會議介紹與模式分析 Introduction to Meeting & Programming


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Presentation transcript:

會議介紹與模式分析 Introduction to Meeting & Programming By Debbie S.F. Huang 黃淑芬 台灣志願服務國際交流協會 秘書長 南華大學非營利事業管理研究所 兼任助理教授

會議的定義(PCMA) 會議(meeting) The communication of intellectual and emotional stimuli to two or more people in a manner designed to secure the accomplishment of the people’s common purpose. 兩個或以上的人在設計和規範的程序下進行智識(intellectual)與情感(emotional)的交流溝通(communication)以得到共同目的的完成。

你清楚了會議的定義嗎 快問快答 試試看!

International Meeting(TCA) Attendees from at least 2 nations Over 50 attendees 20% attendees from overseas Duration of 3 days

Meeting Professional Meeting Professional is a communication expert who analyzes a communication situation and then selects, plans, and uses, in a cost-conscious manner, those communication techniques are essential for an idea dialogue situation to influence people who attend in order to accomplish a purpose. 籌辦者與參與者一體兩面的供需思考 會議籌辦者(PCO)在成本思維下以專業素養選擇、規劃、善用各項溝通技術(communication techniques),營造理想溝通情境(ideal dialogue situation),誘導及影響與會者得到共同目的的完成

Meeting purposes directed toward the impact on the attendee rather than the intent of the planners/programmer *   獲得啟發(To secure enlightenment) *   獲得信念(To secure belief) *  獲得問題解決的方法 (To solve problems) *    獲得動機(To secure motivation) *    獲得愉悅(To secure enjoyment) *    影響行為(To influence behavior)

會議的類型 Meeting general term indicating the coming together of a number of people in one place, to confer or carry out a particular activity. 會議的通稱

Conference An event used by any organization to meet and exchange views, convey a message, open a debate or give publicity to some area of opinion on a specific issue. Conferences usually fulfill the multi-purpose functions with study and social events. Although not generally limited on time, conferences are usually of short duration with specific objectives. Conferences are smaller scale than congresses. 任何組織、公、私團體、公司、協會、科學或文化團體希望要討論、交換意見、傳達訊息、辯論或針對某一課題公佈其意見,都可用conference 為一適當之工具。多數的 conference 是以 “study” 為目的,通常包括告知或傳達某些特別研究之發現並希與會者有主動的貢獻。除了會議外還包含複雜的社交活動、展示或陳列。參加者均係有興趣、主動且要註冊、付費參加。相較於 congress ,一個 conference 規模較小。

Congress The regular coming together of large groups of individuals, generally to discuss a particular subjects. The scale will be from hundreds to thousands and often last several days with simultaneous sessions. The length of time between congresses can be either pluri-annual or annual. 在某種專業、文化、宗教或其他領域方面之定期會議。與會者有數百人,甚至千人,且係由各團體派正式代表與會。congress 通常會有一特定主題 ( subject ) 來討論。而報告者及討論者均為其領域之成員或相關之協力團體人士,此類會議每年、二年或多年舉辦一次,全國性 congress 通常每年一次,而國際性或世界性之 congress 通常多年一次,而其舉行之頻率係事先即確定的。通常為期數天,且有分組會議 (session)。

Assembly A general or formal meeting of an organization attended by representatives of its members for the purpose of deciding legislative direction, policy matters, the election of internal committees and approval of balance sheets, budgets, etc. Consequently, an assembly usually observes certain rules of procedure for its meetings, mostly prescribed in its Articles & By-laws. 一個協會、俱樂部、組織、或公司的正式全體集會。參加者以其成員為主,其目的在決定立法方向、政策、內部選舉、同意預算、財務計畫等等。所以 assembly 通常是在固定的時間及地點定期舉行,也有一定的會議程序

Convention A general and formal meeting of a legislative body, social or economic group in order to provide information on a particular situation and in order to establish consent on policies among the participants. Usually of limited duration with set objectives, but no determined frequency. Convention consists of plenary or general session and concurrent session, sometimes with exhibition. In USA, convention is a meeting which contain the patterns of conference and exhibition. 同一公司、社團、財團、政黨等立法、社會、經濟團體為其本身組織之特定目的、為了提供某些特別情況之資訊及商討政策使與會者同意並建立共識而對其成員召開之會議。參加者均係依指示參加,舉行之時間沒有固定。通常包括全體代表大會(General Session),及附帶的小型分組會議,有時還有展覽(exhibition)。在美國, convention 通常指工商界之大型全國,甚至國際集會;包括研討會、商業展覽或二者兼具。在歐陸較常使用 congress。

Forum A meeting or part of a meeting set aside for an open discussion by recognized participants on subjects of public interest. The proceeding will be strongly conducted by a moderator, the panelist or presenter will present the opinion crossly and finally concluded by the moderator. 一項集會 ( meeting ) 或該集會另外為了對共同有興趣之某一或某些主題舉辦進行公開討論的討論會。與會者之身份均要先被認可。其過程一般是由一位 moderator 主持,先請各panelist或presenter來對與會者發表不同甚至相反的意見與想法,再進行反覆的討論,最後由moderator做結論。

