第 12 章 全球配銷通路 © 2005 Prentice Hall.


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第 12 章 全球配銷通路 © 2005 Prentice Hall

通 路 目 標 行銷通路的目標是為客戶創造效用。通路的主要效用可分成: 地點:能提供產品或服務﹐以方便客戶。 通 路 目 標 行銷通路的目標是為客戶創造效用。通路的主要效用可分成: 地點:能提供產品或服務﹐以方便客戶。 時間:客戶有需求時﹐能及時提供產品或服 務。 型式:產品的加工備料與備用﹐均處於適當 的狀態。 資訊:對產品特性與效益﹐提供相關問題的 解答與溝通。 © 2005 Prentice Hall

配銷通路:術語與架構 配銷通路﹐是指連接製造商和顧客的系統。 不論消費性產品和工業性產品﹐通路商均扮演一個重要的角色﹐通路商挑選完產品或品牌後﹐透過批發仲介的聯絡﹐而代理商則是協調雙方或更多團體的交易﹐但不牽涉到產品買或賣的情形。 Although channels for consumer products and industrial products are similar, there are also some distinct differences. In business-to-consumer marketing (b-to-c or B2C), consumer channels are designed to put products in the hands of people for their own use; as participants in a process known as business to- business marketing (b-to-b or B2B), industrial channels deliver products to manufacturers or other types of organizations that use them as inputs in the production process or in day-to-day operations. © 2005 Prentice Hall

行銷通路替代方案:消費性產品 This figure summarizes six channel structure alternatives for consumer products. The characteristics of both buyers and products have an important influence on channel design. The first alternative is to market directly to buyers via the Internet, mail order, various types of door-to-door selling, or manufacturer owned retail outlets. The other options utilize retailers and various combinations of sales forces, agents/brokers, and wholesalers. The number of individual buyers and their geographic distribution, income, shopping habits, and reaction to different selling methods frequently vary from country to country and may require different channel approaches. Product characteristics such as degree of standardization, perish-ability, bulk, service requirements, and unit price have an impact as well. Generally speaking, channels tend to be longer (require more intermediaries) as the number of customers to be served increases and the price per unit decreases. Bulky products usually require channel arrangements that minimize the shipping distances and the number of times products change hands before they reach the ultimate customer. © 2005 Prentice Hall

消 費 性 產 品 搭售行銷: 是近來逐漸受歡迎的通路革新。 一家製造商可以使用其他公司的通路管道來獲得產品通路。 消 費 性 產 品 搭售行銷: 是近來逐漸受歡迎的通路革新。 一家製造商可以使用其他公司的通路管道來獲得產品通路。 成功的搭售行銷﹐在於產品線能相互補足﹐他們必須吸引相同的顧客﹐但是他們必須不能相互競爭。 © 2005 Prentice Hall

工 業 性 產 品 This figure summarizes marketing channel alternatives for the industrial- or business-products company. As is true with consumer channels, product and customer characteristics have an impact on channel structure. Three basic elements are involved: the manufacturer’s sales force, distributors or agents, and wholesalers. A manufacturer can reach customers with its own sales force, a sales force that calls on wholesalers who sell to customers, or a combination of these two arrangements. A manufacturer can sell directly to wholesalers without using a sales force, and wholesalers, in turn, can supply customers. Finally, a distributor or agent can call on wholesalers or customers for the manufacturer. © 2005 Prentice Hall

建 立 通 路 一個全球公司擴展國內藩籬﹐必須使用已存在的通路系統﹐或是建立自己的通路網。通路的障礙通﹐常發生於當公司進入一個競爭的市場﹐並且品牌和供給的關係﹐已經被建立完成了! 全球市場的通路決策﹐必須符合公司的競爭情況﹐以便滿足每一個國家的市場目標。 A global company expanding across national boundaries must utilize existing distribution channels or build its own. Channel obstacles are often encountered when a company enters a competitive market where brands and supply relationships are already established. Direct involvement in distribution in a new market can entail considerable expense. Sales representatives and sales management must be hired and trained. The sales organization will inevitably be a heavy loser in its early stage of operation in a new market because it will not have sufficient volume to cover its overhead costs. Therefore, any company contemplating establishing its own sales force should be prepared to underwrite losses for this sales force for a reasonable period of time. © 2005 Prentice Hall

與通路中間商運作的方法準則 選擇通路商﹐別讓他們選擇你。 尋找通路有關開發市場的能力﹐比有好的顧客關係者更為重要。 視當地的通路商為長期的夥伴﹐而不是暫時進入市場的工具。 Channel decisions are important because of the number and nature of relationships that must be managed. Channel decisions typically involve long-term legal commitments and obligations to various intermediaries. Such commitments are often extremely expensive to terminate or change, so it is imperative for companies to document the nature of the relationship with the foreign partner. As the saying goes, “The shortest pencil is better than the longest memory.” At a minimum, the written agreement should include a definition of what constitutes “good cause” for termination. Harvard professor David Arnold offers seven specific guidelines to help prevent such problems from arising these are highlighted above and on the next slide. © 2005 Prentice Hall

與通路中間商運作的方法準則 支持新市場的進入是藉由資金、經理人對市場的意見所共同完成。 從一開始﹐維持行銷策略之控制。 確認通路商能提供詳細市場及財務績效的數據資料。 在早期的機會中﹐建立全國性通路。 © 2005 Prentice Hall

