10th week Chinese 2 Objectives


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Presentation transcript:

10th week Chinese 2 Objectives 1. Review the new words 2.Grammar: A and also B 3. We did … Last weekend!

Monday objectives TEKS 1A, 2A, 2B, 3A, 5A 1. Review the new words of animals, adj, adv. 2.Grammar: A and also B 3. learn new words: actions Activities: make word card in pair Hw: practice reading it at home and get familiar with the words.

Review animal project Review the new words, sentences.

Study new words 睡觉shuìjiào/ sleep 看牛仔 队比赛Kàn niúzǎi duì bǐsài / watch cowboy 露营lùyíng / camping 玩电子游戏wán diànzǐ Yóuxì play video game 上 周末Shàng zhōumò last weekend 做作业 zuò zuo yè / do homework 游泳yóuyǒng/ swim 练习liànxí/ exercise 学习xuéxí/ study 画画huà huà / paint 看足球赛kàn zúqiú sài / watch football game 染头发rǎn tóufǎ / dye hair 乐团操演 yuètuán Cāoyǎn / marching band

Tuesday objectives Objectives: 1a, 2a, 2b, 3a, 4a Review voc. TSW be able to identify the new words and read aloud the new words TSW be able to use “又”to make a sentence. TSW find their partner to worked on a project “last weekend, I did.” TSW write their own dialogue.

露营 看牛仔 队比赛 游泳 做作业 睡觉 玩电子游戏 学习 练习 看足球赛 染头发 画画 乐团操演

New words 上周末shang Zhōumò last weekend 下xià coming+ noun 做zuò to do 了le particle to form past tense 又…又…yòu…yòu… A also B 这zhè This 那nà that

变成biàn chéng Turned into 派对pàiduìparty Halloween words 鬼Guǐ Ghost 花 huā Flower 骷髅 kūlóuSkull 身体 shēntǐ Body 音乐 yīnyuèMusic 鲸鱼 jīngyúWhale 蝙蝠 biānfú Bat 杯子 bēizi Cup 变成biàn chéng Turned into 派对pàiduìparty 不给糖bù gěi táng,就捣蛋 jiù dǎodàn, Trick or Treat! 万圣节wànshèngjié Halloween

Grammar: past tense+ i. Past tense=verb +了 看了 吃了 看电影了 吃巧克力了 打篮球了 Make your own sentences!

In the past: 上周末,我… 上周末,我看了电影。 我妈妈爸爸去看了牛仔队比赛。 我哥哥写了作业。 我妹妹又唱了歌又跳了舞。

Wednesday objectives Teks: 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a Review the new words Introduce grammar: future tense Make sentences with future tense. Hw: practice reading the new words and the sentence you made.

Future tense 将要=要+ verb 下周末我要去吃BBQ 下周我们要去动物园。 Make your own sentences

Thursday Aspire test

Friday objectives Teks: 3a, 3b, Review voc. 2 and voc.2 quiz Students work on their comic strips. HW: Turn in the draft to me by monday. Presentation next Tuesday. It is a test grade.

Voc.quiz 睡觉shuìjiào/ 看牛仔 队比赛Kàn niúzǎi duì bǐsài / 露营lùyíng / 玩电子游戏wán diànzǐ Yóuxì 上 周末Shàng zhōumò 做作业 zuò zuo yè / 游泳yóuyǒng/ 练习liànxí/ 学习xuéxí/ 画画huà huà / 看足球赛kàn zúqiú sài / 染头发rǎn tóufǎ / 乐团操演 yuètuán Cāoyǎn /

Rubrics for the project 1. Say two activities each person did last week. 5x4% 2. 4 persons/ animal/ imaginary projects Include two images for each person. 5x4% 3. Write in Chinese characters. 10% 4. Say it fluently 10% x4 Moderate fluently 7% x 4 Not fluently 5% 5. Grammar: less than 5 mistake 10% More than 5 mistakes: 5%

example Emily 上周末弹了钢琴,然后喝了咖啡。 弟弟先游泳,再写作业。 妹妹打了篮球,又玩了电子游戏。 上周末,妈妈和爸爸看了牛仔队比赛。然后他们去吃汉堡包。