B1-05 Free Hugs for All 第5課 對所有人免費擁抱


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Presentation transcript:

B1-05 Free Hugs for All 第5課 對所有人免費擁抱 READING SELECTION EDITED BY TSAI, PEIHUA Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

The Illustrated Guide to Free hugs Juan Mann為了將「免費擁抱」活動推廣到全世界,除了架設官方網站外,也與藝術家Krista Brennan聯手推出一本電子書。書中記載曾和Juan Mann擁抱過的人與其遭遇,以及擁抱前後心境上的不同之處。 書中最有趣的是,除了用文字記載了三十餘種不同的擁抱姿勢外,Krista Brennan還加上插畫讓讀者更清楚各種擁抱的方式。 此電子書乃線上免費閱讀,可連結至:http://www.scribd.com/doc/1871268/The-Illustrated-Guide-to-Free-Hugs觀看。 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

Juan Mann Juan Mann = one man 他的名字雖然不是真的,但是他的故事是真實的,他所希望推行的「免費擁抱」活動理念也是真實的。 Juan Mann希望以自己身為「一個人類」的意念,去幫助所有的人類,藉由一個簡單的擁抱,讓全世界的人都更快樂。 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第1段課文原文 On June 30th, 2004, Juan Mann, a young Australian man, arrived at Sydney Airport. Because of some personal problems, he had left London and returned to his hometown. On his arrival at the airport, he noticed the excited faces of the people who were waiting for their friends or family to appear. All this made Mann feel very sad and lonely. To him, arriving at an airport was one of the loneliest things in the world, if no one was waiting there to meet you. Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第1段課文中譯 2004年6月30日,Juan Mann,一位澳洲青年,抵達了雪梨機場。因為一些私人問題,他離開倫敦而回到了自己的家鄉。當他抵達機場時,他注意到那些等待朋友或家人出現的人們臉上興奮的表情。這一切讓Mann感覺非常悲傷及孤單。對他而言,抵達機場是世界上最孤單的事情之一,若是沒有人在那兒等待著與你碰面。 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第1段課文-1 2004年6月30日,,一位澳洲青年,抵達1了雪梨機場。 On June 30th, 2004, Juan Mann, a young Australian man, arrived at1 Sydney Airport. Australian (adj.)澳大利亞的 arrive at + 小範圍的地點、場所 (例)Sean arrived at the train station at 9 a.m. 尚恩九點到達火車站。 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第1段課文-2 因為1一些私人問題,他離開倫敦而回到自己的 家鄉2。  家鄉2。 Because of 1some personal problems, he had left London and returned to his hometown2. because of + N → because + S + V 因為…… 上面的句子,可改寫為:Because he had some personal problems, he…. Juan Mann是先離開倫敦,才回到澳洲。  所以離開用過去完成式(had left) ,時間較晚發生的動作回到(地)用簡單過去式(returned to )。 return在此為「回來,返回」之意。 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第1段課文-3 當他抵達機場時,他注意1到[那些等待朋友或家人出現的]人們臉上興奮的表情。 On his arrival at the airport, he noticed1 the excited faces of the people [who were waiting for their friends or family to appear]. arrive at + 小範圍的地點、場所=到達…(地方) appear (v.)出現 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第1段課文-4 這一切讓Mann感覺非常悲傷及孤單。 All this made Mann (to) feel very sad and lonely. make + O + V 使…… 使役動詞其後的受詞若為主動動作者,應省略to而直接接原形動詞。 sad=悲傷的 lonely=孤單的 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第1段課文-5 對他而言,抵達機場1是世界上最孤單的事情之一,若是沒有人在那兒等待著與你碰面2。 To him, arriving at an airport1 was one of the loneliest things in the world, if no one was waiting there to meet you2. arriving at an airport為動名詞當主詞, 視為單數。 lonely 孤單的—lonelier 較孤單的—the loneliest 最孤單的 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第2段課文原文 Suddenly, Mann knew what might make these terrible feelings go away: a simple, comforting hug. He took a piece of cardboard and a black marker, and made a sign. "Free Hugs," the sign read. Then, he decided to choose a busy city street and use his sign to seek some physical contact. He hoped he would get a warm hug, even from a stranger. Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第2段課文中譯 突然間,Mann知道什麼或許能讓這些糟糕的感覺消失:一個單純且令人感到安慰的擁抱。他拿出厚紙板和黑色麥克筆,然後做了一個告示牌,上面寫著:「免費擁抱」。接著,他決定選擇一條忙碌的城市街道,用他的告示牌尋找一些身體上的接觸。他希望他可以得到一個溫暖的擁抱,就算是來自一個陌生人也好。 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第2段課文-1 突然間,Mann知道什麼或許能讓這些糟糕的1感覺2消失:一個單純且令人感到安慰的3擁抱。 Suddenly, Mann knew what might  make these terrible1 feelings2 go away:  a simple, comforting3 hug. make + O + V 使…… 使役動詞其後的受詞若為主動動作者,應省略to而直接接原形動詞。 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第2段課文-2 他拿出厚紙板1和黑色麥克筆2,然後做了一個告示牌3,上面寫著:「免費擁抱」。 He took a piece of cardboard1 and a black marker2, and made a sign3. "Free Hugs," the sign read. read在此作「寫著……,有……字樣」之意。在英文裡,告示牌、標誌、標籤和廣告上「寫著」東西的動詞多用read與say,而非write。 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第2段課文-3 接著,他決定1選擇一條忙碌的城市街道,用他的告示牌尋找2一些身體上的接觸3。 Then, he decided to1 choose a busy city street and use his sign to seek2 some physical contact3. seek=look for =尋找 眼神接觸=eye contact 身體接觸=physical contact Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第2段課文-4 他希望他可以得到一個溫暖的擁抱,就算是來自一個陌生人也好。 He hoped he would get a warm hug, even from a stranger. even在此為強調語氣,表示「就算(…也可以)」。 