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Presentation transcript:


3. FUNDAMENTALS OF TOXICOLOGY 3.毒理学基本原理 Toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of substances on living organisms. 毒理学是研究物质对生物体不良影响的一门科学。 Historically toxicology was the art and science of poisoning. 从历史的角度来看,毒理学是有关中毒的一门科学技术。 It is today a discipline which makes use of information developed by a wide range of chemical, physical, biological and medical sciences in order to predict the likely adverse effects on man of an ever‑increasing range of substances to which he is exposed. 现在,毒理学是充分利用化学、物理、生物和医学学科信息的一门科学,其宗旨是对人体接触到的各种物质可能产生的副作用进行预测。

3. FUNDAMENTALS OF TOXICOLOGY 3.毒理学基本原理 Toxicity is the innate ability of substances to injure living things. 毒性是物质能对生物体造成伤害的固有能力。 Hazard assessment is the prediction of the toxic effects that will be evident under defined conditions of exposure. 危险性评估是对特定接触条件中出现的明显毒副作用进行预估。 Risk assessment is the prediction of the probability that defined toxic effects will occur under defined conditions of exposure in a single person or a defined population. 风险评估是对人或人群在特定接触条件下中毒可能性的预估。

3. FUNDAMENTALS OF TOXICOLOGY 3.毒理学基本原理 Substance covers a wide range of materials including single chemical compounds or mixtures of these, simple or complex naturally occurring or synthetically produced substances and micro‑organisms. 有毒物质覆盖范围广,包括化合物、混合物、天然或合成单质或复合物或微 生物。 Substances may be chemically pure or contain additives or impurities and may be in the form of solids, liquids, gases, dusts, fibres, fumes or aerosols. 有毒物质可能是化学纯物质或含有添加剂或杂质,可能是固态、液态、气态、 粉尘、纤维、烟雾或气溶胶 。 Some (e.g. fumes, dusts and aerosols) may be difficult to identify. 某些有毒物质(如烟雾,粉尘和气溶胶)可能难以辨认。 They may be materials used or which arise during maintenance or repair of plants or buildings or they may be formed or used during research, development or testing. 有毒物质可能是设备或建筑物维护或维修中使用或产生的材料,或研究或开 发或测试过程中形成或使用的物质。

3. FUNDAMENTALS OF TOXICOLOGY 3.毒理学基本原理 "All substances are poisons, there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy" – Paracelsus (1525). “所有物质都是毒物,没有一种物质完全没有毒性。物质是否有毒取决于使用量。” – Paracelsus(1525年)。

3. FUNDAMENTALS OF TOXICOLOGY 3.毒理学基本原理 The toxic effects of a substance depend upon: 物质的毒性作用取决于: Its physical form. 它的物理形态。 The dose. 剂量。 The route of entry. 侵入途径。 Its absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. 吸收、扩散、代谢和排泄。

3. FUNDAMENTALS OF TOXICOLOGY 3.毒理学基本原理 Solids固态 When ground or crushed, dusts result and can be inhaled, ingested or contaminate the skin 落地或碾碎时,会产生粉尘,导致人体吸入、或摄入,污染皮肤。 Liquids液态 Can be swallowed or contaminate the skin 可吞食或污染皮肤 Gases气态 Vapours蒸汽 Fumes烟雾 Mists迷雾 Aerosols气溶胶

3. FUNDAMENTALS OF TOXICOLOGY 3.毒理学基本原理 Dose is the product of concentration of the substance and duration of exposure to it. In simple terms it may be described as: 剂量是物质浓度乘以接触时间的结果值。简单来说,可用如下公式表示: Dose = Exposure x Time 剂量 = 接触量 x 时间 However in industrial circumstances both the exposure and time can vary greatly. For example, a very high concentration for a short time may be lethal (e.g. alcohol) while prolonged exposure to smaller amounts does little harm. The dose is the same in both cases. 但是,在工业环境下,接触量和时间的差别非常大。例如:在剂量相同的情况下,如某种物质短时间高浓度接触,可能会致命(如酒精),但如果长时间低浓度接触,其实并无坏处。

3. FUNDAMENTALS OF TOXICOLOGY 3.毒理学基本原理 Ingestion: Ingestion is the least significant route of entry in industry while in environmental toxicology it is the most. 摄食:摄食是工业中最不常见的侵入方式,但却是环境毒理学中最常见的侵入方式。 Inhalation: In the lung there are no similar mechanisms for selective uptake. Particles less than 10 micron in diameter may reach the alveoli. If soluble, approximately 40% are then absorbed. Inhalation accounts for 90% or so of industrial poisoning. 吸入:肺不会进行选择性吸收。颗粒直径小于10微米可到达肺泡。如吸入物质为可溶性物质,大约会吸收40%。吸入中毒的比例占工业中毒总比例的90%左右。 The Skin: In the skin there is again no selective uptake. Fat-soluble compounds are absorbed readily as are organic solvents. 皮肤:皮肤也不具备自主选择吸收的能力。脂溶性化合物与有机溶剂一样,很容易吸收。 Route of entry / absorption侵入/吸收方式

