Evidence-based Nursing


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Presentation transcript:

Evidence-based Nursing 循证护理 Evidence-based Nursing 王克芳 0531-88382201 山东大学护理学院 wangkf@sdu.edu.cn

Course introduction The course (教学日历) Course Code: 0680022 Course introduction The course (教学日历) Course Code: 0680022 Day and Time: Tuesday/hursday 1:30-4:30pm

REFERENCE BOOK(参考教材) 胡雁主编. 循证护理学,人民卫生出版社, 2012年 胡雁主编. 循证护理学,人民卫生出版社, 2012年 唐金陵主编 .循证医学基础, 北京大学出版社, 20 10年 Melnyk B.M. Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, 2nd 课程网站:http://course.sdu.edu.cn/G2S/Template/View.aspx?action=view&c ourseType=0&courseId=619

Course introduction EVALUATION Measure Percent Due Date Course introduction EVALUATION Measure Percent Due Date 1. Class Activities(individual) 15   2. Identifying the Clinical Question using the PICO Format(group) 10 Nov. 28 3. Critical Appraisal of literatures(a RCT+ a SR)(group) 20 Dec. 7 4. Critical Appraisal of a clinical practice guideline(group) Dec. 10 5. Evidence-Based Paper(Oral Presentation, group) 30 Dec 21 6. Quiz(individual) Total 100

分 组

Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice 1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice WHAT is Evidence-based Practice? WHY need Evidence-based Practice? ORIGIN and development of EBP? HOW can we perform EBP?

Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice 1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice WHAT is Evidence-based Practice? WHY need Evidence-based Practice? ORIGIN and development of EBP? HOW can we perform EBP?

EBP是指认真、明确和明智地应用现有的最佳证据,同时结合专业人员的个人专业技能和临床经验,考虑患者的愿望,对患者作出医疗决策。 Definition of EBP EBP是指认真、明确和明智地应用现有的最佳证据,同时结合专业人员的个人专业技能和临床经验,考虑患者的愿望,对患者作出医疗决策。 the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual. Health care professionals who perform EBP use research evidence along with clinical exper tise and patient values.  Key to delivering the highest quality of healthcare and ensuring the best patient outcome Not the norm in many healthcare systems across globe EBM是指认真、明确和明智地应用现有的最佳证据,同时结合医生的个人专业技能和临床经验,考虑患者的愿望,对患者作出医疗决策。 核心思想:医疗决策应建立在最新、最佳临床证据的基础上 目的:保证临床医疗决策的科学化 证据与临床实践缺一不可: 缺乏最好、最新的研究证据,临床医生可能采用已经过时的方法,沿用旧观念,而给病人造成损害 有人将临床经验称之为“随着经验的增加更有信心犯同样的错误”,making the same mistakes with increasing confidence over the years 忽视临床实践经验的医生即使得到了最好的证据也可能用错 7

Knowledge Sources for EBP Valid research evidence The primary basis of clinical decisions Clinical expertise To best use research by filling in gaps and combining it with practice-based evidence to tailor clinical actions for individual patients’ contexts Patient choices and concerns For determining the acceptability of evidence-based care to the individual patient

Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice 1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice WHAT is Evidence-based Practice? WHY need Evidence-based Practice? ORIGIN and development of EBP? HOW can we perform EBP?

1989年一项震惊整个医学界的研究 Why EBP? Of 226 maneuvers in obstetrics & childbirth (在产科使用的226种方法中, 临床试验或系统综述证明): 20% were beneficial (有效: 疗效大于副作用) 30% were harmful or of doubtful value (有害或疗效可疑) 50% had no RCT evidence available (缺乏随机试验证据) Iain Chalmers et al. Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989

对护理实践的再思考 术前剃毛备皮的方式是最佳的吗? 外科手术病人需要术前12h禁食、禁水吗? 保留导尿管更换的时间是2周吗? 采用机械通气的患者连续吸痰的次数有限制吗? 压疮患者的疮面能否用鹅颈灯烤? 对长期卧床患者骶尾部皮肤是否要定期进行按摩? 是否应该对ICU躁动的患者进行约束?

教材怎么说?老师怎么教的? 随着时间的推移,知识的老化,掌握新知识的水平与医学院毕业的年限呈负相关关系; 大学里教给学生的知识,在10年后约有50%是错误的,而教师往往不知道错的是哪一半。 随着时间的推移,知识的老化,掌握新知识的水平与医学院毕业的年限呈负相关关系;

到杂志上看看有没有这方面的研究? 全世界每年有200多万篇论文发表在3万多生物医学杂志( 年增长 率约7%) 全世界每年有200多万篇论文发表在3万多生物医学杂志( 年增长 率约7%) 内科医师每天阅读19篇本专业文献才能基本掌握本学科的新进展 和新研究结果。 突出矛盾:如何迅速地获取有关的信息?

到杂志上看看有没有这方面的研究? 而且:同一主题的不同研究结果不一致时怎么办? Sackett等调查一周之内内科临床医师阅读医学文献 的时间<90分钟。 一47岁的绝经期妇女,根据目前的病情建议她采用雌 激素替代治疗。她略懂医药,就拿出一份剪报,该剪报评 论了一篇发表在国内著名医学杂志上的文章,并反对使用 雌激素,理由是增加乳腺癌的发病风险。她同时指出该期 杂志的另一篇文章发现使用雌激素增加心血管病的死亡率 怎么办? 过去一周没 有阅读资料 的人数比例 而且:同一主题的不同研究结果不一致时怎么办?