with在此作「帶著……」解。 surprised adj. (人)感到驚訝的 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第3段課文原文 At first, Mann waited with his sign, and he was not too surprised that most people just ignored him. Then, a miracle seemed to happen. A lady stopped and told him her story. She told Mann that her dog had died earlier that morning, and her only daughter was killed in a car crash on the same day last year. The lady looked lonely and sad, and she was in need of a hug. Immediately, Mann hugged her on the busy street. Few minutes later, he and the lady both parted with a smile. Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第3段課文中譯 起先,Mann帶著告示牌等待著,而他並不意外大部分的人只是忽略他。然後,奇蹟似乎發生了。一位女士停下來而且告訴他她的故事。她告訴Mann她的狗那天早上稍早才過世,而她的獨生女在去年的同一天死於車禍。這女士看起來孤獨且悲傷,而且需要一個擁抱。Mann馬上在這忙碌的街道上擁抱了她。幾分鐘後,他和這位女士兩人都帶著微笑道別。 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第3段課文-1 起先,Mann帶著1告示牌等待著,而他並不意外[大部分的人只是忽略他]2。 At first, Mann waited with1 his sign, and he was not too surprised [that most people just ignored him]2. with在此作「帶著……」解。 surprised (adj.)(人)意外的;驚訝的 ignore忽略—ignored--ignored Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第3段課文-2 然後,奇蹟似乎發生了。 Then, a miracle seemed to happen. a miracle =奇蹟 seem to + V 似乎…… seem似乎—seemed--seemed Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第3段課文-3 一位女士停下來而且告訴他她的故事。 A lady stopped and told him her story. tell (人) (事) 告訴(人)…(事) =tell (事) to (人) =把(事)告訴(人) A lady...told him her story. = A lady...told her story to him. Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第3段課文-4 她告訴Mann[她的狗那天早上稍早1才過世,而她的獨生女在去年的同一天死於車禍2]。 She told Mann [that her dog had died earlier that morning1, and her only daughter was killed in a car crash2 on the same day last year]. 〔文法解說,在下一頁〕 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第3段課文-4-(文法) 動作的時態,可表示動作發生的先後順序。 這位女士的狗先死了,才遇見Mann,才告 訴Mann這件事。 所以,先發生的動作,用had died過去完成式。 後發生的動作,用told過去式。 was killed =喪生 a car crash=車禍 on the same day=在同一天 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第3段課文-5 這女士看起來孤獨且悲傷,而且需要一個擁抱。 The lady looked lonely and sad, and she was in need of a hug. look後面加形容詞(lonely and sad)。 was in need of=needed=需要 need (n.)需要 (v.)需要 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第3段課文-6 Mann馬上1在這忙碌的街道上擁抱了她。 Immediately1, Mann hugged her on the busy street. immediately=立刻;馬上=at once hug(擁抱)-hugged-hugged Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第3段課文-7 幾分鐘後,他和這位女士兩人都帶著微笑1道別。 Few minutes later, he and the lady both parted with a smile1. few在此表「一些」。 part道別-parted-parted with在此作「帶著……」解。 smile (n.)微笑 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第4段課文原文 After this, Mann felt much better. He began to understand that hugging a stranger makes a difference in this person's life. He wanted to look for comfort for himself, but he ended up comforting others by simply opening his heart. Juan Mann then suggested that people around the world join his "Free Hugs" campaign and offer comfort to strangers. One hug, he now knows, goes a long, long way. ─by Amelia Smolar Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第4段課文中譯 在這之後,Mann感覺好多了。他開始瞭解到擁抱陌生人會對這人的生命造成重大影響。他想要替自己尋找安慰,但最後卻僅僅靠著打開自己的心房而安慰了其他的人。Juan Mann遂建議世界各地的人加入他的「免費擁抱」活動來提供安慰給陌生人。一個擁抱,他現在知道,是大有影響。 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第4段課文-1 在這之後,Mann感覺好多了。 After this, Mann felt much better. felt後面加形容詞(better)。 現在式 過去式 過去分詞 feel 感覺 felt 原級 比較級 最高級 good 好 better較好 the best最好 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第4段課文-2 他開始瞭解到擁抱1陌生人會對這人的生命 造成重大影響2。  造成重大影響2。 He began to understand that hugging1 a stranger makes a difference in2 this person's life. Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第4段課文-3 他想要替自己1尋找2安慰,但最後卻僅僅 靠著打開自己的心房而安慰了其他的人。 He wanted to look for2 comfort for himself1, but he ended up comforting others by simply opening his heart. look for = search for = seek 尋找 end up=以…做為結束 by在此表「藉由……,透過……」+V-ing Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第4段課文-4 Juan Mann遂建議1 世界各地2的人加入他的「免費擁抱」活動3來提供4安慰給陌生人。 Juan Mann then suggested1 that people around the world2 join his “Free Hugs” campaign3 and offer4 comfort to strangers. suggest (v.)建議 around the world=世界各地 join (v.)加入 offer comfort=提供安慰 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8

第4段課文-5 一個擁抱,他現在知道,是大有影響。 One hug, he now knows, goes a long, long way. ─by Amelia Smolar (a little of sth) goes a long way  =(少量的某物,但是…)大有成效 Tsai, PeiHua 2011/10/8