Windows Vista 传媒行业应用展望


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Presentation transcript:

Windows Vista 传媒行业应用展望

大纲 如何给传媒行业带来竞争力 例如应用 Win FX 和 Vista DEMO 与微软合作带来的商业价值

议程 背景 英国传媒行业概述 现有市场分析 迎接挑战 BBC Empire Movie Magazine IMG Media Q&A 商业层面讨论

背景 3个首次 微软英国首次参与中国 TechEd 首次现场公开Demo Chris Bright 第一次来到中国

英国传媒行业概述 宽带接入 社区主导的环境 日益改变的信息获取习惯 印刷出版业 Broadband Growth UK now 9million Broadband Subscriptions Bundling of Networks and services Increased value for money Online is becoming the lead medium Convergence is now the ‘norm’ 2005 1st year Communications Retail revenue growth declined Broadband Approaching 50% adoption Reduced prices

英国传媒行业概述 宽带接入 Broadband Growth UK now 9million Broadband Subscriptions Bundling of Networks and services Increased value for money Online is becoming the lead medium Convergence is now the ‘norm’ 2005 1st year Communications Retail revenue growth declined Broadband Approaching 50% adoption Reduced prices

英国传媒行业概述 社区主导 Community Driven Experiences The young in the UK are moving away from traditional media The explosion of youth community sites and communities using technologies such as MySpace and MSN Messenger MSN Messenger – 200million + subscribers in 7 years Myspace 100million subscribers in 3 yrs - No1 Website in USA Community generated video / musig Multi service offerings – MSN VoIP, Video Conferencing, You tube – 20million unique visitors per month within 1 yr of inception Viral and driven by word of mouth 54% of 16 – 24 Yr Olds in the UK Use Social Networking Sites at least once per week

英国传媒行业概述 日益改变的信息获取习惯 Community Driven Experiences The young in the UK are moving away from traditional media The explosion of youth community sites and communities using technologies such as MySpace and MSN Messenger MSN Messenger – 200million + subscribers in 7 years Myspace 100million subscribers in 3 yrs - No1 Website in USA Community generated video / musig Multi service offerings – MSN VoIP, Video Conferencing, You tube – 20million unique visitors per month within 1 yr of inception Viral and driven by word of mouth

英国传媒行业概述 印刷出版业 停滞/下滑的市场 其他媒体的特点 传统媒体公司并购在线媒体 广告业的市场潜力 长远影响 时效性 人人是编辑 ITV – FriendsReunited News International – MySpace AOL / Time Warner 广告业的市场潜力 长远影响 Static or Declining Market Mewspapers in particular are losing ground as more and more people get more up-to-date news via their PDA’s, Phones and over the internet Alternative Media, better economies of Scale Time to Market User Generated Content Traditional Media Companies buying online assets: ITV – FriendsReunited News International – MySpace Advertising potential Publishers are seeing the opportunity to go after the $Bn’s being spent on advertising online. They traditionally have great expertise in being able to target advertising to the required demographics, which could be their forte online – as you will see with the Empire Movie Magazine illustration/ The Long Tail The internet, more than any other sales vehicle makes going after the long tail easier. The Print publishers with their understanding of consumer taste are ideally placed to target this underexploited market segment. The Long Tail is by no means a new phenomena but merely a method of making current technology solve an age old problem of providing people with what they want when they want no matter how obscure.

现有市场分析 市场份额合并 后起之“星”涌现 新的互联网“泡沫” 需要更加广泛深入的理解 寻求信息传递的差异化 Market Consolidation Rapid Rise of ‘Stars’ New Internet ‘Bubble’ Broad and deep focus Something for everyone, not necessarily all at the same time BBC now has 7 TV channels, ITV has 4 These channels ‘specialise’ in the content shown but focus on the core principles of quality Always available Ubiquitous Access Any Device

现有市场分析 4个重要原则 提供不间断的服务 无处不在的接入 支持各种终端 快速更新

现有市场分析 如何获得效益 广告 点击率 订阅 付费浏览 短信/彩信服务 White labelling 并购

迎接挑战 功能的增长和进步 并购 影响力 合作伙伴 ... 所有这些都和技术相关

为什么选择微软? 用户就是上帝 Windows Vista 和 WPF带来了巨大改变 对各种终端支持 对开发/设计 人员所使用的工具的支持 Windows Vista and WPF 在用户体验方面的进步 Gadgets 对各种终端支持 PC, STB, PDA, Mobile, Media Centre 对开发/设计 人员所使用的工具的支持 根据市场需求更新迅速 平台支持 可扩展性,可靠性,安全性 The User is King They want what they want, when they want it Windows Vista and WPF catalyst for change Step change in User Experiences Immersive, 3D, user intuitive interactions Gadgets Money can’t buy’ brand presence Premium Advertising space Constant reminder Flexible – Media, Text, Alerts, re-usable,... Multiple Devices PC, STB, PDA, Mobile, Media Centre Developer / Designer tools Rapid Time to Market / time to change Platform Scalable, Reliable, Secure

BBC IMG Media EMAP (Empire Magazine)


BBC 公司概况 政府基金 严格的管制 竞争对手 技术优势 ~$5bn License Fee p.a. + ~$1.5bn Revenue 价值评估 创新,经济收益,社会环境,相关性 竞争对手 Sky, Sky+, VoD, BT Vision 技术优势 BB, HD, P2P, DRM, Distribution costs

BBC Video


Empire Movie Magazine

Empire Magazine 概况 为 EMAP 所有 公平的电影评论杂志 全球化的杂志 期望开拓新的业务 关注长远战略

Empire Video / Demo

IMG Media

IMG Media 概况 公司规模巨大 代理“大品牌” 的企业和个人 Rights owner / broker / reseller / manager 网站设计/网站开发/服务器托管 内容发布 多元化

IMG Media 概况 品牌认知 开展新业务 加强原有渠道 建立新渠道

IMG Video / Demo


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