Olympic Games By 光榮國中 姜曉玟


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Presentation transcript:

Olympic Games By 光榮國中 姜曉玟 奧運相關圖片及文字來源:Wiki Simple English & http://www.olympic.org/london-2012-summer-olympics

Origins The Olympic Games are held every four years, with Summer and Winter Olympic Games taking turns. Originally, the ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia, Greece, from the 8th century BC to the 5th century AD. The first "modern" Olympics happened in 1896 in Athens, Greece.

Olympic Family the Summer Olympic Games the Winter Olympic Games the Paralympic Games: were created for athletes with physical disabilities the Youth Olympic Games: for teenage athletes the Deaflympics: is specially for deaf athletes 2009 in Taipei

Olympic symbols-1 The Olympic logo also known as the Olympic rings, consists of five intertwined rings and represents the unity of the five inhabited continents (America, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe). The colored version of the rings—blue, yellow, black, green, and red.

Olympic symbols-2 The flag was designed by the father of the modern Olympic Games, Coubertin, in 1913. It first appeared in the 7th Summer Olympics in Antwerp, Belgium, in 1920.

Olympic motto Citius, Altius, Fortius, a Latin expression meaning "Faster, Higher, Stronger".

Olympic Sports

2012 Olympic Games  the Games of the XXX Olympiad  City: London, United Kingdom  the first city to host the modern Olympic Games three times  London hosted the 1908 Summer Olympics and the 1948 Summer Olympics. Date: from July 27 to August 12  Athletes from 204 National Olympic Countries will participate.

2012 Olympic Mascot 源於現代奧林匹克運動會發源地為英國什羅普郡的Wenlock 源於現代殘奧會 發源地為英國白金漢郡艾爾斯伯里的Mandeville

Olympic Sports 今年倫敦奧運匯聚逾1萬名各國運動菁英,堪稱全球最大運動賽事(the biggest sporting event on the planet)。刺激的運動賽程總令觀眾血脈噴張,另外,選手展現的力與美更饗以世人視覺盛宴。且讓我們來看看26個比賽運動項目並學習其英文名稱: 1896年第一屆雅典奧運會只有九個比賽項目,2008年北京奧運會比賽項目總數 增加到28項,而2012年英國倫敦奧運會將縮減到26項,取消的兩項體育運動是? 水上運動(aquatics)、射箭(archery)、田徑(athletics)、羽球(badminton)、籃球(basketball)、拳擊(boxing)、輕艇(canoe and kayak)、自行車(cycling)、馬術(equestrian)、擊劍(fencing)、足球(football)、體操(gymnastics)、手球(handball)、曲棍球(hockey)、柔道(judo)、現代五項(modern pentathlon)、划船(rowing)、帆船(sailing)、射擊(shooting)、桌球(table tennis)、跆拳道(taekwondo)、網球(tennis)、鐵人三項(triathlon)、排球(volleyball)、舉重(weightlifting)與角力(wrestling)。

Tennis Handball Hockey Gymnastics Athletics Sailing Rowing Shooting Boxing Triathlon Canoeing Cycling Softball Modern pentathlon

Weightlifting Baseball Archery Judo Wrestling Football Basketball Table tennis Taekwondo Equestrian Fencing Aquatics Volleyball Badminton

Tennis Handball Hockey Gymnastics Athletics Sailing Rowing Shooting Boxing Triathlon Canoeing Cycling Softball Modern pentathlon

Weightlifting Baseball Archery Judo Wrestling Football Basketball Table tennis Taekwondo Equestrian Fencing Aquatics Volleyball Badminton

閒聊運動話題,問對方最喜愛或喜歡哪項體育運動說:「What’s your favorite sport 閒聊運動話題,問對方最喜愛或喜歡哪項體育運動說:「What’s your favorite sport?/What kind of sport do you like?」 回答可套用「運動名稱+is my favorite sport./My favorite sport is+運動名稱.」。例如:「滑雪/溜冰/游泳/是我最喜歡的運動」(Skiing/Roller skating/Swimming is my favorite sport.)。 又,「你喜歡看籃球比賽嗎?」(Do you like watching basketball games?) 回答「是」:「Yes, I do.」,「我享受觀看籃球員們打球的技巧。」則說:「I enjoy watching the basketball players’ skills.」 要問這鄰近地區是否有運動設施可說:「Are there any sports facilities near this neighborhood?」