Words by Leila Hamrat and Music by Claude Fraysse


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Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
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c B (1) c (1) (2) c (2) B B 千萬個理由 10,000 Reasons 我的靈 讚美祢 我全所有 讚美祢的聖名 像第一次開口 盡我所有 讚美祢的聖名 (1) Bless the Lord, O my soul 我全所有 讚美祢的聖名 O my.
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Presentation transcript:

Words by Leila Hamrat and Music by Claude Fraysse 獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice Words by Leila Hamrat and Music by Claude Fraysse

我心切切渴慕你主 我要緊緊跟隨你 My heart longs for You, my Savior 獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice 我心切切渴慕你主 My heart longs for You, my Savior 我要緊緊跟隨你 I would follow you, my Lord

你恩典與慈愛永無止息 你信實直到永遠 Your kindness and love are vast as the skies 獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice 你恩典與慈愛永無止息 Your kindness and love are vast as the skies 你信實直到永遠 Your faithfulness never dies

獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice My offering of praise I bring 我王我的神,因你奇妙聖名 My God and my King Your great name I sing 獻上我的讚美 My offering of praise I bring

獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice Jesus, O Jesus, I give you my life 耶穌, 主耶穌, 求用我一生 Jesus, O Jesus, I give you my life

獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice My soul contemplates your glory 我心深深向你敬拜 My soul contemplates your glory 我靈渴慕你榮光 I worship in holy awe

我完全相信你寶貴應許 我在你懷中安息 In quietness and in confident trust 獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice 我完全相信你寶貴應許 In quietness and in confident trust 我在你懷中安息 I rest in all that You are

獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice Until I behold Your face 要向世人歌唱你的恩典 I’ll sing to the world Your glory and grace 直到我見你面 Until I behold Your face

獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice Jesus, O Jesus, I give you my life 耶穌, 主耶穌, 求用我一生 Jesus, O Jesus, I give you my life

我心切切渴慕你主 我要緊緊跟隨你 My heart longs for You, my Savior 獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice 我心切切渴慕你主 My heart longs for You, my Savior 我要緊緊跟隨你 I would follow you, my Lord

你恩典與慈愛永無止息 你信實直到永遠 Your kindness and love are vast as the skies 獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice 你恩典與慈愛永無止息 Your kindness and love are vast as the skies 你信實直到永遠 Your faithfulness never dies

獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice My offering of praise I bring 我王我的神,因你奇妙聖名 My God and my King Your great name I sing 獻上我的讚美 My offering of praise I bring

獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice Jesus, O Jesus, I give you my life 耶穌, 主耶穌, 求用我一生 Jesus, O Jesus, I give you my life

獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice My soul contemplates your glory 我心深深向你敬拜 My soul contemplates your glory 我靈渴慕你榮光 I worship in holy awe

我完全相信你寶貴應許 我在你懷中安息 In quietness and in confident trust 獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice 我完全相信你寶貴應許 In quietness and in confident trust 我在你懷中安息 I rest in all that You are

獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice Until I behold Your face 要向世人歌唱你的恩典 I’ll sing to the world Your glory and grace 直到我見你面 Until I behold Your face

獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice Jesus, O Jesus, I give you my life 耶穌, 主耶穌, 求用我一生 Jesus, O Jesus, I give you my life

獻上活祭 My Living Sacrifice Jesus, O Jesus, I give you my life 耶穌,主耶穌,求用我一生 Jesus, O Jesus, I give you my life