Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University


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Presentation transcript:

Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 热烈欢迎各位同学! 当白玉兰绽放枝头,… (today after two years, flowers…) 2018/9/21 Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University

Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 宽带通信网技术 Broadband Communication Network Technologies Dr. Zhanqi XU (徐展琦) Tel: 88204666 2018/9/21 Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 课程主要目标 2018/9/21 理解现代网络的体系结构与发展趋势; 掌握接入网的体系结构、常见宽带接入与组网原理: xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line)、光纤铜缆HFC、光纤接入网OAN 、高速以太网接入、无线移动接入),宽带网技术(SDH/MSTP (Multi-service Transport Platform )、FE/GE、ATM、IP、MPLS; 理解新型网络体系结构:下一代网络NGN(Next Generation Networks)、IP网络多媒体通信VoIP和新型网络体系结构(软交换、IMS)、SDN/NFV、SDx/Centric-y等; 完成学生从“概念网络或梦幻虚拟网络”到“真实网络”的转变; (网络=网元network elements+(网元内部和网元间的)协议protocols) 锻炼学生操作与配置网络和初步具备网络软件开发的能力(仅对选宽带通信网综合实验的同学)。 In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 课程主要内容 2018/9/21 Part 1:基本知识 CH00-ATM网络基本原理(重要网络技术的补充) ATM技术概述,ATM物理层,ATM适配层(AAL)协议,ATM交换,ATM信令协议, CCSS No.7(新增)-自学 CH01-xDSL-自学 In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: CH1-接入网络概述 网络概论 接入网基本知识(定义、一般网络结构、业务与分类、接口及发展概括 Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 Part 2:接入网与宽带网 常见接入网基本原理 CH2 HFC/Cable Modem接入网 CH3 光纤接入网OAN (Optical Access Network), 有源光接入网(active, AON),无源光接入网(passive, PON) In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: CH4 无线接入( WLAN (wireless LAN) ,移动接入) CH5 高速以太网接入(Ethernet, GE) Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 CH6 宽带传送网 城域网 宽带网技术(X over Y over Z ; X / Y/ Z, e.g. IP over ATM, IP over SDH),SDH,MSTP 宽带交换与MPLS 网络协议参考模型(我的总结,让杂乱无章的协议间关系清晰),OSI/RM, Internet RM; ATM既是第3层,也是第2层协议? In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 Part 3:新型网络体系结构 CH7 新型网络体系结构 IP网络多媒体通信和VoIP 下一代网络NGN 新型网络体系结构(软交换Softswitch、IP多媒体子系统IMS、 软件定义网络SDN (Software Defined Network/networking)/网络功能虚拟化NFV(Network Function Virtualization SDx(x=Networking, Access network, transceiver, …) Centric-y(y=application, content, data, name, …) In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

