应义钧 IBM华东区/华中区 系统与技术事业部总经理


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Presentation transcript:

应义钧 IBM华东区/华中区 系统与技术事业部总经理 Title Chart: Infrastructure 简化: Accelerating the move to on demand

议程 IBM随需应变的战略 简化 自我管理 客户案例

议程 IBM随需应变的战略 简化 自我管理 客户案例

世界450名主导企业CEO正在考虑哪些问题? CEO的要求 CIO面临的挑战 增加收入控制成本 以主要优势为重点还是搞多样化 提高人员工作效率 IT与业务目标相统一增加盈收,同时控制成本 利用IT提高组织的灵活性和应变能力 如何利用IT提高员工及部门的工作效率 资料来源: CEO Study of 456 WW CEOs IBM Corporation - Feb 2004 资料来源: Operating Environment Market Drivers Study, IBM Corp. 2004

CIO面临的挑战 – 普遍流行的术语… 管理服务级别 迅速响应业务变化 降低IT成本 管理风险 提高系统管理能力和人员工作效率 Major Points to Make on this Chart: Businesses today are facing a myriad of challenges Speaking points: Over 63% of Tivoli Customers said reducing IT costs is their top priority in the coming year A Majority of Tivoli customers said their top priority was doing more with less Up to 40% of today’s outages result from operator errors 25-50% of IT resources are spent on problem determination and resolution Outages of business-critical systems cost up to $2.8M per year New applications get delayed by maintenance of diverse existing systems 4 out of 5 IT dollars spent on operations, maintenance, and minor enhancements In another study of over 1300 customers in the G7 countries and China: Over 80% said protecting customer and employee information – an element of risk – was of high concern 69% were concerned about ensuring infrastructure reliability and availability to support BUSINESS operations over 60% said responding quickly to opportunities, competition and regulation was of high concern a large majority said Maximizing utilization of existing computing resources was a top concern Finally, nearly 60% were concerned about effectively using information to support business decisions ***** Script follows ***** Managing service levels in complex, heterogeneous environments Over the years, as businesses have grown, IT infrastructures have expanded with them. When many of the current services were offered, hardware, software, and IT support was added specifically for that service. The new IT Infrastructures were deployed independently like towers or “silos” within the business, each having IT infrastructure from various vendors. Initially this worked. In today’s environment many businesses are left with complex heterogeneous environments to keep running, and running efficiently. This is a major challenge for many businesses today. (IBM Study - 69% were concerned about ensuring infrastructure reliability and availability to support business operations) Increasing resource utilization These complex systems are now being taxed to provide more and more services and be available on a 24 hour basis 7 days a week. e-business is now the norm, and customers are demanding more services on-line that are always available, and performing at top speed. If you aren’t providing the service, they look for someone else who does. Customers are not as loyal as they were in the past. Competition is increasing as businesses fight to maintain their bottom line. Reducing IT costs As the complexity of IT is increasing, and the demand for customer services are on the increase, we find ourselves in an economy that is requiring that all businesses across the board, including on their IT infrastructure. All businesses are looking for ways to do more with less. Questions like how do I get more performance out of my current IT infrastructure? How do I manage this complex environment with my current IT staff? Are there ways to do what I need to accomplish my business objective, be a top competitor, and still show a return on my investment? How do I better utilize the IT infrastructure all ready in place so that the business provides competitive services without extra cost? Over 63% of Tivoli Customers said reducing IT cost is their top priority in the coming year, and a majority of Tivoli customers said their top priority was “doing more with less”. (IBM Study – a large majority said Maximizing utilization of existing computing resources was a top concern) Operational changes too slow and flexibility too limited Even when businesses today start making operational changes, the process is slow and often times manual. It takes days and weeks to respond to even minor changes in some cases. If businesses are not quick on their feet, they can loose valuable customers to the competition, and loose share due to missed opportunities they could have capitalized on if they had been more flexible. Businesses are demanding better system management tools that will allow them to make changes on demand and to integrate their own business rules on their systems. (IBM Study - over 60% said responding quickly to opportunities, competition, and regulation was of high concern). Managing increasing amounts of risk As businesses are growing, so is the risk, and may of us are worried about it. Risk of business critical data being lost, risk of IT environments being down which can cost a business millions of dollars, risk of security within our systems, and issues of privacy, and risk of loosing customers that are looking for services that aren’t provided by your business. In a recent IBM study, 80% indicated that protecting customer and employee information is an element of risk, and was of High Concern. Transition: Let’s look at how customers are attempting to address these challenges in a traditional IT environment… CIO面临的挑战 – 普遍流行的术语… 管理服务级别 迅速响应业务变化 降低IT成本 管理风险 提高系统管理能力和人员工作效率

