97學年度 雙語工作小組 結案報告 Final reports


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Presentation transcript:

97學年度 雙語工作小組 結案報告 Final reports 總幹事 陳虹璇 980824

大綱 Outline 緣起 Origin 計畫目標 Goal 雙語標示計畫實施方法 Method 組織架構 Organization 現有問題 Difficulty 標示雙語化工作流程 SOP of Bilingual Project 執行成效 Implementation 六館雙語示範大樓 Bilingual Model Building 參訪 Visit 英文點餐 Order in English 成果效益檢討 Achievements and Review 結論與建議 Conclusion and Suggestions

緣起 Origin

980310幹事會議組成工作小組,任期至980731,共18位職工,屬於任務編組,本職工作外的付出。 緣起 Origin 承Vision 20 宣示,邁向雙語大學。 Based on the spirit of Vision 20, YZU is marching towards a bilingual University. 980310幹事會議組成工作小組,任期至980731,共18位職工,屬於任務編組,本職工作外的付出。 There are 18 members in this Working Committee. 工作小組組織文化 bottom-up,主動發現問題,提出建議解決方案。 The Working Committee finds out problems and proposes the solution.

計畫目標 Goal

六館標示雙語化 Bilingual signs in Building 6 計畫目標 Goal (1) 六館標示雙語化 Bilingual signs in Building 6 以六館為示範大樓 Make Building 6 as the bilingual model 參訪淡江大學蘭陽校園 Visit Tamkang University Lanyang Campus 營造雙語化氛圍 Create bilingual atmosphere 雙語座位牌 Make bilingual nameplates 英文點餐 Order in English 殘障電梯英語廣播 Renew English audio announcements in handicapped elevator 國際時鐘牆(下屆) Hang wall clocks with different time zones (for the next term)

公告雙語化(佈告欄、海報、傳單、全校性email) 計畫目標 Goal (2) 公告雙語化(佈告欄、海報、傳單、全校性email) Bilingualization of the announcements (All the announcements should be bilingual, including bulletin boards, posters, leaflets, banners, student’s club announcements, and all email announcements. ) 網路環境雙語化(網頁資料等) Bilingualization of the Internet environment (Office of International Affairs has established a process for updating the English contents of the websites of the academic departments.) 行政流程雙語化(表單、法規、外籍師生服務等) Bilingualization of the administration (providing bilingual forms, laws, regulations, and services for foreign teachers and students) 其他 others

雙語標示 計畫實施方法 Method

組織架構 Organization 雙語標示計畫實施方法 Method (1) 總幹事 Chief of staff 外語組 Foreign Language Group 英語翻譯 English Translation 文法校正 Grammar Correcting 稽核組 Auditing Group 拍照 Take Pictures 連繫廠商 Communicate with Contractor 成效查核 Check 公關組 Public Affairs Group 訊息公布 Announce Information 活動與觀念宣導 Announce Activities and Ideas 行政組Administrative Group 會議準備 Call Meeting 預算控管 Control Budget

現有問題 Difficulty 市面上現成向廠商購買的、直接從字典翻譯出來的,無法使用 英文不夠道地,難以使用 雙語標示計畫實施方法 Method (2) 現有問題 Difficulty 市面上現成向廠商購買的、直接從字典翻譯出來的,無法使用 Those purchased from the contractor and translated from the e-dictionary cannot be applied. 英文不夠道地,難以使用 English is not good enough to promote bilingualization. 感謝中澤一亮老師推薦兩位學生,一位自幼在美成長、一位海外求學數年後返台,協助英譯 We express thanks to Kazuaki Nakazawa for his recommendation of two students: one is brought up in the United States, the other had been studying abroad for years.

標示雙語化工作流程 SOP of Bilingual Project 雙語標示計畫實施方法 Method (3) 發現問題 Find out the Problems 劃分區域 Divide Sections 只對公共區域Public Area 拍照304張 Take 304 Pictures 尋求解決 Ask for Help 外語組翻譯Translate from Chinese to English 英譯定稿 Final Version of Translation 解決問題 Solve the Problems 廠商印製 Printed by Contractors 拍照 Take Pictures 記錄成檔 Take Minutes 通知總務處 Inform Office of General Affairs

