〝根除小兒麻痺等疾病並不是募款,而是要去拯救兒童。〞 “PolioPlus is not about raising money; it is about saving children.” —1986-88年度根除小兒麻痺等疾病運動理事 — Walter Maddocks, 1986-88 PolioPlus.


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Presentation transcript:

〝根除小兒麻痺等疾病並不是募款,而是要去拯救兒童。〞 “PolioPlus is not about raising money; it is about saving children.” —1986-88年度根除小兒麻痺等疾病運動理事 — Walter Maddocks, 1986-88 PolioPlus campaign director

扶輪是於1979年當它誓言在新保健、防飢及人道(3-H)獎助金計劃之下執行第一個幫助菲律賓六百萬位兒童免疫計劃之時,開始參與根除小兒麻痺等疾病。 Rotary’s involvement in polio eradication began in 1979 when it vowed to help immunize six million children in the Philippines as its first project under the new Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants program.

於1982年, 扶輪理事會許諾 〝於2005年國際扶輪百週年紀念日之時對世界上所有兒童們作小兒麻痺等疾病預防免疫。〞 In 1982, 500,000+ cases, 125+ countries the RI Board pledged to immunize “all of the world’s children against polio by the time of the 100th anniversary of Rotary International in the year 2005.”

扶輪在1985年於聯合國40週年紀念日時向全世界領導者揭示根除小兒麻痺等疾病。 Rotary revealed PolioPlus to world leaders at the 40th anniversary of the United Nations in 1985...

並於美國加州巴莎迪那市之1986年玫瑰花車遊行期間對大眾宣示。並透過電視機轉播給全美125百萬位和全世界的觀眾們。 and to the public during the 1986 Rose Parade in Pasadena, California, USA. Cameras telecast the spectacle to 125 million viewers in the United States and around the world.

在1988年費城國際年會上宣佈對根除小兒麻痺等疾病的捐獻超過了我們美金一億兩千萬元的目標。而該捐獻最後達到美金二億四千七百萬元。 扶輪最棒的時刻: 在1988年費城國際年會上宣佈對根除小兒麻痺等疾病的捐獻超過了我們美金一億兩千萬元的目標。而該捐獻最後達到美金二億四千七百萬元。 Rotary’s Finest Hour: At the 1988 Philadelphia convention it was announced that PolioPlus contributions surpassed the goal of US$120 million. Contributions would eventually reach $247 million.

在1988年, 由於扶輪成功的鼓舞, 166個國家的世界衛生研習會決定要根除小兒麻痺等疾病。 〝如果能夠做, 就一定要做。〞 - 世界衛生組織(WHO)前任理事Halfdan T. Mahler博士。 In 1988, inspired by Rotary’s success, the 166 nations of the World Health Assembly resolved to eradicate polio. “If it can be done, it must be done.” — World Health Organization (WHO) former Director-General Dr. Halfdan T. Mahler

有了由扶輪基金會而來的美金五百三十萬-最初核心獎助金,世界衛生組織的根除小兒麻痹等疾病計劃成為歷史中的最大的公共衛生計劃。 With an initial core grant of $5.3 million from The Rotary Foundation, WHO’s Polio Eradication program became the largest public health program in history.

扶輪是全球根除小兒麻痺等疾病倡導的領導非官方部門的夥伴。其他先導的夥伴有世界衛生組織、聯合國兒童基金會和美國疾病防治中心(CDC)。 Rotary is the lead private-sector partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Other spearheading partners are WHO, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

一百萬以上扶輪男士與女士業已志願提供出他們的時間與個人的資源以幫助122個國家的二十億位兒童的免疫工作。 More than one million men and women of Rotary have volunteered their time and personal resources to help immunize two billion children in 122 countries.

根除小兒麻痺等疾病傑出獎業已頒贈給87位國家領導人、保健機構領導者以及其他對全球根除小兒麻痺症重要貢獻者。 1995年設立之 根除小兒麻痺等疾病傑出獎業已頒贈給87位國家領導人、保健機構領導者以及其他對全球根除小兒麻痺症重要貢獻者。 2000年3月17日聯合國秘書長安南與企業界慈善家泰德接受該獎項。 Established in 1995, the Polio Eradication Champion Award has been presented to 87 heads of state, health agency leaders, and others who have made a significant contribution to the global eradication of polio. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner accept the award on 17 March 2000.