随需应变的架构 IBM随需应变技术蓝图… 灵活的 业务服务 应用 以服务为中心 自我管理 简化架构 灵活的 业务服务 外包服务 开放式架构产品 IBM全球租赁事业部 由新的及现有 软件构成应用层 应用 基层 业务 原有系统 打包 以服务为中心 由提供多样化服务 的组件构成以服务为中心的架构 ESB 自我管理 服务 – 技术 – 产品 eWLM, 配置, 协调.. 系统管理 随需应变的架构 简化架构 物理服务器,网络,存储系统简化

所有(软件,操作系统, 网络) 都是应用所必须的 IBM随需应变数据中心构想 不同就绪状态的 资源库 自我管理 集群 简化硬件 客户 与应用集群 企业 服务总线 以服务 为中心 灰单元: 所有(软件,操作系统, 网络) 都是应用所必须的 网络光纤

议程 IBM随需应变的战略 简化 自我管理 以服务为中心 客户案例

系统利用率的走势 目前 1997 平均 系统利用率 服务器 与映象的数量 UNIX: 15 to 20% Intel: 7 to 15% 多 服务器投资 回报率不断下降 服务器 成效比 不断下降 IT架构成本 不断上升 软件和应用程序 许可费 不断上升 IT人员成本 不断上升 UNIX: 45至75% Intel: 35至65% 少 1997 资料来源: Scorpion Data Collection, Forrester Research and IDC

IT开销模式 … … 从1995年到2003年 … … 人员 软件 硬件按%计算 IT开销走势 开支按%计算 增长三倍 (3x) 20 40 60 80 100 120 1995 2003 开 (资料来源: IBM Scorpion Studies) 20 40 60 80 100 120 1995 2003 时间 开支 分摊比例 硬件 软件 人员 其他 … … 从1995年到2003年 … … Other Other 其他 Other Other 其他 人员 开支按%计算 Personnel Personnel 人员 增长三倍 (3x) Software Software 软件 Personnel Personnel 人员 软件 开支按%计算 增长两倍 (2x) Software Software 软件 硬件按%计算 Hardware Hardware Hardware 硬件 Hardware Hardware Hardware 硬件 少于原来的1/3 资料来源: Source: Scorpion Data Collection Scorpion Data Collection

为什么简化? 便于管理; 提高利用率; 降低成本; 以技能为重点 只买需要的 简化环境 侧重于核心技能 提高业务变化的响应速度 DB®服务器 DNS服务器 平均利用率10% ? 文件/打印服务器 平均利用率10% ? 电子邮件服务器 平均利用率10% ? 防火墙 平均利用率10% ? 服务器 平均利用率10% ? 应用服务器 平均利用率 20% ? Web服务器 平均利用率10% ? DB®服务器 应用服务器 Web服务器 DNS服务器 文件/打印 电子邮件 防火墙 The systems technologies in the Virtualization Engine allow a client to easily and securely consolidate applications using virtual images on a single server. The powerful hypervisors in our systems give the client the capability to use micro-partitioning and abstract the virtual images from the physical processors. In additional, the hypervisors also give you the capability to define virtual I/O and network connections. This can dramatically reduce the number of discrete servers required for any infrastructure and allow the client to allocate new virtual servers to quickly respond to business demands.

利用您身边的技术简化您的IT环境 Most performance* Most performance for the price* IBM z系列大型主机 运行几乎所有的金融数据 IBM i系列服务器 最为安全的服务器 IBM p系列服务器 性能最好的服务器 IBM x系列服务器 性价比最佳服务器 IBM 存储服务器 整合您的所有数据 Most performance for the price* IBM虚拟化引擎 (IBM VE) SVC虚拟化 SAN存储网络 Vmware 虚拟技术 刀片服务器 虚拟IO 虚拟网络 分区负载均衡 Most affordable* 分区、动态分区和微分区 *Comparison of UNIX and Linux operating system platform offerings from IBM System p5, IBM BladeCenter® and IBM IntelliStation POWER workstations as of February 14, 2006