Seminar A meeting or series of meetings of from 10 to 50 (up to 150) specialists who have different specific skills but have a specific common interest and come together for training or learning purposes. The work schedule of a seminar has the specific object of enriching the skills of the participants. 指小型至中型的會議 ( 至多150位 ) ,ㄧ群具不同技術但有共同特定興趣的專家,藉由一次或一系列的集會,來達訓練或學習的目的之進修會。seminar的工作進度表要使參加者能達到豐富其技術之目的。其過程會由一位session chairman 來主持,論文有時會經過評選,可分為口頭報告及論文展示兩種。參加者可藉由參與討論來分享其經驗與知識, seminar的時間在一至多天間不等。另外,在大學或訓練機構為了針對某一特定主題來定期討論及研究,而辦理的小班 ( 約5至10人 ) 課程,也稱為 seminar。

Symposium A formal meeting of a number of experts in a particular field, at which papers are presented and discussed by specialists on particular subjects with a view to making comments and recommendations concerning the problems under discussion. 與seminar類似,但多為單一主題,為此領域內的一些專家集會,並就某一特定主題發表論文,並共同就問題加以討論做出建議。symposium 類似seminar ,參與人數較多,期間在二至三天左右,進行方式較為正式。

Colloquium An informal meeting for the purpose of discussion; usually of an academic or research nature and in order to ascertain areas of mutual interest through exchange of ideas. Conducted as and when convenient, but with little regularity. 由一位或多位學術專家進行專題演講,並在現場回答與會者的詢問,全然屬於學術性的聚會。

Lecture Educational speech given by a specialist; usually without questions session. 教育性的演講,通常僅由一位專家來簡報,且報告後不一定接受觀眾的發問。

Panel discussion A discussion between a small group of experts on the platform and sometimes including delegates assembled in the hall. 有一位 moderator 來主持,由一小群專家為座談小組成員 ( panelist ) 針對專門課題提出其觀點再進行座談。有時僅限 Panel自行討論,有時也開放和與會者相互討論。

Workshop Workshop is a practical-base meeting, followed by speaker’s instruction or direction, the participants will develop intensive discussions or operations to reach their own conclusion or outcome. 工作坊的方式是以實務操作為目的,通常為小組討論模式,通常在講師講解後會讓學員實際操作或進行共識討論,最近讓各分組進行成果發表。

Summit The high rank meeting in the public and private sectors. 政府高階主管或專業領域的高階人士所參與的會議。

Video Conference Type of meeting which brings together three or more people in two or more locations through video communications. -- ADSL -- Satellite

Other types of Meetings Exposition Exhibition Display of products or promotional material mounted for the purposes of public relations, sales and/or marketing. Launch: initiate soliciting activity Show / Road Show Fair

會展活動規劃重點 (25 Meeting Planning Function) PCMA 會展活動議題設計及效益規劃 選擇場地 相關設備安排 預算 場地、住宿及相關硬體的預訂 交通安排 節目流程設計 文宣、場地使用的規劃 建置註冊系統 後勤支援服務的安排 與場地提供者(convention center, hotel)的協調 會展專案經理的合作

工作人員的分工管理(包括:場地及設備外來人力) 運輸及倉儲 功能場地的佈置 展覽管理 餐飲安排 視聽設備安排 講者邀請事宜 社交娛樂安排 公關傳宣規劃 貴賓及眷屬行程規劃 會議資料印製 禮品安排及致謝相關安排 會後評估及善後

17 Independent Conditions (執行會展要考慮的因素) PCMA 17 Independent Conditions (執行會展要考慮的因素) Time of year 舉辦時間 Labor conditions 工作條件 Length of meeting 會議期間 Size of attendance 參與人數規模 Site/facilities 場地/ 設備 Objective 欲達到的效益 Type of organization 主辦者型態 Location or geography 舉辦地點 Budget 預算規模 Participant funding 參與者經費 Management responsibility 管理責任範圍 Space requirements 場地空間需求 Transportation variables 交通選擇 Participant demographics 參與者分析 Social events 社交活動 Special requirements 特殊需求 Weather 氣候狀況

會議常見的模式 Special Events -- Opening / Closing Ceremony -- Keynote Speech -- Performance -- MOU / Declaration Signing

會議常見的模式 Special events Welcoming Reception Lunch / Luncheon Dinner / Banquet -- Culture Night / Gala Night -- Welcome Party / Farewell Party

會議常見的模式 Plenary Session -- Speeches -- Reports from National / Regional Representative -- Panel Discussion -- Seminar

會議常見的模式 Concurrent / Parallel Events -- Debates -- Workshops -- Case Study -- Panel Discussion -- Roundtable Discussion

會議常見的模式 side events -- Study Visit / Study Tour / Field Trip -- Affinity Group Meeting -- Membership Meeting -- Exhibition -- Press Conference -- Parade

謝謝. 請多指教. 任何賜教,請與我們聯繫: E-mail: deb1002_h@yahoo. com http://www