ECCO / MOMW 資料庫教育訓練 教育訓練及產品資訊 請洽 飛資得資訊


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Presentation transcript:

ECCO / MOMW 資料庫教育訓練 教育訓練及產品資訊 請洽 飛資得資訊 1.Eighteenth Century Collections Online 十八世紀經典古籍全文資料庫 2.The Making of the Modern World 1450-1850 近代經濟學全文資料庫 教育訓練及產品資訊 請洽 飛資得資訊 Tel: 26581258 E-mail:

Eighteen Century Collection Online ECCO 十八世紀經典古籍全文資料庫 The future of historical research

Do You Remember? … in the 18th Century…. “科技革命到來之前, 十八世紀是歐洲最出思想的一百年!” 18世紀, 美國人在萊克星頓打響第一槍, 長達八年的美國獨立戰爭開始了… 18世紀, 巴黎人民起義, 攻佔巴士底獄, 法國革命爆發… 18世紀, 瓦特發明了蒸氣機, 英國第一次工業革命開始… 18世紀, 科學界出現了瓦特,拉瓦鍚, 拉格朗日, 泰勒 , 拉普拉斯.… 18世紀, 誕生了啟蒙運動思想家伏爾泰, 盧梭, 狄德羅… 18世紀, 還有經濟學家亞當.斯密; 哲學家大衛.休謨… 18世紀, 莎士比亞文學正在整個歐洲盛行… 18世紀,《魯濱遜漂流記》, 《佛蘭克林自傳》, 《喬治華聖頓遺囑》… 18世紀,《分析力學》, 《百科全書》(法國), 《天體力學》… 18世紀, …………………………………… History & Geography: Ancient and contemporary history, accounts of voyages and discoveries, historical biographies and memoirs, genealogical collections, gazetteers, works on church antiquities and tourist guides of Britain. Topics include chronologies, recreation (travel, sports, parlor games), military history, maps, local history, and topography. It should also be noted that this collection presents a comprehensive picture of the American Revolution from the British perspective. Social Science & Fine Arts Social Science—Materials on manufacturers and merchants, artisans and skilled workers, and international business, banking, taxation, and lotteries. Topics include current events, social reform, business/economics/finance (general advertising, lotteries, trade bills, and more), political science (parliamentary papers, political satire, political essays, speech/addresses, handbills, parish registers, poll books, and more). Fine Arts, Music, Art, and Architecture—Treatises on music, painting, theater, and architecture as well as books on building and carpentry, catalogs pertaining to vocal and instrumental music, paintings, prints, drawings, coins and metals and other collectibles, and material about private art collections. Medicine Science & Technology Many branches of science, works on applied science and technology, and works and treatises on the treatment of diseases and conditions. Topics include agriculture, cookbooks, military technology, natural philosophy, scientific education, and more. Literature & Language Celebrated eighteenth-century essayists, novelists, poets, and playwrights, as well as Shakespeare’s plays, poems, and collected works. Topics include drama, poetry, ballads, religious poems, grammar, dictionaries, songs from plays, satire, book catalogues, and more. Philosophy & Religion From sermons, Bibles, and prayer books to moral and ethical debates and prescriptions for proper conduct. Law Development of law in the British Empire between 1701 and 1800. Topics include acts, criminal and international law, appellants’ cases, and more. General Reference Ephemeral material on the whole of life in the eighteenth century. Topics include almanacs, catalogues, and more.