3. FUNDAMENTALS OF TOXICOLOGY 3.毒理学基本原理 Distribution扩散 Once substances have entered the body they can distributed around the body through the blood supply. 物质一旦进入人体,通过血液循环会扩散到全身。 They may concentrate differentially in the organs. 也可能会集中在某个器官内。

3. FUNDAMENTALS OF TOXICOLOGY 3.毒理学基本原理 Metabolism代谢 Substances which are distributed through the body then tend to be metabolised. 扩散到全身的物质会进入身体代谢程序。 The main site of metabolism is the liver, although the kidneys, lungs and skin can metabolise some chemicals. 代谢的主要部位是肝、通过肾、肺和皮肤,可能会代谢一些化学物质。 Metabolism can convert a toxic substance to a non-toxic one and vice versa. 代谢机能将有毒物质转化为无毒物质,但也能将无毒物质转化为有毒物质。

3. FUNDAMENTALS OF TOXICOLOGY 3.毒理学基本原理 Excretion排泄 This takes place via; 排泄涉及 Kidneys肾脏 Bile, 胆汁 Lungs,肺 Gastric juices,胃液 Breast milk,母乳 Skin (iron).皮肤(铁)。 The more rapidly excretion takes place the less likely is a toxin to damage the body. 排泄速度越快,有毒物质对人体造成的伤害越小。 Excretion products are often used to monitor work exposure. 通常使用排泄物来检测接触量。

Material Safety Data Sheets 材料安全数据表

Material Safety Data Sheets 材料安全数据表 Much of the work involved in accessing workplace hazards can be carried out by accessing Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), sometimes also called Safety Data Sheets (SDS). The MSDS is a standard way of communicating toxicology and other relevant information about substances. 有关评估工作场所中危害的大部分工作可通过材料安全数据表(MSDS)来完成,通常MSDS也称安全数据表(SDS)。MSDS描述物质毒性和其他相关信息的标准方式。 In many countries it is a legal requirement or common practice that a company supplies an MSDS for each of the products that they sell. 在许多国家,法律规定或惯例是,公司所售的每种产品都应有MSDS。

Material Safety Data Sheets 材料安全数据表 The content of the MSDS will vary depending upon local legislative requirements but is likely to contain the following information: 虽然因地方法律规定,MSDS的内容会有所不同,但基本上都包含如下信息: Composition/Data on components: This gives details of the different chemicals contained within the material. It will often list the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number for each chemical is contains. The CAS number is a unique number which is assigned to most of the chemicals used in industry. 组合物/成分信息:材料各种化学成分的详细信息。通常会列明所含每种化学成分的化学文摘社(CAS)编号。CAS编号涉及工业中大多数化学物质。每种化学物质均有唯一CAS编号。 Identification of substance: This includes the trade name, as well as manufacturer/supplier details. It may also give emergency information such as contact names and telephone numbers. 物质名称:包括物质的商品名称、以及制造商/供应商的详细信息。可能还会包括联系人姓名和电话号码等信息。

Material Safety Data Sheets 材料安全数据表 Hazards identification: The material will be classified under a number of categories and described with pictograms. 危害识别:材料可能会归属多个类别,会采用象形方式进行描述。 First aid measures: Advice about how to deal with workers who have been exposed under different circumstances. 急救措施:给出有关如何处理不同情况下已接触物质员工的建议。 Fire fighting measures: Dos and don’ts of fire extinguishing e.g. what type of fire extinguisher to use. 消防措施:消防注意事项,例如使用何种类型的灭火器。 Accidental release measures: The procedures to be followed in case of accidental release of the chemical, including methods to be used to clean up spills. 泄漏应急处理:化学品意外泄漏时应遵循的程序,包括用于清理泄露物质的方法。 Handling and storage: Giving information on the precautions such as flammables cabinets and temperature limitations. 搬运和存储: 给予有关搬运和存储的注意事项,诸如可燃物质应单独存储,温度限值等。

Material Safety Data Sheets 材料安全数据表 Exposure controls and personal protection: Outlines requirements such as Personal Protective Equipment and ventilation. 接触控制和个人防护用具:提供基本要求信息,诸如个人防护设备及通风。 Physical and chemical properties: e.g. the form (solid/liquid/gas), colour, odour, melting and boiling points. 物理和化学特性:例如形式(固态/液态/气态)、颜色、气味、熔点和沸点。 Stability and reactivity: Properties such as thermal decomposition and conditions to be avoided. 稳定性和反应特性:如热分解和应避免条件等信息。 Toxicological information: Details such as acute and chromic effects on man and animals. 毒理学信息:有关毒理学的详细信息,诸如可能导致人体和动物出现急性中毒和慢性中毒的信息。 Ecological information: How the material might affect the environment if it is released beyond the workplace. 生态信息:如材料排放到工作场所以外的地方,对环境会造成何种影响的信息。 Disposal considerations: Any special requirements associated with disposal of the material. 处置注意事项:材料处理相关的任何特殊要求。

Material Safety Data Sheets 材料安全数据表 Transport information: generally as a list of codes indicating the dangers associated with the chemical. 运输信息:通常会列出与化学品危险相关的标准。 Regulations: Relevant legislation for the country in which the material is used. 法规:材料使用国家的相关立法。 Other information: Any information which is relevant. 其他信息:其他任何相关的信息。