议程 IBM随需应变的战略 简化 自我管理 客户案例


自动计算 自我管理系统有助于… 提高响应能力 业务弹性 保证信息与资源安全 运营效率 应对不断变化的环境 发现,诊断并采取措施避免业务中断 自动计算 自我管理系统有助于… 提高响应能力 应对不断变化的环境 业务弹性 发现,诊断并采取措施避免业务中断 保证信息与资源安全 预测, 检测, 识别并 避免受到攻击 运营效率 调配资源平衡工作量实现IT资源利用最大化 So what does it mean for an IT environment to be autonomic? To net it out, it means that systems are self-configuring, self-healing, self-optimizing and self-protecting. Systems that are self-configuring have the ability to adapt dynamically to changing environments, the ability to add and remove components to and from the systems, change the environment as is necessary depending on workloads. Just imagine if you no longer needed to worry about the interactions between components when you add a new application or capability. That’s part of what self-configuring is all about. The bottom line is IT agility - the ability to respond rapidly to changing demands. Self-healing is all about business resiliency, the ability to discover, diagnose, prevent, and recover from disruptions, keeping the system going. With increased business dependence on IT and internal and external users demanding 24x7 availability, this is more important than ever. Self-optimizing is about operational efficiency -- tuning the resources, balancing workloads, making the maximum use of the IT resources that are available. And in today’s world that’s something that has to be done and redone continuously since the workloads are so variable. In the old days, when workloads were more predictable, it was a question of tuning the systems to support the workload and then letting them run. In today’s world, the workloads change dynamically and dramatically and systems need to continuously monitor and self-tune, adapting and learning from the environment around them. And self-protecting... Now that our IT systems are open to the public so to speak, security is ever more important... So, self-protecting is about the ability of the system to secure information and resources, by anticipating, detecting, identifying, and protecting from attacks of any kind. So how do we get there?

自动计算创造业务价值 提高灵活性和服务质量 加速实现价值 提高IT投资回报率(ROI) 随时满足您的需求 优化工作效率和业务价值 安全可靠 快速部署执行业务战略的应用 提高IT投资回报率(ROI) 提高系统利用率 提高人员工作效率 利用再投资提高IT生产效率并节省成本 “自动计算需要几年的时间才能实现,不过利用IBM设计的模型,这一进程中的 每一步都可以取得收益,从而相当快地取得投资回报。” —Mike Gilpin

协调与配置 实时动态部署优化IT资源 动态添加、删除、移动和配置服务器、分区、存储和网络资源 满足不断变化的业务和工作量的需求 将“just in case”的配置模式改变为“just in time”配置…. 基于虚拟化引擎的平台具备“随时协调”能力 举例… 开发与测试 联网游戏 mySAP 虚拟化环境 CRM应用 ERP应用 SCM应用 开发与测试 办公 系统配置 资源虚拟化 共享资源库 On Click 5 Animations take place: CRM is overprovisioned and servers can be removed These servers get neutralized in the shared pool BW needs many additional servers, because of data load processes R/3 Production is in maintenance mode (e.g. Upgrade) servers can be put to development system, where test is running together with additional disk space Rest of servers is added fo shared pool 5) After mainenance R/3 is goining to run in HA mode and hence zSeries is used implement a HA solution based on virtual servers (zLinux) the screenshot shows an animation of servers being added from free pools to various applications, being taken away from an application because, perhaps, it was underutilized, or it was less important to the business and it was needed in a production environment as the production environment became less busy. And it could be back – added back to the free pool and then back-deployed into a test environment or, perhaps, into another application. So, what the provisioning technology is – that’s part of the Virtualization Engine is built on Tivoli Provisioning Manager. So, it is – from a code base, it's the Tivoli Provisioning Manager with workflows that have been especially designed and tested to support IBM servers and storage. The key message from a customer perspective is that any workflow that they build for Tivoli Provisioning Manager can be run and deployed in the Virtualization Engine under system provisioning. In the same way, if they choose to build workflows using the Virtualization Engine technology, they can take those workflows. And if they choose to purchase the full-fledged TPM to manage non-IBM server environments, they can take advantage of those same workflows and deploy them on top of the TPM, the Tivoli Provisioning Manager, product if they purchase that. = 物理系统或逻辑分区 实时动态部署优化IT资源 由 配置管理器加以支持

议程 IBM随需应变的战略 简化 自我管理 客户案例

案例: 香港客户案例研究 调查合并460个OPEN服务器的可行性 案例: 香港客户案例研究 调查合并460个OPEN服务器的可行性 以57个物理服务器取代376个服务器节省服务器、软件和人员费用,从而节省系统总成本(TCO) 预计新技术初期投资610万美元 预计减少经常性费用年均310万美元,5年可达950万美元 (扣减初期投资) 投资回收期1年零11个月 投资成本不含经常性费用。 节省占地面积150m2。

