“Hear” & “Obey” “聽見“ & “遵行”


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Presentation transcript:

“Hear” & “Obey” “聽見“ & “遵行” Luke 11:28 ( 路加 11:28 ) March 14, 2010

Vancouver 2010 Olympics ( 溫哥華2010奧林匹克 )

A Spectator’s Seat ( 觀眾的座位 ) 一個觀眾看比賽的座位可以是: 在競技場. 在家裏客廳電視機前的沙發. 不論座位在那裏: 他聽到競技場傳來的聲音,觀看競技場上的動作. 但是,他不參予實質的活動. 他只是個聽者,一個觀眾. A spectator watches the sports from: A seat in a stadium. A couch in his living room, in front of a TV. Either way: He hears the sounds and observes the actions from the field. But, he is not involved. He is just a hearer, an observer.

Church as a Spectator Sport - 1 ( 在教會作觀眾 - 1 ) 我有時是以一個觀眾的心態來參加教會的聚會. 這是我如何在聚會時扮演觀眾: 每次主日崇拜時,我很習以為常地坐在同一個座位上. 我在座位上聽到忠道弟兄的講道,也觀察他在講臺上的動作. 但是,我可以只是個聽道的人,一個觀察員. I, for one, sometimes come to the worship as a spectator. This is how I do it: I habitually sit on the same seat at every Sunday Worship. I hear Brother Chung’s voice and I observe his movement on the podium. But, I can be just a hearer, an observer.

Church as a Spectator Sport - 2 ( 在教會作觀眾 - 2 ) I can do more of the same in other areas: After lunch, I can let others clean after me. During the Sunday School class, I can just keep quiet if I did not do the homework. I can enjoy the fruits of other people’s contribution. I can be comfortable, just being a spectator in the church. 除了主日崇拜之外,我在其他聚會或活動時,也可以扮演觀眾的角色: 午餐後,我可以讓別人去作清潔打掃的工作. 若是我沒有事先作功課,我在主日學的班上,就不出聲. 我可以讓別人多多奉獻,自己坐享其成. 我在教會扮演觀眾的時候,非常心安理得.

Warnings to the “Hearer” ( 對 ”聽道者” 的警告 ) “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” (James 1:22) “For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law ---.” (Romans 2:13) “But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put into practice is like a foolish man ---.” (Matthew 7:26-27) “只是你們要行道,不要單單聽道,自己欺哄自己.” (雅各書 1:22) “原來在神面前,不是聽律法的為義,仍是行律法的稱義.” (羅馬書 2:13) “凡聽見我這話不去行的,好比一個無知的人, ---.” (馬太 7:26-27)

Do Not Stop After the First Step ( 不要走完第一步就停止 ) Three pairs of words here: “Listen” & “Do”. “Hear” & “Obey”. “Hear” & “Put into practice”. Jesus, James and Paul are not against listening to the word at all. The point is: Do not stop after the first step. 這裏有些對等的字: “聽道” & “行道”. “聽律法” & “行律法”. “聽見” & “去行”. 耶穌,雅各和保羅絕對不是反對聽道. 不要停在第一步.

“Hear” and “Obey” ( ”聽見” 和 “遵行” ) “He replied: ‘Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.’” (Luke 11:28) Those who hear are blessed (by His grace) and obedience is the necessary human response to His grace. To obey His word, we need to get off our seats and become a part of the body of Christ. “耶穌說:‘是,卻還不如聽神之道而遵守的人有福.’” (路加 11:28) 聽到神的話是神的祝福,這是他的恩慈. 順服是人對神的恩慈的必然回應. 要順服神的話,我們必需從自己的座位站起來,成為基督的肢體.

A Hearer Can Be a Seeker or a Believer ( 聽道者可以是慕道友或信徒 ) “Obeying God’s word” has different meaning to a seeker and a believer: To a believer: You need to serve others according to your God-given gifts. To a seeker: You need to personally experience the power of the Cross. “聽道者” 可以是慕道者,也可以是信徒. “順服神的話”對一個慕道友和一個信徒有不同的意義: 對信徒來說: 用神所賜的恩賜,服事弟兄姊妹. 對慕道友來說: 親身經歷十字架的能力.

Experience the Salvation of the Cross ( 親身體會十字架的救贖 ) “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2) The power of the Cross is God’s grace. If you are a seeker, you may want to respond to God’s calling at the right time by accepting the faith. “因為我曾定了主意,在你們中間不知道別的,只知道耶穌基督並他釘十字架” (林前 2:2) 十字架的大能是神的恩慈. 慕道者當適時以接受信仰作為回應.

The Danger of Becoming a Perpetual Seeker ( 成為持續性慕道友的危機 ) A seeker can and should take his time exploring the faith. Some “find” the faith right away. Some take a long time to find it. As a seeker continues seeking for a long time, he may risk the danger of becoming a perpetual seeker. 慕道友應該用充份的時間去探討信仰. 有些慕道友很快就 “找到” 信仰. 有些慕道友很久才 “找到”. 當一個慕道友化很長的時間尋找時,他面對永遠停留在慕道階段的危機.

Every Believer Has God Given Gifts (每一個信徒都有神所賜給的恩賜 ) “So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all others. We have different gifts ---” (Romans 12:5-8) Prophesying. Serving. Teaching. Encouraging. Contributing. Leadership. Showing mercy. “我們這許多人在基督裏成為一身,互相聯絡作肢體,也是如此. 按我們所得的恩賜各有不同 ---” (羅馬書 12:5-8) 說預言. 作執事. 作教導. 作勤化. 作施捨. 作治理. 憐憫人.

Serving According to Your Gifts ( 用神所給的恩賜來服事他人 ) You may be called, at some point, to become a church leader. Until then, you must be able to: Encourage. Show mercy. Contribute. Serve. It will be easier to learn how to serve others in a small group environment. 你將來或許會成為教會的領袖. 在你還不是教會領袖時,你一定能夠: 勸化. 憐憫. 施捨. 服事. 你若參予小組活動,就比較容易在小組的環境裏去學習服事他人.

All Church Members Are Ministers ( 教會全體會眾都是主的工人 ) “It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service---” (Eph 4:11-12) The leaders’ duty is to equip the saints and the saints’ duty is to shoulder the work of the ministry. “他所賜的,有使徒,有先知,有傳福音的,有牧師和教師,為要成全聖徒,各盡其職,建立基督的身體.” (以弗所書 4:11-12) 教會領袖的職責是要裝備眾聖徒,眾聖徒的職責是要擔負教會的事工.

Conclusion ( 結論 ) A seeker needs to hear God’s call and obey His word by accepting the faith. A believer needs to hear God’s call and obey His word by serving others. Let’s all get off our spectators’ seats and start becoming a part of the body of Christ. 慕道友要聽見神的呼召,用接受神的救恩作為回應. 信徒要聽見神的呼召,用服事他人作為回應. 讓我們都從觀眾的座位上站起來,開始參予在神的事工裏.