课程主要内容-- 宽带通信网新技术及其发展专题讨论 Project Progress 2018/9/21 课程主要内容-- 宽带通信网新技术及其发展专题讨论 1. 接入网新技术 1.1有线介质(7) 电力线传输与接入及组网技术 居民小区中可能的接入及组网技术 家居(家庭)网络(Home Networking)技术 高速以太网GE及组网技术 高速以太网 10/100GE及组网技术 EPON接入及组网技术 GPON接入及组网技术 In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 1.2无线介质(7) 高速WLAN IEEE802.11(a, g)接入及组网技术 高速WLAN IEEE802.16x 接入及组网技术 无线ATM的MAC协议与组网技术 蓝牙技术(bluetooth) 卫星宽带接入及组网技术 3GWCDMA 接入及组网UTRAN (Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network) ,或3G CDMA2000接入及组网 4G LTE(长期演进) In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 2.宽带网络技术 (10) 宽带高速传输技术(GFP、LAPS等) 高速交换技术 IPv6及其组网技术 光纤信道技术(FC:fiber channel) 网络协议参考模型的对比研究 IPTV及其组网技术 SDH及其组网技术 交换机与路由器的对比研究 宽带移动通信与组网技术 分组网中的时钟恢复方法 In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 3.网络新体系结构 (12) 下一代网络及其发展 GMPLS 及其组网技术 Softswitch和IMS技术及其组网技术 IPv9及其组网技术 TDMoIP技术 多业务交换(Multiservice Switching) 基于内容的交换(content Switching) 流媒体技术 (Streaming media) OTN体系结构 及组网 T-MPLS体系结构 及组网 PBB/PBT体系结构 及组网 5G组网技 In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 4.网络新概念 (6) 软件定义网络SDN 网络功能虚拟化NFV 认知网(cognitive networks)及其体系结构 智慧云网络及其体系结构 大数据及其应用 Centric-x, x=information, data, application,… 合计 约 42 个专题 2017年设想: 针对每人感兴趣或结合所在实验室的课题,达到研究生开题级别的要求,重点在于: 1) 课题的发展动态与着力点 2) 课题的研究设想 3) 课题的创新点 In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 下一代网创新实验室 目标 支撑相关课程 通信网演示平台 创新研究平台与创新研究的孵化器(incubator) 通用实验设备 网络处理器开发系统(Intel 2400) 网络嵌入式微处理器开发系统(MPC82XX) 逻辑分析仪TLA614 混合示波器54642D(500MHZ、 16通道) 示波器TDS3032B(300MHZ) FPGA/CPLD开发板(ALTERA) DSP仿真器(TI)DSP 评估模块(TI) 计算机 打印机(HP3380) In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 下一代网创新实验室 专用实验设备 宽带接入服务器F-engineR4004 媒体网关FHXT2000 软交换服务器FHX8000 无源光网络系统(GEPON) 路由器(R2600) 以太网交换机(F-engine S3101千兆三层) 多业务传送平台MSTP (IBAS130) 高速无线局域网接入系统(WLAN) … In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 下一代网创新实验室 下一代网创新实验室网络结构 ADSL接入 100M ESR LAN接入 软交换综合接入 Cable接入 电力线接入 MSTP传输网 R4001 R4101 E1 FE Internet GE(光纤) FHX8000 IPTV 运营平台 MSTP网管软件 1:16 分光器 IPTV WLAN无线接入1 FTTx接入 S2016M ADM R2630(3) R2630(4) R2630(2) R2630(1) S3528(1) S3528(2) VDSL接入 软交换综合接入2 CTI交换2 CTI交换1 WLAN无线接入2 BP5012 In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 下一代网创新实验室 宽带通信网实验课内容(可以单选实验) 实验设备与连接认知 xDSL接入网 光接入网 高速以太网交换 宽带网络组成 IP网络多媒体通信 基于软交换的下一代网络 网络路由协议设置 学生自主创新部分包括: 1)硬件类:设计并实现信息产生、获取、处理、传输、交换等新体制、新技术、新概念; 2)软件类:设计并实现传输、交换等控制新协议,如H.248, SIP,网络管理与控制。 In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 课程实施 讲课部分(27学时),实验设备认知2学时,设有课程网站,每章提供中英文参考资料,专题讨论3学时(同学每人准备 1 个专题); 每节课后不少于4学时:理解,补充不懂的概念与内容 实践环节(考核):作业(30%)、专题报告(30%)、考试(40%) 部分章节采用英文原文,提高英语写作水平(合格的英文摘要,即使是中式英语) 考试:6月上中旬,实验3.15~5.30 教学参考书 《宽带接入技术及应用》,郭世满等,北京邮电大学出版,2006年8月,35元 宽带接入技术与实践,杨威,人民邮电出版,2008年,24元 In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 课程参考书 《宽带网络技术原理》,李宏乔等编,机械工业出版,2002年5月(1人/本); 《互联网接入—基础与技术》, 谷红勋等编,人民邮电出版,2002年1月(2-3人/本,46元); 《城域光网络》,徐荣, 龚倩等编,北京邮电大学出版,2002年1月(2-3人/本, 56元); 《宽带通信网络》,杜锡伟等编,人民邮电出版,1998年(2-3人/本, 40元); 《网络融合环境下,宽带接入技术及应用》,张传福,电子工业出版社,2011年 《接入网》,韦乐平编著,人民邮电出版社1997年7月 个人网页--上载“部分课程相关电子书、英文书” In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

适合对象(who should learn) Project Progress 2018/9/21 适合对象(who should learn) 具备较好的网络基础,例如学过《计算机通信》、《计算机网络》等课程,使网络由理论、概念走向现实(Dream  realization); 具备初步的网络基础,理论网络和现实网络一起学;(推荐谢希仁编《计算机网络》第4版) 具备较好的实际工作基础,提升网络理论知识(工程硕士等,或博士生必备的网络架构知识) 该课程从宏观和整体上研究通信网络(layer 1 to layer 3),注重广度,兼顾深度(不注重小细节,如DSP的一个算法) 规划辉煌的职业生涯: 实现从engineer 到 principal investigator (主研) 到项目经理project Manager 到总工/技术总监/架构师 chief engineer , Chief Technology Official (CTO) , Chief Architecture In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 推荐的资料网站 , a lot of good tutorials of latest techniques ;重点参考, a good Chinese web for learners of latest techniques ;, telecommunications technology resources page , IP-based multimedia communication, International telecommunication Union In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 推荐的资料网站, atm forum, links of standard organizations, Standards (and 34 Cross References), Internet standards developer, an excellent search engine 实验丁老师联系:, 88204666 讲稿及大量课程参考资料: 主页: 研究组主页: In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21

Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University Project Progress 2018/9/21 Comments: 由于研究生课程与本科课程的侧重点不同,建议大家也看看我给通院本科生准备的《接入网及其应用》课件; 由于将原宽带通信网分为《宽带接入网》、《通信网新技术讨论课(外教) 》,后者的教学大纲由本人提供,但如何实施? 2015年起,为提高学生进一步对网络课的兴趣与增强综合能力,拟采取以下措施: 增加实践环节,实验设备认知; 布置网络编程题目,例如,编写ftp客户端; 每章作业有拓展题; … In order to transfer multimedia in various environment, part or all of the the following techniques used: Dr. Zhanqi XU,Natioanal Key Lab on ISN,Xidian University Dr. Zhanqi XU, National Key Lab on ISN, Xidian University 2018/9/21