Eighteenth Century Collections Online An eighteenth-century revolution ECCO (PSM Microfilm Collection)收錄來自於 ESTC-The English Short Title Catalogue British Library 另外收錄來自1,500 個圖書館的資源, 遍及全球包含公私立圖書館的收藏. 包含了近代世界史中最重要的幾個事件: 美國大革命, 法國革命及工業革命 最大的單一數位圖書館 – 收錄138,000 本書, 共計超過26,000,000 頁 以書籍為主, 不包含期刊及報紙資訊 原始的微捲片超過 – 15,225 reels 學科包含研究如:歷史、文學、藝術、宗教、法律、科學及哲學等。 Avoids duplication with Early American Imprints (ReadEx) History & Geography: Ancient and contemporary history, accounts of voyages and discoveries, historical biographies and memoirs, genealogical collections, gazetteers, works on church antiquities and tourist guides of Britain. Topics include chronologies, recreation (travel, sports, parlor games), military history, maps, local history, and topography. It should also be noted that this collection presents a comprehensive picture of the American Revolution from the British perspective. Social Science & Fine Arts Social Science—Materials on manufacturers and merchants, artisans and skilled workers, and international business, banking, taxation, and lotteries. Topics include current events, social reform, business/economics/finance (general advertising, lotteries, trade bills, and more), political science (parliamentary papers, political satire, political essays, speech/addresses, handbills, parish registers, poll books, and more). Fine Arts, Music, Art, and Architecture—Treatises on music, painting, theater, and architecture as well as books on building and carpentry, catalogs pertaining to vocal and instrumental music, paintings, prints, drawings, coins and metals and other collectibles, and material about private art collections. Medicine Science & Technology Many branches of science, works on applied science and technology, and works and treatises on the treatment of diseases and conditions. Topics include agriculture, cookbooks, military technology, natural philosophy, scientific education, and more. Literature & Language Celebrated eighteenth-century essayists, novelists, poets, and playwrights, as well as Shakespeare’s plays, poems, and collected works. Topics include drama, poetry, ballads, religious poems, grammar, dictionaries, songs from plays, satire, book catalogues, and more. Philosophy & Religion From sermons, Bibles, and prayer books to moral and ethical debates and prescriptions for proper conduct. Law Development of law in the British Empire between 1701 and 1800. Topics include acts, criminal and international law, appellants’ cases, and more. General Reference Ephemeral material on the whole of life in the eighteenth century. Topics include almanacs, catalogues, and more.

科學, 自然科學 (8%) 11,398 種書 歷史, 地理 (8%) 11,298 種書 法律, 法令 (7%) 9,267 種書 ECCO’s Contents 科學, 自然科學 (8%) 11,398 種書 歷史, 地理 (8%) 11,298 種書 法律, 法令 (7%) 9,267 種書 文學, 語言 (26%) 35,473 種書 宗教, 哲學 (27%) 36,785 種書 參考書 (3%) 3,602 種書 藝術,社會科學 (22%) 30,259 種書

ECCO’s Contents – Subject Areas 歷史及地理 History & Geography 古代及當代歷史( Ancient and contemporary history);航海記及新發現 (Accounts of voyages and discoveries);歷史傳記及論文集 (Historical biographies and memoirs);系譜總匯 (Genealogical collections)地名辭典 (Gazetteers);有關古代教會的著作 (Works on church antiquities) 社會科學 Social Science 當今事件、社會改革、商業/ 經濟/ 金融 (廣告概要、發行彩票、貿易法案等)、政治科學(議會文件、政治評論、演講稿/致辭、傳單 、教堂記事簿等)、製造業者及貿易商 (Manufacturers and merchants);工匠 (Artisans);技術工人 (Skilled Workers);國際商業 (International business);銀行業、稅收及發行彩票 (Banking, taxation &lotteries) 美術、音樂、藝術及建築學古代及當代歷史 Fine Arts, Music, Art & Architecture 音樂、繪畫、戲劇及建築學論著 (Treatises on music, painting, theatre and architecture);有關建築及木工工作的書籍 (Books on building and carpentry);聲樂作品及樂器的相關目錄 (Catalogs pertaining to vocal and instrumental music) ;繪畫、印刷及製圖 (Paintings, prints, drawings);硬幣、金屬及其他可收集品 (Coins and metals and other collectibles);私人藝術收藏品 (Material about private art collections)

ECCO’s Contents – Subject Areas 醫學、科學及科技 Medicine, Science & Technology 主題包括︰農業、食譜、軍事技術、自然哲學、科學教育等… 科學的許多分支學科 (Many branches of science);應用科學技術的著作 (Works on applied science & technology);疾病治療的相關著作及論述 (Works & treatises on the treatment of diseases and conditions) 文學及語言 Literature and Language Module 主題包括︰戲劇、詩歌、民謠、宗教類詩歌、語法、詞典、戲劇歌 曲、諷刺小說、書目等等。十八世紀著名評論家、小說家、詩人及劇作家 (Celebrated eighteenth-century essayists, novelists, poets and playwrights);莎士比亞劇本、詩歌及文集 (Shakespeare’s plays, poems and collected works) 宗教及哲學 Religion and Philosophy 布道 (Sermons);《聖經》(Bibles);祈禱書 (Prayer books);倫理與道德爭論和恰當行為規範 (Moral and ethical debates and prescriptions for proper conduct) 法律 LAW 主題包括:《聖經‧新約》《使徒行轉》、犯罪及國際法、上訴案例 等等…。大英帝國1701年至1800年間的法律發展 (Development of law in the British Empire between 1701 and 1800) 參考綜述 General Reference 主題包括︰年鑒、目錄等十八世紀整個生命界短暫的物質 (Ephemeral material on the whole of life in the eighteenth century)

