愛恩台福教會同工訓練 EFCI Co-worker Training


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Presentation transcript:

2016-2 愛恩台福教會同工訓練 EFCI Co-worker Training 6/11/2016

今日計畫Plan for Today 9:00-9:20 歡迎介紹 Welcome & Announcement 9:20-9:50 愛恩教會的願景與目標 2020 Vision and objectives by Allen Hu 10:00-10:20 門徒訓練的現況與目標 Discipleship Training by Amy Lin 10:20-10:40 宣教事工的新展望 New Mission Ministry by Benjamin Chen 11:00-12:00 分組討論 X 6 Group Discussion 12:00-1:00 午餐Lunch 1:00-2:00 問題解答 Q & A

Vision & Action

一、Vision異象(願景)、使命、目標 摩西說:我要過去看這大異象,這荊棘為何沒有燒壞呢?So Moses said, “I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up.” (Exodus出 3:3) 沒有異象,民就放肆(滅亡);惟遵守律法的,便為有福。Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained (perished) But happy is he who keeps the law. (Proverbs箴 29:18)

Jesus Vision, Mission, Goal

二、愛恩台福基督教會 使命宣言 我們將建造我們教會,成為一個奠基在聖經基礎與聖靈大能上,「彼此相愛、作主門徒(約13:35)、尊主為大、傳揚救恩」為標誌的屬靈團體。並透過各種外展行動,將福音持續傳給更多群體。(太28:10-20)

EFCI Mission Statement: We build our church based on the foundation of the Bible and power of the Holy Spirit: “Love one another, Be disciples of Christ (John 13:35), Honor the LORD in life, Proclaim Salvation.” Through different outreach methods, we will continue to evangelize and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20) until the day of the LORD’s return.


EFCI 2020 Goal 具體目標(2010定) 在2020年時,建立我們教會,成為全人健康教會並藉由小組、團契:進入爾灣社區以服事人需要、引領人信主、幫助人成長、發掘人恩賜、差派人傳福音、支援植堂的多元化1,000人教會 To Serve people’s need, lead people to Christ, help people to grow, discover people’s gifts, send people to evangelize in small group life.

2020, 5 Years Goal (2010 set) By 2020, we hope EFCI will be a church of “holistic health.” We are also striving to build a church of multi-facet (diversity), through small groups and fellowships, we hope to outreach to the Irvine community: serve people’s need, lead people to Christ, help people to grow, discover people’s gifts, send people to evangelize, and support church planting.

台福教會發展策略 EFC Strategy 愛恩教會成長目的是要透過:敬拜、栽培、傳福音、 團契、事奉(群體),使未信者在教會中:認識耶穌,藉由信徒彼此相愛,在基督裡成長,作主門徒,投入團契小組,參與宣教植堂,傳揚奇妙救恩。 All EFC DNA=WE EFC= Worship, Equipping, Evangelical, Fellowship, Community (Serving)

2020 Vision 25+ 1000 會眾1000 Crowd 449 100牧養者 100 Shepherds 會員Members 門徒Disciple 核心同工 Core Co-workers 100牧養者 100 Shepherds 449

三、愛恩葉忒羅計畫EFCI Jethro X plan 靠著我們的努力和主的幫助,將教會逐漸轉化為,以”小組牧養”為導向的”小組教會” 每年具體的目標是→10個裝備過的小組長,開始實際帶領、牧養小組,並具分殖能力 From Fellowship to “small group church” We will train 10 small group leaders for each year. (2016 to 2020, from 20 to 100) 2020,1000,100,10千人會眾,百個小組,十牧者

四、New EFCI church DNA, ABCDE Adoration人人有敬拜→家庭祭壇 Bible家家有讀經 Cell group小組有裝備—Allen Hu Disciple門徒有訓練—Amy Lin Evangelical宣教有植堂—Benjamin Chen

EFCI Pastoral Office 牧師室團隊 English Pastor 英文牧師 KC Liu Senior Pastor Mandarin Ministry Allen Hu 主任牧師胡忠倫 Taiwanese/Education Pastor 台語牧養、教育牧師 Amy Lin林淑美 1.5G & Mission Pastor Benjamin Chen 1.5代&宣道牧師陳炳中

Small Group小組生活ABCDE 人人敬拜A 家家讀經B 門徒訓練D 宣教植堂E 小組裝備

ABCDE & Small group function Adoration Bible Disciple Evangelical Cell Group

2016/6/7 finish 10 & Future plan

EFCI 2020 Goal & Plan 2020成為千人教會、100 small group leader (門徒、恩賜、宣教、興趣、服事) 會眾Crowd→會員Member→門徒Disciple→核心同工Co-worker→事工負責人(小組長)Small group Leader→牧養者Shepherd, Zone Leader(屬靈領袖、區長) 多元裝備Provide more training class 細胞小組All small group within 12 People ABCDE 宣教植堂for new church planting

五、期望 Expectation: To Join the Baseball plan, 2020 Vision參與信徒生命裝備計畫→陪伴新會友,參加、投入會員班、門徒訓練班 To equip & serve a group葉忒羅計畫X參加完成小組長訓練,投入一小組,參與小組牧養,鼓勵加入小組 3. To pray, join, support and donate our “ABCDE” DNA禱告、支持、參與、奉獻

2020 Vision 25+ 1000 會眾1000 Crowd 449 100牧養者 100 Shepherds 會員Members 門徒Disciple 核心同工 Core Co-workers 100牧養者 100 Shepherds 449

1000, 100, Why? “ 633 原則Principle” 你們要先求他的國和他的義,這些東西都要加給你們了。Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (太Matt. 6:33)

2016, 6-12重大調整 6/10 1.5G High School and college group will move back to main building for Friday night 9/8(Thur.) New AWANA & support group 9/9 (Fri.) Friday night new small group plan and children program—One year term Reynolds Building dead line till Dec. 2017. 1.5G and EM will move back on Sep. 2017 for Friday & Sunday.

分組回應討論 Group Discussion 1. Response of 2020 Vision and objectives愛恩教會2020願景與目標的回應與建議 2. Review 2016, 1-6 & share Need, Adjustment上半年事工回顧,下半年須要協調解決事項 3. Action item根據SWOT,擬定2016, 7-12行動方案。(目標、策略、步驟、支援、行動) 請各組書記將記錄交給牧師Please send your meeting note to pastor before 6/26 1:00-2:00 Q & A with Pastors