International Conference ITIE2010: Inspiration from Best Practices


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Presentation transcript:

International Conference ITIE2010: Inspiration from Best Practices The Model of Management Corporate Reputation of Academic Library: The Importance of Library Assessment 高校图书馆的企业声誉管理模型: 图书馆评估的重要性 Jelena Saikovič, PhD Student Vilnius University Faculty of Communication 维尔纽斯大学传播学院 International Conference ITIE2010: Inspiration from Best Practices 21st-23rd of June 2010 LanZhou, GanSu. China International Conference ÏTIE2010: Inspiration from Best Practices". 21st-23rd of June 2010. LanZhou, GanSu. China

Libraries in the World of Changes…世界范围内图书馆的变化

The benefits of managing CR 企业声誉管理的优点 Attracting new partners, customers …吸引新合作伙伴、顾客 Influencing political and legal affairs 影响政治及法律事务 Retaining good staff and attracting the best employees 保留好的员工,吸引优秀员工 Helping to reinforce relationships with suppliers and distributors and other stakeholders 有助于加强与供应商、分销商及其他零售商的联系 Potentially increased financial performance 潜在提高财务业绩 More successful new services launches成功开展更多的新服务 Library will earn the trust, confidence and loyalty of its stakeholders图书馆能够获得股东的信赖与忠诚 Strategic advantage 战略优势 Better international visibility 更好的国际视野 Etc. 等等

Corporate Communication 公司交流 the function and process of managing communications between an organization and important stakeholder groups in its environment 管理公司与重要股东间的交流的功能与过程

公共关系 社会-经济力量 集成 公司交流 社会-经济力量 市场 新闻机构定位 公共信息定位 双向定位 集成 公司交流 Picture 1. The historical development of Public Relations and marketing (Cornelissen, Joep, 2004) 销售定位 生产定位 市场定位 社会-经济力量 市场 Source. The historical development of Public Relations and marketing (Cornelissen, Joep, 2004)

Stakeholders 股东 “What for to build house if no one wants to live there? “. There is no reason to have the library full of new books and equipment if it is empty – without our users…如果没人住,建房子有什么用?如果没有用户,图书馆不需要那么多新书和设备 “Door is closed, but the windows are still open”. There is no reason to close the door of the library – our stakeholders know everything about us…门关了,但窗户仍开着。图书馆没有理由关门-我们的股东知道发生的一切 “Know what they know about you, know what they want from you”. It is necessary to manage the corporate communication of the library.知道他们想知道的,知道他们需要 的,管理图书馆的公司交流很必要

The result of managing corporate communication - negative or positive corporate reputation 管理公司交流的结果-对公司的声誉有积极或者消极的影响

Corporate Identity – Corporate Image - Corporate Reputation 公司标志-公司形象-公司名誉

The image – reputation pyramid 形象-名誉金字塔 我告诉其他人尝试你 推荐 统治 你是我的第一选择 尝试 向我展示你能做的 倾向 我正在找你 形象 形象 我知道你代表着什么 我经常看到你 熟悉 DOWLING, Grahame. Creating Corporate Reputations: Identity, Image and Performance [interaktyvus]. New York: Oxfor University Press, 2002. 293 p. [žiūrėta 2009 m. lapkričio 26 d.]. Prieiga per internetą: < > 我记得那个公司 想起来 我看到过不仅是名字 意识到 我认为从前看到过名字 模糊 我没听说 无意识 Source. Creating Corporate Reputations: Identity, Image and Performance (Dowling, G. 2002)

Corporate Identity – Corporate Image - Corporate Reputation 公司标志-公司形象-公司名誉 Who we are as the Library? Identity 作为图书馆,我们是谁?标志 What does the Library want others to think about the Library? Image 图书馆如何让别人思考图书馆?形象 What does the Library believe others think of the Library? Image图书馆如何相信别人对图书馆的看法?形象 What do stakeholders actually think of the Library? Reputation 股东是如何真正看待图书馆?声誉

Corporate Reputation公司声誉 CR can be defined as social transmissible company‘s (its characteristics, practice, behavior, results, etc.) evaluation settled over a period of time among stakeholders, that represents expectations for the company’s actions, and level of trustworthiness, favorability and acknowledgement comparing to rivals (Ch. J. Fombrun)公司声誉定义为特定时间段股东间对公司的特征、实践、行为、结果等社会化的可传递的评估,代表着与竞争对手相比,对公司的行为、可信度、支持度、认可度的期望。

Source. Reputation Management. OpinionLeaderResearch Corporate Reputation Source. Reputation Management. OpinionLeaderResearch

Creation Corporate Reputation of the Academic Library: Model 创建高校图书馆的公司声誉:模型 By Jelena Saikovič

公司声誉 关注 尊重 认可 质量 价值 责任 可视化表达 员工活动 服务产品 管理者活动 竞争 媒质 公司形象 社会形象 产品形象 可视化形象 商业形象 可视化标志 内部交流 公司标志

We can control CR of the Library 我们可以控制图书馆的企业声誉 U S Quality 质量 服务/产品 Value 价值 Regard 关注 图书馆的声誉 Respect 尊重 Recognition 认可 信任 竞争 社会责任

Management Corporate Reputation of the Academic Library: Model 管理高校图书馆的企业声誉:模型 By Jelena Saikovič

Seven main stages七个主要阶段 Corporate Identity management公司标志管理 Corporate Image management 公司形象管理 Corporate Reputation measurement公司声誉测量 Evaluation of the measurement 评估 Decisions making 决策 Decisions realization 实现 Feedback 反馈

Any questions? Thank you! Jelena Saikovič, PhD Student Vilnius University Faculty of Communication