美洲在1994年宣佈無小兒麻痺症, 西太平洋區域是2000年宣佈, 歐洲則於2002年宣佈。 The Americas were declared polio-free in 1994, as was the Western Pacific region in 2000, and Europe in 2002.

從2002年之初,持續提供基金給10個仍是小兒麻痺等疾病疫區的國家,是達成一個無小兒麻痺等疾病的世界的頭號障礙。 根除小兒麻痺等疾病國家之順位 Polio Eradication Priority Countries: 阿富汗Afghanistan 安哥拉Angola 埃及Egypt 依索比亞Ethiopia 印度India 尼日Niger 奈及利亞Nigeria 巴基斯坦Pakistan 索馬利亞Somalia 蘇丹Sudan At the beginning of 2002, 10 countries remained polio endemic with funding continuing to be the No. 1 obstacle to achieving a polio-free world.

〝實現我們的承諾:根除小兒麻痺 〞。 2002年二月,扶輪揭示它的根除小兒痲痺募款運動- 其目標是要在一年內籌募8千萬美元。 Goal: US$80 million $180 million 150 million 120 million 90 million 60 million 30 million Contributions as of 30 June 2004 In February of 2002, Rotary unveiled its Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign “Fulfilling our Promise: Eradicate Polio.” Its goal was to raise $80 million in one year.

扶輪社從事許多籌款活動以達到該目標,包括紫色小指頭計劃與小兒麻痺捐便士硬幣。 Clubs pursued a variety of fundraising activities to meet this goal, including the Purple Pinkie project and Pennies for Polio.

在澳洲布利斯班的2003年國際扶輪國際年會,國際扶輪社長陳裕財宣佈募款業已超過八千八百萬美元。 至2004年8月31日,募款已超過一億參千萬美元。 At the 2003 RI Convention in Brisbane, Australia, RI President Bhichai Rattakul announced that more than $88 million had been raised. As of 31 August 2004, over $130 million has been raised.

扶輪對全球根除小兒麻痺等疾病成果是最大的非政府組織的財務貢獻者。 當世界證明無小兒麻痺症時,扶輪捐獻將超過六億美元。 Rotary is the largest nongovernmental organization financial contributor to the global polio eradication effort. By the time the world is certified polio-free, Rotary’s contributions will exceed $600 million. ROTARY INTERNATIONAL

自從1985年起,小兒麻痺症病例的數目從35萬個病例往下掉-或者每天幾乎減少1,000個病例-至2003年則只剩不到1,000個病例。 Global Polio Cases :: Since 1985, the number of polio cases has dropped from 350,000 — or nearly 1,000 per day — to fewer than 1,000 in 2003.

至我們扶輪百週年紀念日, 僅僅只剩六個國家有小兒麻痺症疫區。 阿富汗Afghanistan 埃及Egypt 印度India 尼日Niger 奈及利亞Nigeria 巴基斯坦Pakistan As we near Rotary’s 100th anniversary, only six countries remain polio endemic.

今天五百萬位兒童走路-不需要撐著拐杖或靠義肢-那是因為扶輪對全球根除小兒麻痺的承諾。 Five million children walk today — without crutches or braces — because of Rotary’s commitment to the global eradication of polio.

〝扶輪社員是最先有一種無小兒麻痺的憧憬以及解決所見份內之事。〞 -世界衛生組織前局長 哈萊姆博士 “Rotarians were the first with the vision of a polio-free world and the resolve to see the job done.” — Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Past Director-General of WHO

欲了解扶輪對全世界根除小兒麻痺的參與,請訂購一本 To learn more about Rotary’s involvement in the eradication of polio worldwide, order a copy of A Century of Service: The Story of Rotary International. 欲了解扶輪對全世界根除小兒麻痺的參與,請訂購一本 一個世紀的服務: 國際扶輪的故事 Click here to order