來擁戴主為王 Crown Him With Many Crowns 來擁戴主為王 寶座聖羔無雙 來聽天上歌聲高揚 美音壓過群響 我心醒來同唱 頌主洪恩浩蕩 歡呼主為獨一真神 世世代代無疆 Crown him with many crowns The Lamb upon the throne Hark!


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Presentation transcript:

來擁戴主為王 Crown Him With Many Crowns 來擁戴主為王 寶座聖羔無雙 來聽天上歌聲高揚 美音壓過群響 我心醒來同唱 頌主洪恩浩蕩 歡呼主為獨一真神 世世代代無疆 Crown him with many crowns The Lamb upon the throne Hark! How the heav’nly anthem drowns all music but its own Awake my soul and sing of him who died for thee And hail him as thy matchless King Through all eternity

來擁戴主為王 祂有不朽永生 擊敗陰間復活得勝 聖徒不至驚恐 主今昇上天庭 我眾頌其尊容 藉主捨命永勝死權 聖民樂享安寧 Crown him the Lord of life Who triumphed o’er the grave And rose victorious in the strife For those he came to save His glories now we sing Who died and rose on high Who died eternal life to bring and lives that death may die

來擁戴主為王 祂是和平之王 普天之下戰爭停息 和平統治四方 救主永遠長存 百花齊放芬芳 環繞救主釘痕腳前 千秋萬世盛放 Crown him the Lord of peace Whose pow’r a scepter sways From pole to pole that wars may cease and all be prayer and praise His reign shall know no end And round his pierced feet Fair flow’rs of paradise extend Their fragrance fair and sweet

來擁戴主為王 祂有慈愛 慈愛無量 手足肋旁昔被創傷 今顯何等輝煌 救主無比尊榮 竟為我捨生命 讚美尊貴榮耀救主 直到永遠無窮 救主無比尊榮 Crown him the Lord of love Behold his hands, his hands and side Those wounds yet visible above In beauty glorified; All hail, Redeemer, hail! For thou hast died for me Thy praise and glory shall not fail throughout eternity. All hail, Redeemer, hail!

基督我主今復活 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 基督我主已復活 哈利路亞 天使世人齊述說 哈利路亞 高唱快樂凱旋歌 哈利路亞 諸天大地同唱和 哈利路亞 Christ the Lord is ris’n today, Alleluia! Sons of men and angels say: Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! Sing, ye heav’ns and earth reply: Alleluia!

榮耀君王墓中起 哈利路亞 死亡毒鉤在那裡 哈利路亞 主捨命救眾靈魂 哈利路亞 死亡權勢今何存 哈利路亞 Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia! Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia! Dying once, he all doth save, Alleluia! Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia!

愛之救贖已完成 戰爭完畢主得勝 死亡豈能封主墳 基督開了樂園門 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Love’s redeeming work is done Fought the fight the battle won Death in vain forbids him rise Christ has opened paradise Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

(會眾請加入/congregation please join) 耶穌帶領我必隨 哈利路亞 跟從元首結成隊 哈利路亞 新造人像主一樣 哈利路亞 同復活同升天上 哈利路亞 Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia! Foll’wing our exalted Head , Alleluia! Made like him, like him we rise , Alleluia! Ours the cross, the grave, the skies , Alleluia! (會眾請坐下/congregation please be seated)

哈利路亞. 哈利路亞. 哈利路亞. 哈利路亞. 哈利路亞. 哈利路亞. 哈利路亞. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia 哈利路亞! 哈利路亞! 哈利路亞! 哈利路亞! 哈利路亞! 哈利路亞! 哈利路亞! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!