案例2: 5年TCO收益 总计: 5年 项目总额: 5年 成本比较 5年总成本 基本 Alt ........…服务器投资 新增服务器成本 1,872,351 1,765,860 服务器更新成本 4,160,780 40,000,000 ........…服务器运行成本 服务器管理费 13,510,080 8,731,733 ........…服务器投资 35,000,000 服务器维护费 5,144,645 1,499,878 新增服务器成本 服务器设施费 1,876,663 957,389 [不含服务器Dep'n] 服务器更新成本 30,000,000 服务器软件成本 6,839,878 4,849,001 ........…服务器运行成本 ........…存储成本 服务器管理费 存储扩容成本 25,000,000 存储维护费 服务器维护费 存储管理费 服务器设施费 ........…一次性成本 20,000,000 硬件与软件采购成本 6,059,150 [不含服务器Dep'n] 服务器处理费用 服务器软件成本 服务器移植费用 15,000,000 ........…存储成本 净现投资 6,059,150 存储扩容成本 年均降低经常性成本 3,120,107 10,000,000 存储维护费 5年NPV与节省费用 6,802,182 9,541,386 回收期 1年零11个月 存储管理费 5,000,000 ........…一次性成本 硬件与软件采购成本 服务器处理费用 Base Alt 服务器移植成本

部分不愿透露名称的客户架构简化的收益结果 类型 目前服务器 目标解决方案领域 3年节省费用 1 NT架构 300 Windows NT 1 z-VM (100 Linux) ~50%-60% 2 Sybase服务器 110 Unix 2 p-AIX-HACMP (6w) ~40%-50% 3 企业内部网服务器 81 Windows 21 x-Windows (2w) ~40%-45% 4 网上银行 38 Windows NT 1 z-VM (38 Linux) ~45%-50% 5 非生产型Windows 144 Windows 18 x-Windows 4w, VMWare ~40%-50% 6 大型web门户 39 Unix 39 x-Linux (2&4w) ~60%-70% 7 交换服务器 50 Windows NT 8 HA x-Windows (4w) ~20%-30% 8 SQL服务器 80 Windows NT 9 x-Windows (8w) ~45%-55% 9 Web交易 24 Unix 1 z-VM (24 Linux) ~50%-70%


随需应变的数据中心 CRM ERP SCM CRM ERP SCM 非虚拟环境 技术孤岛 系统管理复杂 资源不共享 架构庞大 HP 互联网 WAN LAN CRM ERP SCM 非虚拟环境 技术孤岛 系统管理复杂 资源不共享 架构庞大 难以配置新的工作量 僵化不灵活 VHCI VPN 虚拟服务器 虚拟存储 CRM ERP SCM 虚拟环境 通用技术平台 易于系统管理 资源库共享 架构简单 易于配置新的工作量 随需应变且灵活 NOTES/COMMENTS The ability to manage an enterprise with flexible IT solutions is increasingly important in today’s dynamic marketplace. Your organizations must be able to adjust to unpredictable demands effectively. IBM pSeries on demand technology is fundamentally about flexibility. From an enhanced functionality perspective, the Capacity on Demand offerings announced in May and October of 2003 are exactly what the market needs. And, our dynamic LPAR capabilities will be expanded through unique virtualization capabilities. UNIX systems today are utilized only an average of 10-15 percent. IBM pSeries is enabling customers to improve this situation today with dynamic LPAR. For example, customers can set up virtual servers immediately for quick application deployment. They can dynamically increase or decrease resources whenever necessary without disrupting the business. Dynamic LPAR essentially allocates the processing power where it’s needed in a flexible and efficient manner like never before. IBM plans for virtualization to improve significantly with POWER5-based technology—to much more like the superior utilization today of mainframes. POWER5 itself is a virtualization enabler designed to allow uncapped partitions in shared processor pools, and up to 10 logical partitions per processor with a potential total of 254 partitions in a single system. Virtual I/O, LAN and storage will represent complete virtual integration that’s changing the definition of workload flexibility.

基本成效… IBM的3大重点 - 简化 自我管理 以服务为中心 随需应变的架构可以 减少复杂性 提高灵活性 降低成本 提高利用率 加快实现业务价值 IBM的3大重点 - 简化 自我管理 以服务为中心 You’ve heard about our new IBM Virtualization Engine, leveraging and extending our proven virtualization capabilities. The bottom line is that clients will realize new cabilities through the IBM Virtualization Engine™ that wil enable them to achieve an on demand breakthrough. By extending these technologies across IBM platforms more clients will be able to capitalize on this technology to simplify their infrastructure, reduce costs and ultimately create more integration across servers, storage, services, firmware and operating systems. The Virtualization Engine™ enables a tight linkage between IT and business allowing clients to : See More - Discover , view & manage resources across the enterprise Share More - Share - resources to enable their systems to work together better Use More - Optimize - to dramatically increase resource utilization and flexibility

随需应变的数据中心 谢谢大家