執行成效 Implementation

六館雙語示範大樓 Bilingual Model Building 執行成效 Implementation (1) 六館雙語示範大樓 Bilingual Model Building 980601完成六館雙語告示牌。 Renew Bilingual signs in Building 6. 約290處、預算6萬5000元。 290 signs in Building 6 are renewed. It costs around NT 65,000. 六館部分樓層,未普及全棟。 Not all the signs are renewed. 剩餘36處、估價2萬,建議列為下學年度預算。 There are still 36 signs in Building 6 that are not renewed yet. They cost about NT 20,000. 六館殘障電梯具備英文廣播(改版中)。 English audio announcements in handicapped elevator are renewed. (now modifying)

公告雙語化 Bilingualization of the announcements : 學務處宣導學生海報雙語化(標題、時間、地點等) 執行成效 Implementation (2) 公告雙語化 Bilingualization of the announcements : 學務處宣導學生海報雙語化(標題、時間、地點等) Office of Student Affairs asks students to make bilingual posters. (At least the date, time, place, title of the event and contact information should be bilingual. ) 總務處推動完成教職員餐廳菜單雙語化 The menu of Faculty Cafeteria is bilingual now. 秘書室、國際事務室等單位已寄發雙語郵件 Secretariat Office and Office of International Affairs and other divisions start sending bilingual e-mails. 國際語文中心蒐集各單位email,請外籍教師協助英譯後 制訂參照版本 ILCC is collecting bilingual e-mails, announcements and will discuss with native English-speaking teachers and offer appropriate formats.

國際事務室進行全校法規英譯,並以化材系為示範單位 執行成效 Implementation (3) 網路環境雙語化 Bilingualization of the Internet environment: 各單位陸續更新英文網頁 Each unit keeps renewing the English website. 總務處網頁之來校交通路線圖更新完成 Office of General Affairs has renewed the map. 行政流程雙語化 Bilingualization of the administration: 國際事務室進行全校法規英譯,並以化材系為示範單位 Office of International Affairs translates some regulations into English. 其他 others 部份校園交通指標,由總務處更新完成 Office of General Affairs has renewed traffic signs.

執行成效 Implementation (4) 參訪 Visit 980515參訪淡江大學蘭陽分校 Working Committee has visited Tamkang University Lanyang Campus on May 15 and will present the reports. 實地參訪校園、與各單位業務代表座談 Visited Lanyang Campus and talked to representative of each unit. 90%以上課程英語授課,大三學生出國研習一年。 The language of instruction is primarily English covering over 90 percent of its classes, and all students study for one year abroad in their Junior Year. 師生住校強化輔導與學習 The campus is based upon a traditional residential collegiate system accommodating all students and staff.

英文點餐 Order in English 980527開辦英文點餐活動。 執行成效 Implementation (5) 英文點餐 Order in English 980527開辦英文點餐活動。 Hold “Order in English” activity. 980521公告英文點餐活動。 Made an announcement of “Order in English.” 980527心情客飯發出20張coupons、亞提斯發出30張、萊可仕發出30張 。 Issued 20 coupons in 心情客飯, 30 coupons in Artist Café, 30 coupons in Lecce.

成果效益檢討 Achievements and Review

示範大樓 Bilingual model building 營造雙語化氛圍、使同仁有身處於國際環境之感 參訪 Visit 成果效益檢討 Achievements and Review 示範大樓 Bilingual model building 營造雙語化氛圍、使同仁有身處於國際環境之感 Create bilingual atmosphere. 參訪 Visit 拓展視野、了解他校作法、請益問題 Broaden views, learn experiences from another university. 英文點餐 Order in English 學生間成功營造雙語化氛圍、適時傳達合作廠商學校邁向雙語化、國際化的決心 Create bilingual atmosphere and demonstrate the determination of marching towards a bilingual and internationalized university.

結論與建議 Conclusion and Suggestions

建置雙語化環境需要人力、經費配合,雙語小組往後將結合總務處辦理。 結論與建議 Conclusion and Suggestions 建置雙語化環境需要人力、經費配合,雙語小組往後將結合總務處辦理。 More human resources and budgets are required. Bilingual Campus Task Force will collaborate with the Office of General Affairs in the future. 雙語標示英譯建議請外籍教師審閱,始為長久之計。 It is suggested that all the translations be revised by international teachers. 980223 97-10行政會議決議試行一學期,98學年度是否持續推動視情況而定。經980617 97-4 Steering Committee Meeting 建議繼續進行。 Administrative council meeting approved the mentioned above would be carried out for one semester and see if it is feasible in 2009 academic year. Then Steering Committee suggested the program resume execution.

敬請指正 Thank you for your attention!