ZARA – Fast Fashion 策略管理個案報告 Case Studies on Strategic Management


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Presentation transcript:

ZARA – Fast Fashion 策略管理個案報告 Case Studies on Strategic Management 指導老師:羅世輝教授 第 四 組:張瑞釗D0533004 李 靜D0533011      鄭瓊淑D0533012 日 期:107.1.8

References 西班牙ZARA的快速時尚 ZARA – Fast Fashion 1. Charles W. L. Will, Strategic Management, Theory, 12e 2017 Cengage Learning 2. “Rapid-Fire Fulfillment,” Harvard Business Review November 2004 Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Zara 的故事 The Story of Zara Zara時裝品牌1975 年創立於西班牙 隸屬西班牙服裝巨頭 Inditex 集團。 學徒出身的 Amancio Ortega Gaona 在西班牙西北部偏遠市鎮開小服裝店 - Zara,開創 Fast Fashion 模式。 Zara造就平民 High Fashion 名不見經傳的 Zara 成為全球時尚品牌。 Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

創辦人 Amancio Ortega Gaona 創辦人- Amancio Ortega Gaona, Mar 28 1936 14歲接觸服飾業,在La Coruña服裝店當送貨員 1963年成立睡衣、襯衫的小製造工廠 1975年在La Coruña成立第一家Zara 1985年以Zara為核心創立Inditex集團 2001年西班牙首富 2010年富比士排行全球第9 Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Zara母集團 - Inditex 時尚、品質、價格合理 Zara 針對年輕女性、前衛街頭風 Bershka 高級質料、都會風格設計 Massimo Dutti 女性內衣、睡衣系列 Oysho 年輕人市場,運動休閒風 Pull and Bear 青少女服飾 Stradivarius Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