答 案 循证实践(evidence based practice)的理念和方法便可以帮助护理人员用科学的方法寻求信息、分析信息、利用信息,以解决临床实践中的实际问题。 2018/11/20

Benefits from EBP Why EBP? Highest quality of care and Best patient outcomes Reduction in healthcare costs Reduction in geographic variations in care Promotion of retention of healthcare workers In spite of these benefits, familiarity and implementation of EBP remains low

Why EBP?  It is no longer your job to know everything, even in your chosen specialty. It is your job to be able to find the right information from the right place as and when you and your patients need it.

Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice 1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice WHAT is Evidence-based Practice? WHY need Evidence-based Practice? ORIGIN and development of EBP? HOW can we perform EBP?

1992年: 循证医学的诞生 Origins and development of EBP? 美国医学会杂志 (JAMA) 1992刊登了加拿大McMaster大学循证医学工作组David Sackett等人一篇题名为 “循证医学: 医学实践教学的新模式” (Evidence-Based Medicine – A New Approach to Teaching the Practice of Medicine) 的文章,循证医学第一次在医学文献中亮相。 (Source: JAMA 1992;268:420-5)

他根据妊娠与分娩的RCT结果撰写的系 统评价,成为随机对照试验和系统评价 方面的一个真正里程碑,并指出其它专 业也应遵循这种方法。 In 1972, he criticized the medical profession for not providing rigorous reviews of evidence to the police makers and organizations He believed that evidence from RCTs was the strongest evidence for clinical decision making. 他根据妊娠与分娩的RCT结果撰写的系 统评价,成为随机对照试验和系统评价 方面的一个真正里程碑,并指出其它专 业也应遵循这种方法。 阿奇 . 考科伦 (1909-1988) (Archie Cochrane) 英国著名流行病学家 英国著名流行病学家阿奇.考科伦医生看到了这些研究证据对临床实践的巨大的潜在意义和价值,尖锐地指出 了整个医学界对这些研究成果的忽视,从而唤起了社会对系统总结、传播和利用临床研究证据的重视。 21

Origins and development of EBP? 1992年《Journal of American Medical Association》 发表 了EBM工作组对EBM的全面阐述。 1995年以后 国际上其它著名的医学期刊,如 《British Medi cal Journal》、《The New Eng1and Journal of Medicine》 、《The Lancet》、《Annals of Internal Medicine》发表 有关EBM的系列述评及评论 1992年在英国伦敦 成立“Cochrane中心” 1993年10月,正式建立了世界范围的Cochrane协作网 1998年中国成立Cochrane中心--华西医科大学 目前,国内临床医学模式仍停留在传统的经验医学模式,多数医疗单位的临床研究仍停留在叙述性临床病例总结的水平,临床研究方法十分混乱,许多先进的方法不会用,不了解,只能总结临床经验。 临床研究因为方法学的落后,研究水平很难跟基础研究相比。 EBM在我国临床诊治实践、撰写论文、开展临床科研等方面的应用还非常薄弱。 23

循证护理的组织 1996年 澳大利亚Joanna Briggs循证卫生保健中心(Joanna B riggs Institute, JBI)成立 中心致力于循证实践的研究、创新、交流和合作 设60多个协作中心:澳大利亚、英国、美国、加拿大、西班牙、南 非、中国、韩国、日本、新加坡、泰国等90多个国家。 中国有4个JBI循证实践分中心: 香港中文大学JBI循证护理分中心(1997年成立) 复旦大学JBI循证护理分中心(2004年成立) http://nursing.fudan.edu.cn/xzzx/ 台湾国立阳明大学JBI循证护理分中心(2006年成立) 北京大学JBI循证护理分中心(2012年成立)



Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice 1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice WHAT is Evidence-based Practice? WHY need Evidence-based Practice? ORIGIN and development of EBP? HOW can we perform EBP?


循证医学实践的类别 证据提供者(doer) 证据应用者(user) 确定临床问题 +++ 任务 收集与评价文献 提供最佳证据 正确的应用证据 专业基础与技能 临床实践 临床流行病学研究方法 临床统计学 卫生统计学 社会医学 计算机技能 ++ + 技术力量 团队 个体 王家良《询证医学》p4 31

Steps of the EBN Process Evidence-based nursing(EBN) the practice of nursing in which the nurse makes clinical decisions on the basis of the best available current research evidence, his or her own clinical expertise, and the needs and preferences of the patient ----Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier.

Steps of the EBN Process Assess the outcome and disseminate the results Ask important questions about the care of individuals, communities, or populations Five steps of EBP Acquire the best available evidence regarding the question. Apply the evidence 1.Ask important questions about the care of individuals, communities, or populations.  2.Acquire the best available evidence regarding the question. 3.Critically appraise the evidence for validity and applicability to the problem at hand.  4.Apply the evidence by engaging in collaborative health decision-making with the affected individual(s) and/or group(s). Appropriate decision-making integrates the context, values and preferences of the care recipient, as well as available resources, including professional expertise. 5.Assess the outcome and disseminate the results. Critically appraise the evidence for validity and applicability

Barriers to EBP Lack of knowledge Information overload Lack of role models Lack of time or money Resistance to change Misperceptions – require education

Facilitators of EBP Support from leaders and peers Adequate time Resources Journal clubs and EBP rounds Determined effort is often required in order to address barriers and facilitate the implementation of EBP

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