Council of Professional Conduct, October 28, 2005


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Presentation transcript:

Council of Professional Conduct, October 28, 2005

教師的專業成長 角色、挑戰、學習 程介明 香港大學教育學院講座教授、校長資深顧問 提昇教師專業會議(華人地區) 2005年10月28日

香港的教育成就 (Barry McGraw, OECD, 2004)

15歲閱讀能力Mean Reading Literacy of 15-year-olds 15/11/2018 15歲閱讀能力Mean Reading Literacy of 15-year-olds In the figure above, the results in reading literacy of the 15 non-OECD countries that participated in PISA 2000 have been added. Apart from Hong Kong-China towards the top and Lichtenstein just below the middle, they tend to cluster at lower levels of average achievement. Source: OECD, UNESCO (2003) Literacy skills for the world of tomorrow, Fig. 2.5, p.76

15歲數學能力Mean Mathematical Literacy of 15-year-olds 15/11/2018 15歲數學能力Mean Mathematical Literacy of 15-year-olds In the figure above, the results in mathematical literacy of the 15 non-OECD countries that participated in PISA 2000 have been added. As with reading literacy, the mean performances in mathematical literacy of the majority of the non-OECD countries tend to lie below those of the OECD countries. The exceptions are Hong Kong-China which is at the top, though not significantly better than Japan and Korea, and Lichtenstein, Russia and Latvia which are in the mid-range. Source: OECD, UNESCO (2003) Literacy skills for the world of tomorrow, Fig. 3.2, p.100

15歲科學素質Mean scientific literacy of 15-year-olds 15/11/2018 15歲科學素質Mean scientific literacy of 15-year-olds When the 15 non-OECD countries are included in the comparison of achievements in scientific literacy, the results of all but Hong Kong-China lie among or below the lowest performing of the OECD countries. Source: OECD, UNESCO (2003) Literacy skills for the world of tomorrow, Fig. 3.5, p.109

五級閱讀能力分佈% at reading proficiency levels 15/11/2018 五級閱讀能力分佈% at reading proficiency levels Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 When the 15 non-OECD countries are added to the figure on the previous slide, the bulk of the non-OECD countries are to the right of this figure because of their relatively low average scores in reading literacy. Most of them have large percentages of their 15-year-olds who remain in school developing inadequate levels of reading literacy. In six of them, more than 20% of their 15-year-olds in school are below Level 1. In five of them, more than 50% of their 15-year-olds are at or below Level 1. These countries will need not only to increase the percentage of their 15-year-olds who remain in school but also to improve the literacy levels achieved in school. Below Level 1 Source: OECD, UNESCO (2003) Literacy skills for the world of tomorrow, Table 2.1a, p.274

但是,這是我們教育的目標嗎? 且看 …….

香港: 失業率

香港 青年雙失:19% Double Disengaged (中學畢業失學失業) 40+、50+中年失業 約10萬人

香港 HKCEE 14.7% 0 22.6% <5

為什麼? 為什麼以前不是這樣?

挑戰一: 社會變了!

香港 服務經濟:86% Service Sector 100人以下: 99% SME (佔勞動力70%) (勞動人口80% Service Sector Employment) 100人以下: 99% SME (佔勞動力70%) 10人以下: 87% (佔勞動力30%)

香港 個體工作者 220,000 (註冊公司僱員 2,200,000)

現在 工作組 Project Groups/Task Forces 中小企 Small Enterprises 15/11/2018 現在 工作組 Project Groups/Task Forces 中小企 Small Enterprises 個體工作 Free-lancers 公務員 The Civil Service In the work place today, there are largely small organisations, plus free-lancers of different types. There are still large organisations. However, in leading large organisations, such as investment banks, consultancy firms, creative productions, … many of them choose to operate in task forces which are small and flexible units tailor-made for the client or for the product. The picture of course is rather incomplete if we do not include the civil service. In many societies, the civil service stands out as a huge sector that do not always change with time.

以往: 金字塔

工業社會: 大規模生產

後工業社會: 個別化服務

工作組 Task Force

中小企 SMEs

個體工作者 Free Lancers

現在 … 小型結構 Small organisation 扁平組織 Flat organisations 鬆散結構 Loose organisations 團隊融合 Constant teamwork 分工不明 Ill-defined labour division 專業模糊 Blurred specilization …..

現在… 非機構就業 Many free-lancers 經常性失業 Many unemployed 經常性轉業 Frequent change of jobs 普遍性轉行 Frequent change of careers 多變社會關係 Frequent change of networks 多變合作夥伴 Frequent change of partners ……………..

