「妮基的異想世界」 (The World and Fanatsy of Niki de Saint Phalle )
「妮基的異想世界」 台中國立台灣美術館展出
妮基去世前8年(1994年), 人們才從她的自傳獲知,她曾在12 歲遭親生父親性侵,從她早期的作品充滿挑釁和傷害性可看出端 倪,她常用釘子、剃刀等物件來創作風景,似乎試圖從生命中的 創傷中釋放自我。她與丁格利聯手創作的「射擊」系列,更以來 福槍射擊象徵「聖壇」的畫作,凸顯男性的戰爭、暴力世界。
妮基1930年在巴黎出生,父親是一位銀行家,因為經濟大蕭條破產,全家搬到美國。她少女時期成為模特兒,18歲就與作家馬修斯私奔結婚,婚後開始自學藝術。年輕就為人婦並且生了兩的小孩的她,對於自己身處這種中產階級的生活感到疲憊,更因此精神崩潰,藝術更成為她自我治療的重要方式。 妮基在巴黎認識了藝術家魏斯(Hugh Weiss),魏斯鼓勵妮基以她自學的特殊風格持續創作。妮基的第一個個展是1956年於瑞士舉行。她在1955年認識了藝術家丁格利(Jean Tinguely),兩人陷入熱戀,這是妮基的第二任丈夫。當時丁格利與妮基都是已婚狀態,兩人為了彼此而離婚。之後兩人一起在藝術圈活動。妮基在2002年過世。 一生執迷「探索女性角色」 妮基最具代表性的創作系列是1960年代開始的射擊繪畫(Shooting Painting)。她以來福槍射擊懸掛在畫布前的顏料袋,顏料自然落在畫布上形成圖案。 她對女性在社會角色有著很深的困惑與探討,女人是生育者、母親、女巫還是妓女呢?因此她創造了一個色彩鮮明、造型豐滿的巨型女性塑像,並以Nana命名。
她自己晚年在義大利托斯卡尼以塔羅牌人物為原型所建造的「塔羅公園」(Tarot Garden),皆成為世界知名藝術景觀
Saint Phalle collaborated with Jean Tinguely on a sixteen piece sculptural fountain that honors Igor Stravinsky and his work. The works were installed next to the Centre George Pompidou in 1983. Here the masculine machine imagery of Tinguely and Saint Phalle's joyful and feminine pop imagery work together to create a celebration of eroticism right on the streets of Paris. This particular piece with the lips is called "L'amour".
" As a child I could not identify with my mother or my grandmother, my aunts or my mother's friends. They seemed a pretty unhappy lot. Our home was confining. A narrow space with little liberty or privacy. I didn't want to become like them, guardians of the hearth, I wanted the world and the world then belonged to MEN." from Niki de Saint Phalle, Verglag Gerd Hatje, 1992
Saint Phalle collaborated on many projects with the Swiss sculptor Jean Tinguely. One was called "Hon" (Swedish for "she") and was exhibited in Stockholm, Sweden at the Moderna Museet in 1966. One would enter and exit through the vagina and would find a planetarium in the left breast and a milk bar and bottle crusher in the right. There was also a payphone, automatic food vender, a cinema, and an aquarium.