發展歷程 1975: 在西班牙La Coruña市開設第一家零售門店,銷售積壓貨物。 1976 -1988: 在西班牙各大城市開設Zara分店。 1988: 在葡萄牙波爾圖市開設第一家海外門店,邁出了集團海外擴張的第一步。 1989: 在美國紐約開設第一家門店,打入美國市場。 1990: 在法國巴黎開設第一家門店,打入法國市場。 2001/5/23: Inditex集團上市;當天認購額超出發行量26倍,募得資金21 億歐元。 2004: 在香港開設集團的第2000 家門店。 2006: 在上海開設門店,首次進入中國大陸。 2006/6: 集團在全球64 個國家和地區開設了2899 多家專賣店。 Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Competitive Advantage at Zara 快速回應瞬息萬變的時尚潮流 一般服裝從設計到配送至店舖,需時6至9個月,而Zara僅需5週 打破服飾營運規則 Zara擁有自己的工廠,維持一半生產在自家工廠,不像其他業者外包 Zara擁有自己的設計師與實體店鋪 on Paper Selection 一 Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Competitive Advantage at Zara 即時資訊系統 設計師與店舖保持聯繫,了解即時銷售情況 熱賣商品資訊,和收集到的實際消費與應用資料相互印證分析 據分析,Zara團隊每年創造約4萬件新款式,1萬件進入量產 資本密集的生產活動在自家工廠進行 採電腦控制設備裁切衣料 不為規模經濟而大量生產,採小批量生產 勞力密集活動則由合約工廠製造 on Paper Selection Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Competitive Advantage at Zara 創造稀有價值感 成衣完成先運送Zara倉庫,再每週配送至實體店舖 刻意控制產量,熱銷時反而供應小批量產品 快速轉換到下一個流行趨勢 常銷售一空,空貨架創造稀有性的價值感 顧客會迅速買下唯恐款式絕版 on Paper Selection Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Competitive Advantage at Zara 較少的存貨較高的利潤率 透過設計、資訊系統、物流管理支援等策略達成效果: 比競爭者有較少的存貨,約10%,Benetton, Gap約15% 較低的未出售產品價格折讓損失,較高的利潤率 on Paper Selection Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment Based on “Rapid-Fire Fulfillment,” Harvard Business Review November 2004 Today, over 650 Zara stores in some 50 countries attract well-heeled (rich, 富有的) customers in luxury shopping districts around the world, and Senor Ortega is arguably (毫無疑問的) the richest man in Spain. Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment In an industry which is extremely fast paced and demanding, Zara has got a great competitive advantage over the rest of the industry. Their innovative supply chain is responsible for this rise to glory. There are two important steps to become successful in the fashion retail business – Keep up with fashion and make clothes that the customers want and Have an effective marketing strategy. This has enabled them to be fast and market responsive with the clothes taking less than 4 weeks to reach from the designers to the customers which is usually around 2-5 months for other companies.   Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment The lesson Ortega learned from his early scare was this: To be successful, “you need to have five fingers touching the factory and five touching the customer.” Translation: Control what happens to your product until the customer buys it. In adhering to (黏得緊緊的) this philosophy, Zara has developed a super-responsive supply chain. The company can design, produce, and deliver a new garment (衣服) and put it on display in its stores worldwide in a mere 15 days Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment During the last three years We’ve tried to discover just how Zara designs and manages its rapid- fire supply chain. We didn’t find any. Instead, we found a self-reinforcing system built on three principles: Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment Close the communication loop. (縮小溝通迴路) The goal is to close the information loop between the end users and the upstream operations of design, procurement, production, and distribution as quickly and directly as possible. Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment This Fast Fashion System Depends on a constant exchange of information throughout every part of Zara’s supply chain From customers to store managers, from store managers to market specialists and designers, from designers to production staff, from buyers to subcontractors, from warehouse managers to distributors, and so on. Most companies insert layers of bureaucracy (官僚規章) that can bog down (耽擱沒進展) communication between departments. transfer easy. Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment Empty racks (空貨架) at Zara don’t drive customers to other stores. Being out of stock (沒庫存) in one item helps sell another. Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment Stick to a rhythm across the entire chain. At Zara, it spends money on anything that helps to increase and enforce the speed and responsiveness of the chain as a whole. The entire chain moves to a fast but predictable rhythm that resembles Toyota’s “Takt time” for assembly By carefully timing the whole chain, Zara avoids the usual problem of rushing through one step and waiting to take the next. Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment Stick to a Rhythm The precise rhythm begins in the retail shops. Store managers in Spain and southern Europe place orders twice weekly, by 3:00 pm Wednesday and 6:00 pm Saturday And the rest of the world places them by 3:00 pm Tuesday and 6:00 pm Friday. These deadlines are strictly enforced: If a store in Barcelona misses the Wednesday deadline, it has to wait until Saturday. Order fulfillment follows the same strict rhythm Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment When the trucks arrive at the stores, the rapid rhythm continues. Finally, because regular customers know exactly when the new deliveries come, they visit the stores more frequently on those days. Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment Leverage your capital assets to increase supply chain flexibility. technical machines,buildings, and other property belonging to a company Zara has made major capital investments in production and distribution facilities and uses them to increase the supply chain’s responsiveness to new and fluctuating demands. It produces complicated products in- house and outsources the simple ones. Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment It took Zara many years to develop its highly responsive system But your company need not spend decades bringing its supply chain up to speed. Instead, you can borrow a page from Zara’s playbook. Zara’s practices may be directly applicable only in high-tech or other industries where product life cycles are very short. Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment In a volatile market (瞬息萬變市場) where product life cycles are short, it’s better to own fewer assets --thus goes the conventional wisdom shared by many senior managers, stock analysts, and management gurus. (專家) Zara subverts (顛覆) this logic: It produces roughly half of its products in its own factories. It buys 40% of its fabric from another Inditex firm, Comditel (accounting for almost 90% of Comditel’s total sales), and it purchases its dyestuff (染料) from yet another Inditex company. Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment So much vertical integration is clearly out of fashion (不是趕時尚,不是 一時的) in the industry; rivals like Gap and H&M, for example, own no production facilities. But Zara’s managers reason that investment in capital assets can actually increase the organization’s overall flexibility. Owning production assets gives Zara a level of control over schedules and capacities that, its senior managers argue, would be impossible to achieve if the company were entirely dependent on outside suppliers, especially ones located on the other side of the world. Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment Even though there’s ample (more than enough) capacity in this distribution center during most of the year, Zara opened a new €100 million, 120,000-square-meter logistics center in Zaragoza, northeast of Madrid, in October 2003. Why is Zara so generous with capacity? Zara’s senior managers follow a fundamental rule of queuing models, which holds that waiting time shoots up exponentially when capacity is tight and demand is variable See the exhibit “For Fast Response, Have Extra Capacity on Hand” Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment Reinforcing Principles None of the three principles outlined above—closing the communication loop, sticking to a rhythm, and leveraging your assets—is particularly new or radical. Each one alone could improve the responsiveness of any company’s supply chain. But together, they create a powerful force because they reinforce one another. Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Rapid-Fire Fulfillment 快速履行 Rapid-Fire Fulfillment Perhaps the deepest secret of Zara’s success is its ability to sustain an environment that optimizes the entire supply chain rather than each step. They have hardwired into the organization the lesson Ortega learned almost 30 years ago: Touch the factories and customers with two hands. Do everything possible to let one hand help the other. And whatever you do, don’t take your eyes off the product until it’s sold. Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Competitive Advantage at Zara Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.