全 球 零 售 業 百貨公司 專賣店 超級市場 便利商店 折扣商店 大型百貨超級市場 市郊之大商業中心 類別殺手 量販店 Global retailing is any retailing activity that crosses national boundaries. Since the mid-1970s, there has been growing interest among successful retailers in expanding globally. However, this not a new phenomenon. For centuries, entrepreneurial merchants have ventured abroad both to obtain merchandise and ideas and to establish retail operations. During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, British, French, Dutch, Belgian, and German trading companies established retailing organizations in Africa and Asia. International trading and retail store operation were two of the economic pillars of the colonial system of that era. In the twentieth century, Dutch retailer C&A expanded across Europe, and Woolworth crossed the Atlantic from the United States to the United Kingdom. Today’s global retailing scene is characterized by great variety. This slide offers a survey of some of the different forms retailing can take. Retail stores can be divided into categories according to the amount of square feet of floor space, the level of service offered, width and depth of product offerings, or other criteria. © 2005 Prentice Hall

全 球 零 售 業 全球前25大零售商 (2002銷售額:百萬美元) 全 球 零 售 業 全球前25大零售商 (2002銷售額:百萬美元) © 2005 Prentice Hall

全 球 零 售 種 類 The matrix above is one way to classify global retailers One axis represents private or own-label focus versus a manufacturer brands focus. The other axis differentiates between retailers specializing in relatively few product categories and retailers that offer a wide product assortment. Quadrant A has the retailer IKEA, which is a good example of a global retailer with a niche focus (assemble-yourself furniture for the home) as well as an own-label focus (IKEA sells its own brand). IKEA and other retailers in quadrant A typically use extensive advertising and product innovation to build a strong brand image. In quadrant B, the private-label focus is retained, but many more product categories are offered. This is the strategy of Marks & Spencer (M&S), the British-based department store company whose St. Michael private label is found on a broad range of clothing, food, home furnishings, jewelry, and other items. Private label retailers that attempt to expand internationally face a double-edged challenge: They must attract customers to both the store and the branded merchandise. Retailers in the upper right quadrant offer many well-known brands in a relatively tightly defined merchandise range. Here, for example, we find Toys ‘R’ Us, which specializes in toys and includes branded products from Mattel, Nintendo, and other marketers. Additional examples include such category killers as Blockbuster Video and Virgin Stores. Carrefour, Promodès, Wal-Mart, and other retailers in the fourth quadrant offer the same type of merchandise available from established local retailers. What the newcomers bring to a market, however, is competence in distribution or some other value chain element. © 2005 Prentice Hall

全球零售市場進入策略模式 This slide provides students with the visual representation of the market entrance strategies. © 2005 Prentice Hall

國 際 通 路 的 創 新 1. 創新只發生在高度發展的系統中;一般來說﹐在低度開發系統中的代理商﹐會向高度開發國家的零售體系學習經驗及測試﹐並加以發展。 2. 一個成功的系統﹐在於對創新的適應能力與其經濟發展水平有關﹐對某些低度經濟發展的國家﹐必須採用最簡單的零售方法。 Distribution channels around the world are highly differentiated. On the surface, it appears this differentiation can be explained only in terms of culture and the income level that exists in the market. However, the incidence and rate of retail innovation can be explained in terms of the four observations highlighted on this slide. © 2005 Prentice Hall

供應鍊的概念定義 1.當我們從一個組織與供應鍊一起創造價值的活動﹐來評估它的競爭力時﹐供應鍊是一個很有用的工具;這個供應鍊包括了所有進行支持活動的公司。 2.一家公司進行競爭的某特定產業﹐會有其特別強調的供應鍊﹐在特定產業中的個別廠商所進行的特定活動﹐可以幫助定義其在供應鍊中的位置。 In Chapter 1, marketing was described as one of the activities in a firm’s value chain. The distribution “P” of the marketing mix plays a central role in a given firm’s value chain; because global companies create value by making sure their products are available where and when customers want to buy them. Physical distribution consists of activities involved in moving finished goods from manufacturers to customers. However, the value chain concept is much broader, for two basic reasons. First, the value chain is a useful tool for assessing an organization’s competence as it performs value-creating activities with a broader supply chain. Second, the particular industry in which a firm competes (for example, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, or consumer electronics) is characterized by a value chain. The specific activities an individual firm performs help define its position in the value chain. © 2005 Prentice Hall

實體配銷、供應鍊和物流管理 訂單處理: 倉儲: 在訂單處理的流程中﹐可以提供有關客戶訂單之必要的生產資訊。 倉庫係用來儲存貨物﹐直到被賣出為止的地方;另外一種形式則為物流中心。 物流中心的設計是用於接收來自供應商的貨物﹐及運送來自個體商或客戶的訂單。 © 2005 Prentice Hall

實體配銷、供應鍊和物流管理 運輸: 庫存管理: 妥善的庫存管理確保公司不會在原料及成品上缺貨﹐及不會承擔庫存太多高單價原料的風險。 當公司需要運送產品至國內和國外時﹐有鐵路、卡車、空運、海運及管線五種運送方式。 © 2005 Prentice Hall

運 輸 貨物運輸策略包含了分析各種運輸方式﹐或是兩種以上運輸方式的組合﹐以求得符合現況的最佳模式。 運 輸 This slide allows the professor to walk the students through discussion of channel strategy. They are encouraged to create a situation that will allow the class to utilize the table and determine the best channel strategy. 貨物運輸策略包含了分析各種運輸方式﹐或是兩種以上運輸方式的組合﹐以求得符合現況的最佳模式。 © 2005 Prentice Hall

接續下一章 第 13 章 全球行銷溝通決策 I: 廣告與公共關係 © 2005 Prentice Hall