中国物种信息系统 China Species Information System (CSIS)


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Presentation transcript:

中国物种信息系统 China Species Information System (CSIS) 解焱,中国环境与发展国际合作委员会生物多样性工作组 Xie Yan, Biodiversity Working Group / China Council of International Cooperation on Environment and Development

开始于1995年由中国科学院资助建立了《中国濒危物种信息系统》 生物多样性工作组自1997年得到各方面资助,发展为《中国物种信息系统》 2001年该信息系统上网 A China Endangered Species Information System was developed with support from CAS in 1996 It was expanded into the China Species Information System by BWG with support from various organizations It was published on the website in 2001

包括了超过8900个在中国有分布的脊椎动物种和亚种的信息。包括分类、同物异名、濒危等级、中文名称、英文名称、商用名称、分布和数量、产地、所面临威胁、已采取的保护措施、意见建议情况 Has included information for over 8900 vertebrate species and subspecies occur in China. Including taxonomy, names, endangered category, distribution and population, habitat, threat, protected measures taken, and recommendations

基本框架 Framework of CSIS 中国物种信息系统 China Species Information System 中国保护区网络 Network of nature reserves in China 中国物种电子鉴定手册 China Species Electronic Identification Guide 中国物种信息系统 China Species Information System 从网络查询物种信息 Search species information on Internet 国际合作和共享 International cooperation and information sharing 生物多样性评估和预测方法研究 Methodology development for biodiversity evaluation and prediction 建立中国物种红色名录 Develop Red List of China’s endangered species 生物多样性编目和监测 Biodiversity inventory and monitoring

中国保护区网络 Network of nature reserves in China

整理中国1000多个的相关信息,包括:联系地址、介绍、地图、物种名录、代表性生态系统照片、野生动植物的野生生活照片以及生态旅游相关信息。 Expanding related information for over 1000 nature reserves in China. Including contacts, introduction, species list, maps, photos of representative ecosystems and wildlife, and ecotourism information

已经收集了几百个保护区的相关信息 Has collected related information for several hundreds of NRs 正在整理录入并上网发布 Are compiling and entering, and then publicizing on line

中国物种电子鉴定手册 China Species Electronic Identification Guide (CSEIG)

以易于辨认的特征,如颜色、大小、体长与尾长的比例,特别是分布区为基础建立。通过这些特征选择后,可得到为数不多的可挑选物种名单。网上的CSIS(物种和专家信息)将帮助用户在剩余的短小名单中选择正确的物种 Will be developed based on easily recognized characteristics as color, size, ratio of tail to body, especially distribution range. Having filtered by these characteristics, a short species list will be available. The existing on-line CSIS (species and experts information) will provide help to select the right species within the short list

从网络查询物种信息 Search species information on Internet

Information on over 2500 terrestrial vertebrate species 可查询超过2500种陆生脊椎动物的信息 哺乳类(556) 鸟类(1329) 爬行类(407) 两栖类(299) Information on over 2500 terrestrial vertebrate species Mammals(556) Birds(1329) Reptiles(407) Amphibians(299)

查询方法包括物种检索、分类检索、省份检索、保护区检索、专家检索、濒危等级检索和参考文献检索 Information can be search by species, taxonomy, province, nature reserve, expert, endangered category, and bibliography

国际合作和共享 International cooperation and information sharing

已被邀请参加“生物多样性信息综合利用:建立陆生脊椎动物全球数据库”工作组 Has been invited joining the working group of "Synthesis of the biodiversity knowledge base: towards a global database of terrestrial vertebrate distributions"

建立中国濒危物种红色名录 Developing Red List of China's endangered species

红色名录将成为中国保护行动、策略和法律的重要参考文件。并将随时间进行更新 Red List will become an important reference for conservation actions, strategies and legislation in China

第一次研讨会已于2000年8月召开 The first workshop was held in August, 2000 第二次研讨会于2001年7月召开 The second workshop was held on 2-4 July, 2001 全面评估已经开始。希望在2年内完成。 Overall evaluation has been started. The Red Listing is expected to be finished within 2 years

生物多样性评估和预测方法研究 Methodology development for biodiversity evaluation and prediction

已经建立了一套全国性大尺度生物多样性资源评估和物种分布预测方法 Has developed a set of methods to conduct large scale biodiversity resources assessment and species distribution prediction at national level

需要建立更多的国家级和地区级的评估方法 Develop more methods for national and regional assessment

发展充分利用CSIS和其他信息来源的信息的评估方法,以便为国际国内正在开展或计划的项目提供信息或进行评估 Develop methods to fully use information in CSIS or other information sources so that to provide information or conduct assessment for various projects under going or proposed by other international or national organizations

生物多样性编目和监测 Biodiversity inventory and monitoring

已经和正在建立的物种信息系统、保护区网络、网上电子物种鉴定手册将成为促进这项工作的重要工具 The existing or undergoing species information system, network of nature reserve, on-line electronic species identification guide will become an important tool for biodiversity inventory and monitoring

数据更新和更正策略 Strategies of data updating and correction

An office to maitain data 建立专门项目进行数据完善和更新 维护数据的办公室 An office to maitain data 建立专门项目进行数据完善和更新 Special project and funds to update and correct data 通过其他项目维持联系 Maintain connections through other projects Free publications各种出版物,通过免费赠送专家、保护区、志愿者,CSIS已经建立了比较完善的专家、保护区网络 Website网络 Other tools and service提供各种工具

Global Terrestial Vertebrates Mapping Taxon and synonyms Threats Protection measures Maps Points Polygons Habitat

Global Terrestial Vertebrates Mapping Other experts should be involved Taxonomists involved in CSIS John MacKinnon for other regions in Asia (Southeast Asia) Other experts should be involved Compatible with the global taxon Data Checking (ranges shared with other countries Digitizing polygons