风水 Understanding Fengshui


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Presentation transcript:

风水 Understanding Fengshui 于家琪 余逸群

什么是风水? 风水是一种古老的哲学。 道家相信一切东西有 life force,”气“ 风水英文是“Wind Water” 道家相信气可以影响帝国和个人。 Fengshui is an ancient Chinese Art/science It is from the Daoist belief that everything has a life force called “Qi” Fengshui literally means “Wind and Water” Daoists believed that the Qi of a region can affect the fates of Nations and individual people.

风水的历史 风水是从古代仰韶文化而来。古代人用风水做建筑物和坟墓。 郭璞的“土葬书”讲到风水。 Fengshui is believed to have originated from the Neolithic Yangshao peoples, and was used to orient buildings and tombs. Fengshui is also mentioned in Guo Pu’s Book of Burials.

风水的观念 “气” 是风水的最大方面。气是生命能量。 “阴阳”是双重的哲学。 “五行” (木,金,火,水,和土) “八卦”是现实的原理 Fundamental aspects of Fengshui include… “Qi” is the or the life energy “Yin and Yang” are the theories of polarity “The Five Elements”, are Wood, Metal, Fire, Water, and Earth. “The Eight Trigrams” are all perceptions of reality.

气 气是生命的力量。中国人相信气连接一切。中国功夫,中医中药,和中国宗教都讲究气。日常用语常常用到“气”这个字。(比如生气,脾气,和鬥气) Qi, in Fengshui, is a concept of a universal life force. Qi is prevalent in Chinese martial arts, traditional medicine, and folk religion. The concept of Qi is so universal that it has found its way in many modern daily expressions. (Ex. Angry, temperament, and belligerent)

阴阳 古人以为宇宙万物都相对相克。比如天地,日月,男女。男是阳,女是阴。阴阳的概念在中国功夫,医药,哲学,文学,和营养学都有很大的影响。 The ancient Chinese believed in the duality of the universe, and the division of nature into the masculine (Yang) and the feminine (Yin). This philosophy greatly influenced many aspect of Chinese culture including medicine, martial arts, literature, and even nutrition.

五行 五行是五种不同的元素。五行指金,土,水,火,和木。古人认为宇宙万物都由这五个元素来控制。 The Five Chinese elements are made up of metal, earth, water, fire, and wood. The ancient Chinese believed that everything in the universe was controlled by these elements. The Five elements can be applied to everything from Chinese alchemy to religion and medicine.

八卦 八卦是一个中国古代的符号。“一”代表阳,”- -” 代表阴。用三个这样的符号做成八卦。八卦象征八个不同的方面。比如有天,泽,火,雷,风,水,山,和地。 The Bagua, or the eight trigrams, is an ancient Chinese symbol that represents all aspects of reality. The single unbroken line represents Yang, while the broken line represents Yin. The eight individual trigrams each represent heaven, marshes, fire, lightning, wind, water, mountains, and earth.

Trigrams Chart

Cultural Implications 以前风水师帮人与环境的关系变得好一点。 现在不就是中国人会用风水,外国人也会在家用风水,也会去请教专业人出帮他们看风水。 先在风水变得像是室内设计摆脱精力不济的东西和灵魂 风水可以让人的环境健康一点儿。

Fire- Red Candles 健康和友情 Wood- Money Tree 新的生命

Earth- Stones, Soil, Clay Water- Fountains, Flowing Water 钱

星盘 罗盘,风水指南针

Self Reflection 我觉得风水以前比现在好,现在太多人是用风水来骗人家的钱。他们说自己是专业,可以帮人家栓风水白那里才好,可是他们只是乱猜来骗有钱人的钱。 可是我觉得风水也是一个改变生活的还机会,可以把环境变得健康一点。

Questions 1. 说去风水的五个眼熟。 What are the 5 elements of Feng Shui? 。 2. 风水的英文翻译是什么? What’s the literal translation of 风水? 3. 风水大部分是讲究什么? What’s the fundamental aspect of 风水?

Bibliography Manasia, Tamkeen. "FENG SHUI and YOUR HEALTH." Health Psychology Home Page. Web. 07 Feb. 2012. <http://healthpsych.psy.vanderbilt.edu/Feng_Shui.htm>. Tchi, Rodika. "Feng Shui History and Theory." Feng Shui Tips - How To Apply Feng Shui - Bedroom Tips, Colors, Home, Office & Garden Feng Shui. Web. 07 Feb. 2012. <http://fengshui.about.com/od/thebasics/qt/fengshui.htm>. "What Is Feng Shui?" Feng Shui Your Home and Business. Read Feng Shui Book for Better Life! The Spiritual Feng Shui. Web. 07 Feb. 2012. <http://www.thespiritualfengshui.com/what-is-feng-shui.php>.