變化一 … 純粹藍領迅速消亡 知識含量劇增 中學資歷不足以就業 ……

變化二 … 工作形態 小組運作 專業融會 不斷設計 獨立思考

變化三 … 前線工作需要 設計 解難 變通 創新

變化四 … 幾乎所有工作 需要人際交往 必須表達溝通 面對道德抉擇

變化五 … 對個人要求 自覺責任承擔 懂得自我管理 按需及時學習 能有自知之明

我們的教育 在满足這些期望和要求嗎?

我們的教師… 有機會了解這些變化嗎? 覺得需要了解這些變化嗎? 經歷過這些變化嗎?

挑戰二: 学习的意義變了!

什麼叫學習? What is learning? “Learning is the transmission of knowledge from those who know to those who don’t know.” 學習是知識從知者到不知者的傳輸

學習: 假設 …… 學習是知識的吸收 學習是在學校裡面發生的 學校主要是在課堂裡面發生的 知識是一塊一塊的,叫做科目 沒有經過考試的東西不算知識 ……

學習: 假設 學習是在個人的腦袋裡面發生的 充分理解了的知識才能付諸應用 學習的內容是人類已知的知識 學習的內容,不外是知識與技能 人人的學習是一樣的 ……

教育: 假設 孩子有聰明與笨拙之分 並非人人能夠學習 只有聰明的孩子值得多受教育 學校是聰明孩子的守門員 ………..

教育: 假設 ……….. 人類是分類分等的 教育的使命就是把人類分類分等 教育的目的是把個人輸送到行業裡面和職位上面去 愈是高級的教育,愈是專門化 ………..

然而, ….. ╳ Learning is the transmission of knowledge from those who know to those who don’t know. 學習是知識從知者到不知者的傳輸

What is learning? ╳ Learning is the transmission of knowledge from those who know to those who don’t know. Learning is the learners’ active construction of knowledge. 學習是學習者主動地建構知識的過程

何謂學習? 學習是學習者主動地建構知識的過程 學習是通過人類的實踐(學習經歷)達致的 人類的學習過程, 也包括向同伴學習 15/11/2018 何謂學習? 學習是學習者主動地建構知識的過程 學習是通過人類的實踐(學習經歷)達致的 人類的學習過程, 也包括向同伴學習 人類的學習, 是”改善”意識的反映 人類學習的過程是各各不同的 理解和應用是同步交叉發生的 有效的學習在於應用知識 Learning is construction of knowledge by the learner. It is not transmission of knowledge. The learner is an active agent rather than a passive recipient. Learning occurs only when there is interaction between the human being and the external world. Hence learning occurs only through activities, or learning experiences. Human beings learn more effectively in a social setting, i.e. in groups, rather than as individuals. People “learn to learn” from other members or from more experienced members in a community.

學習: 範式轉移 篩選 以為篩選、擇優、淘汰是教育的常態 轉為 學習是人類的天性, 人人能學,而且能夠並且需要終身學習

學習: 範式轉移 專業 以為教育就是把人類分類的機制 轉為 教育是準備人類終身多元多變的工作和生活

學習: 範式轉移 教書 以為學生學習始於教師的傳授 轉為 學生是學習的主體,教師的角色是“搭棚”、扶助、促進,教師也是學習的榜樣

學習: 範式轉移 唸書 以為教育不外是唸書,其他都是可有可無的 轉為 教育有責任為每一個學生提供全面的學習經歷,特別是人際交往的學習經歷

教師成長面臨的變化 … 需要面對新的環境、學生、工作與要求 需要與許多同盟軍共同協作 準備迎接轉行而來的教師 準備迎接更多、更新的學習經歷

返璞歸真 全面化學習經歷…

學習經歷 課外 校外 其他 課堂


學校生活 海外交流 农村/弱势社群 社会服务 戏剧/音乐/体育 师徒式学习 领导学生组织 学生活动 Classes 念书

學習經歷 跨文化学习 关怀学习 服务学习 创意学习 实际工作学习 领袖学习 另类学习 学术学习 Classes

Music, Sports, Art, Drama, Dance Mentorship Learning cross cultures Student Residence, Student Unions, Associations & Clubs, Young Leaders Rural Visits, NGOs, Community Services, Church Learning to care Learning to serve Creativity Learning Workplace Learning Internship, Practicum, Placement, Fieldwork Leadership Learning Learning to live together Classrooms, Libraries, Laboratories Academic Learning Classes Exchange, Youth Conferences

一切以學習为重! 一切以學生为重! 一切以學生的未來为重!