多平台、多“商店”环境中推出手机游戏 Maarten Noyons NCC合伙人 IMGA和playground-maker.com创立人


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Presentation transcript:

多平台、多“商店”环境中推出手机游戏 Maarten Noyons NCC合伙人 IMGA和playground-maker.com创立人

我是谁 Maarten Noyons, Noyons Content Consultancy (NCC)的CEO 为媒体公司、游戏内容公司、操作商、手机制造商及政府组织提供咨询 于204年创立了世界手机游戏最大奖项-国际手机游戏奖(International Mobile Gaming Awards)www.imgawards.com 现在正在为Real World Games建立www.playground-maker开放资源平台 So let’s first have a look at some key figures to understand the market for mobile games. We will then focus on the different platforms and app stores and i about 20 minutes I will present you some elements that can help you evaluate the different opportunities in mobile games publishing. We will end this presentation with some questions, so please keep your questions to the end of this presentation.

内容 手机游戏市场的主要数据 主要问题 不同客户渠道概述 分析 建议及您的问题 So let’s first have a look at some key figures to understand the market for mobile games. We will then focus on the different platforms and app stores and i about 20 minutes I will present you some elements that can help you evaluate the different opportunities in mobile games publishing. We will end this presentation with some questions, so please keep your questions to the end of this presentation.

世界范围的用户群 来源: isuppy, Gartner, GSMA, 联合国 The market for mobile applications and games is much larger that any other media. This year the total number of subscribers will reach the 5 billion benchmark. This includes the business markets and notebooks. In 2009 1,2 billion handsets were shipped. This is huge compared to the PC market and the TV Industry. 来源: isuppy, Gartner, GSMA, 联合国

世界范围的用户群 来源: isupply, Nintendo, GSMA,联合国 The market for mobile applications and games is much larger that any other media. This year the total number of subscribers will reach the 5 billion benchmark. This includes the business markets and notebooks. In 2009 1,2 billion handsets were shipped. This is huge compared to the PC market and the TV Industry. 来源: isupply, Nintendo, GSMA,联合国

2010年3季度世界手机市场 The Smartphone market is impressive, true, but also highly fragmented.

Every operating systems requires a special version (build) of a game and in many cases the Operating Systems require specific builds for specific devices or ranges of devices. The fragmentation issue is a very important cost factor.

2006 智能手机操作系统市场份额

2010 智能手机操作系统市场份额

2015 智能手机操作系统市场份额

2006 2010 2015

低分散 小型 大型 客户群 高分散

应用程序商店回顾 ‘99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’07 ‘08 推出 N-Gage 商店 推出应用商店 宣布联合创新实验室(Joint Innovation Lab) Now let’s have a closer look at App stores. A few milestones, building up to the success of the App Store and the end of N-Gage Vodafone live ! NTT DoCoMo‘s iAppli 商店 BREW 在韩国推出 +转出 法国MNO Orange推出Les Games 推出Handango

‘09 应用商店推出 Ovi Store Nokia App World Blackberry Android Market Various MNO’s Play Now Sony Ericsson SamsungApps Samsung Shop for Apps Motorola LG Application Store LG In 2009 every OEM has tried to launch their App Store

105 家应用商店

操作商店 独立网站商店 专营商店 智能手机商店 开放 有限经销 广泛经销 专有 有限经销 广泛经销 What type of App Stores are there? Some stores are completely open to any consumer with any kind of device, Others are more specialized and catering to specific user groups. 专有

来源: Strategy Analytics 开放 GetJar 操作商店 Handango PocketGear 商店 有限经销 广泛经销 OEM 应用商店 OVI Store Here we can see the position of these app stores in a matrix Android Market App Store BREW 专有 来源: Strategy Analytics

2010年应用程序量市场份额 (包括 iPod Touch)

4类商店的收入份额 来源: Strategy Analytics How about revenues? The App stores currently offer the best revenue share 来源: Strategy Analytics


操作商店的收入份额 来源: Strategy Analytics This is actually the reality before the app store. Poor Europeans.. 来源: Strategy Analytics

CALA Central America and Latin America There is an interesting relationship between the size of the market for apps and the revenue share for developers. The markets where the revenue share is most advantageous for developers, the market is much bigger. The countries where the revenue share is lower, have a stagnating market. Why would that be?

年度应用程序 :下载 /用户 We predict a strong growth in the App downloads per user

Prices vary per app store and per type of app or game Prices vary per app store and per type of app or game. Distimo is a very good and free source for this kind of information

价格 : 免费对比交费 But also an increase of free apps

主要问题 投资回报 分散相关成本 销售 So we are now coming to the last part of my presentation the Key Issues

收入份额 进入市场时间 客户群 受众情况 分散 盗版 单一应用程序价格 内容战略 (策略) 付款机制 本地化 销售量 使用、搜寻简便 贵方应用程序的销售 商店销售

分散相关成本 问一下自己投资回报的问题 市场中可承受的解决方案: Ideaworks3D, Polarbit, Metismo, J2MEPolish, Mobile Sorcery, Celcius,Innaworks, Flexicore 越来越多的开发商正在进行多平台推出 (X-box, PSN, Facebook, Playstation, etc…)

销售 免费游戏应像电影预告片: 向电影业学习, 利用社会网络推广游戏, 慎重定价 (参阅 Distimo) 加入大奖评选 (IMGA!) 利用升级、特征、高分、成就、反馈和顾客建立关系 I hope to have fulfilled your expectations by outlining the key challenges in mobile game development and publishing. I have tried to be as complete and clear as possible. Success in this business is possible, but is does require to make the right choices and to be very critical to the various App Stores and distribution opportunities. I hope my presentation has handed some tools for that. I also think that our interest are not properly represented and I think we shoud do something about it.

有问题吗? mcnoyons@nccpartners.com