, keep me near the cross! 在此有一寶泉 There a precious fountain 醫治活水,無代價 Free to all, a healing stream, 流自加略山巔。 Flowing from Calv'ry's mountain.

(副歌 Refrain) 十字架,十字架! In the cross, in the cross, 永是我的誇耀! Be my glory ever; 等我被提到天家, Till my raptured soul shall find 仍是我的倚靠! Rest beyond the river.

2. 前我戰兢就十架 Near the cross, a trembling soul 2. 前我戰兢就十架 Near the cross, a trembling soul. 得蒙愛憐、寬饒; Love and mercy found me; 明亮晨星的光華, There the Bright and Morning Star 在此仍將我照。 Sheds its beams around me.

(副歌 Refrain) 十字架,十字架! In the cross, in the cross, 永是我的誇耀! Be my glory ever; 等我被提到天家, Till my raptured soul shall find 仍是我的倚靠! Rest beyond the river.

3. 哦,主,當我近十架, Near the cross 3. 哦,主,當我近十架, Near the cross! O Lamb of God, 示我以其情境; Brings its scenes before me; 在你十架蔭庇下, Help me walk from day to day 天天助我前行。 With its shadow o'er me.

(副歌 Refrain) 十字架,十字架! In the cross, in the cross, 永是我的誇耀! Be my glory ever; 等我被提到天家, Till my raptured soul shall find 仍是我的倚靠! Rest beyond the river.

4. 就近十架而警醒, Near the cross I'll watch and wait, 時時信靠、瞻仰; Hoping, trusting ever, 直到被提得上升, Till I reach the golden strand 永遠見主面光。 Just beyond the river.

(副歌 Refrain) 十字架,十字架! In the cross, in the cross, 永是我的誇耀! Be my glory ever; 等我被提到天家, Till my raptured soul shall find 仍是我的倚靠! Rest beyond the river.