ECCO-靈活多元的檢索功能 多元化的檢索功能 便利的全文顯示及相關文獻連結 可利用多種檢索方式及瀏覽作品進行書的內容檢索,包含基本查詢、進階查詢、作品瀏覽及作者瀏覽 頁面查詢工具,如前一頁、下一頁、相關頁,讀者還可以放大或者旋轉圖像 多種檢索欄位:除書目資料外,還包含了書後索引及出版地等其他欄位檢索 內容全文檢索:以HTML及影像檔的方式檢索及呈現全文內容,同可以將檢索關鍵字於全文中加以標示。 圖片與全文分開處理,利用目次的方式呈現插圖的部份 加值使用MARC Record,可轉入圖書館館藏目錄 便利的全文顯示及相關文獻連結 搜索結果可以按照作者、標題、最早及最近出版日期進行分類 搜索結果不僅以簡略書目呈現,還標注了該標題是否有電子目錄(eTOC)或者插圖 透過標題及目次的連結,讀者可以點選感興趣的章節,有插圖的可以直接進入相應的圖表 每篇文章都有原頁碼和圖像編號,原著作後面的索引也可以使用

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Mapping ECCO to Curriculum – English (Literature) ENGL 3210 - British Literature to 1750 Survey of major authors, themes, and movements from the medieval period through the 18th Century. Your search ((Author=Swift, Jonathan) AND (Title=Gulliver's Travels)) returned the following results: 42. Results limited to (Subject Areas=All). Swift, Jonathan. Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, ... London, 1726. 332pp. Vol. 1 of 2 (2 vols. available).Literature and Language Swift, Jonathan. The adventures of Capt. Gulliver, in a voyage to the islands of Lilliput and Brobdingnag. Abridged from the works of the celebrated Dean Swift. Darlington, 1773. 27pp. Literature and Language Swift, Jonathan. The works of J. S, D.D, D.S.P.D. in four volumes. Containing, I. The author's miscellanies in prose. II. His poetical writings. III. The travels ... Dublin, 1735. 490pp. Vol. 2 of 4 (4 vols. available).Literature and Language English Literature Since 170

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Mapping ECCO to Curriculum – Philosophy PhD. Program in Western Philosophy (Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University) Your search (Author=Kant, Immanuel) returned the following results. Results limited to (Subject Areas=All). Kant, Immanuel. The principles of critical philosophy, selected from the works of Emmanuel Kant ... and expounded by James Sigismund Beck ... Translated from the ... London [i.e. Hamburg?], 1797. 533pp. Religion and Philosophy Kant, Immanuel. Essays and treatises on moral, political, and various philosophical subjects. By Emanuel Kant, ... from the German by the translator of The ... London [i.e. Hamburg?], 1798-99. 439pp. Vol. 1 of 2 (2 vols. available).Religion and Philosophy

Mapping ECCO to Curriculum – Fine Arts M402 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF MUSIC: 1750 TO PRESENT In M402 we will explore the history of art music in Europe and the United States from the mid-eighteenth-century to the present. During the course you will become familiar with pieces from a variety of musical traditions over the past 250 years. We will study the pieces themselves as well as the historical circumstances in which they were created. HA 265 Research Seminar in 18th Century Art: Comic and Satiric Art in 18th Century Britain. Will look at the development of comic art, particularly the satiric print, as a 'public' art form in Britain from 1700-1815. In the work of Hogarth, Gillray and others, we'll consider the theory and practice of caricature and the vexed relationship between 'high' and 'low' as artistic categories.

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ECCO 線上檢索實例 Search 1:Are there any autobiographical works of Benjamin Franklin in Eighteenth Century Collections Online? If so, how can they be retrieved? Search 2:How can one retrieve writings in English (with illustrations) that discuss the French Revolution and were published between 1796 and 1799 (inclusively)? Search 3: A user of Eighteenth Century Collections Online wanted to know how to get a list of all publications in the database by George Washington. Search 4:How can one retrieve a list of books about the American Revolution? Search 5:How can one find out if there are any works about Napoleon in Eighteenth Century Collections Online?

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